
楼主 (未名空间)

霉菌在诺曼底st. lo/bayeux方向突破的三个师有两个是德裔师长

The task of taking control of Saint-Lô was entrusted to the XIX Corps
of the First United States Army, under General Charles H. Corlett. As of
July 15, 1944, the corps included:

The 29th Infantry Division, located on the Bayeux road from La Luzerne
to Saint-André-de-l'Épine and moving southwest into the city. It was
commanded by Major General Charles H. Gerhardt.
The 30th Infantry Division, located on the road to Périers to the west of Saint-Lô, near Le Mesnil-Durand, commanded by Major General Leland S. Hobbs.
The 35th Infantry Division, located on the Isigny road and fighting
south to Saint-Lô in a line extending from Pont-Hébert to the vicinity of Hill 122, commanded by Major General Paul W. Baade.

Opposing them, the German army had two divisions protecting the Saint-Lô front:

The 352nd Infantry Division, commanded by Generalleutnant Dietrich Kraiß.
The 3rd Division of the 2nd Parachute Corps, commanded by General der
Fallschirmtruppe Eugen Meindl.


