The First Battle of Seoul(第一次汉城战役) The Korean War began on June 25, 1950 when North Korean forces stormed across the 38th parallel to attack the South Korean capital city of Seoul. Within three days, Seoul had fallen. 1950年6月25日朝鲜战争开始后,朝鲜人民军迅速击溃大韩民国国军,并在6月26日展开对大韩民国首都汉城(今首尔)的攻势,由于大韩民国国军军备较弱,再加上事前准备不足,守军节节往南败退,最后在6月28日,朝鲜人民军成功占领汉城。
The Battle of Osan(乌山战役) The Battle of Osan was the United States’ first involvement in the Korean War. On July 5, 1950, North Korean forces flanked the U.S. task force, which was forced to retreat in disarray. 又称竹美岭战役(죽미령 전투),是1950年7月5日 朝鲜战争期间美军与朝鲜人民军最早的交锋之一,早于授权美国开始组建联合国军并介入朝鲜战争的安理会84号决议两天。
The Battle of Inchon(仁川登陆) The September 1950 Battle of Inchon turned the tide of the war in favor of the United Nations troops. Beginning with an amphibious assault, this battle succeed in capturing the city of Inchon. 仁川战役击退了当时入侵的朝鲜人民军,联合国军接着展开反攻,一连串的胜利向北的进攻于鸭绿江触发了中华人民共和国派遣中国人民志愿军干预联军北上攻势。
The Battle of the Imjin River(雪马里围歼战) The Battle of the Imjin River took place in 1951 when Chinese Nationalist forces attacked British and Belgian troops. This battle was one of the most ferocious of the war as the U.N. troops fought to hold back the massive Chinese army. 又称临津江战役,志愿军第560团在其他部队的配合下,全歼号称英军王牌部队格劳斯 特营及配属分队,缴获坦克18辆、汽车48台。
The Battle of Bloody Ridge(血染岭战役,3个无名山头,美军战后命名血染岭) In late summer 1951, the North Korean army fought fiercely against South Korean and U.S. troops in this multi-day battle. U.N. forces flanked and captured the ridge the North Koreans were trying to hold, but the North Koreans merely moved less than a mile to defend a ridge that would soon be known as Heartbreak Ridge. 血染岭,为了攻下这个位于铁三角地区“大钵”谷地西边的三座山头,美军第二步兵师九团三个营伤亡率达70%,横尸遍野的美军士兵鲜血把这个和砥平里差不多大小的山坡 全都染红了,随军采访的《星条旗报》记者在他的报纸头版报道这次战斗时登出的标题是“Bloody ridge”(血染岭),这座原来没有名字的山岭从此得名血染岭。经过三周战斗,美军付出了2700人的伤亡。
The Battle of Chosin Reservoir(长津湖战役) The North Korean forces caught U.N. troops by surprise with this brutal 17- day battle in late 1950. The U.N. forces managed to fight their way out, inflicting heavy damage on the North Korean army. 志愿军将联合国军逐出北朝鲜,美军和志愿军都有重大伤亡(中方伤亡约5万,美方伤 亡约2万人),是韩战最惨烈的的战役。零下40度,冻死冻伤人员数以千计。
The Battle of Heartbreak Ridge(文登里战役) Almost 30,000 men died in the Battle of Heartbreak Ridge, a month-long engagement in winter 1951, including a good part of the United States’ 23rd infantry regiment. After this battle, U.S. and U.N. commanders decided it wasn’t worth the high price paid in lost lives to gain so little ground. 伤心岭的名字来自目睹了这场战斗的美国随军记者,日本与韩国把它叫做“断肠岭”。3万人应指双方伤亡合计,不是美军单方面伤亡数字。 文登里战役是1951年夏秋季防御战役中的一次反坦克战斗。1951年10月8日,美军第2师(附法国营)和南朝鲜(韩国)军第8师,集中大量坦克沿杨口至文登里公路向北突击 ,实施所谓“坦克劈入战”。中国人民志愿军第68军第204师第610团和师临时组成的反坦克大队,在文登里公路两侧构筑大量反坦克阵地,利用各种反坦克火器,积极打坦克。至10月20日,击毁美军坦克28辆、击伤8辆,粉碎了“联合国军”的“坦克劈入战” ,打退了其对文登里地区的进攻,创造了集火近战打坦克的经验。
Outpost Harry(381东北无名高地战斗) The Chinese army expected that it would be an easy task to take down this small outpost, defended only by one company of U.S. or Greek soldiers at a time. However, after expending almost 89,000 rounds of ammunition, the Chinese had to give up. 志愿军伤亡780人,毙伤联军1800余人。
The Battle of Pakchon(博川战斗) This was one of the first battles the Chinese army participated in after joining the fight. British and Australian troops forced the Chinese army to withdraw to the north in this hot battle in November 1950. 一次伤亡数百人的小规模战斗。
The Battle of White Horse(白马山战役) During the Battle of White Horse, one small hill changed hands 24 times within 10 days. At the end of the battle, the Chinese were forced to retreat, leaving the hill in U.N. hands. 韩军在韩战中唯一的胜利。 白马山战役韩9师及美国空军造成中国军队伤亡6700余人(韩国宣称14322人),38军此役遭挫首开志愿军败给韩国军队的记录。韩军方面也付出了伤亡3,500余人的代价(志 愿军方面记录此役韩国损失9400余人)。作为韩战中对志愿军唯一的获胜战例,韩国军方战后一直大力宣传白马山战役,韩国第9师同时赢得了“白马师”的称号。
The First Battle of Seoul(第一次汉城战役)
The Korean War began on June 25, 1950 when North Korean forces stormed
across the 38th parallel to attack the South Korean capital city of Seoul.
Within three days, Seoul had fallen.
The Battle of Osan(乌山战役)
The Battle of Osan was the United States’ first involvement in the Korean
War. On July 5, 1950, North Korean forces flanked the U.S. task force, which was forced to retreat in disarray.
又称竹美岭战役(죽미령 전투),是1950年7月5日
The Battle of Inchon(仁川登陆)
The September 1950 Battle of Inchon turned the tide of the war in favor of
the United Nations troops. Beginning with an amphibious assault, this battle succeed in capturing the city of Inchon.
The Battle of the Imjin River(雪马里围歼战)
The Battle of the Imjin River took place in 1951 when Chinese Nationalist
forces attacked British and Belgian troops. This battle was one of the most ferocious of the war as the U.N. troops fought to hold back the massive
Chinese army.
The Battle of Bloody Ridge(血染岭战役,3个无名山头,美军战后命名血染岭)
In late summer 1951, the North Korean army fought fiercely against South
Korean and U.S. troops in this multi-day battle. U.N. forces flanked and
captured the ridge the North Koreans were trying to hold, but the North
Koreans merely moved less than a mile to defend a ridge that would soon be
known as Heartbreak Ridge.
全都染红了,随军采访的《星条旗报》记者在他的报纸头版报道这次战斗时登出的标题是“Bloody ridge”(血染岭),这座原来没有名字的山岭从此得名血染岭。经过三周战斗,美军付出了2700人的伤亡。
The Battle of Chosin Reservoir(长津湖战役)
The North Korean forces caught U.N. troops by surprise with this brutal 17-
day battle in late 1950. The U.N. forces managed to fight their way out,
inflicting heavy damage on the North Korean army.
The Battle of Heartbreak Ridge(文登里战役)
Almost 30,000 men died in the Battle of Heartbreak Ridge, a month-long
engagement in winter 1951, including a good part of the United States’ 23rd infantry regiment. After this battle, U.S. and U.N. commanders decided it
wasn’t worth the high price paid in lost lives to gain so little ground.
Outpost Harry(381东北无名高地战斗)
The Chinese army expected that it would be an easy task to take down this
small outpost, defended only by one company of U.S. or Greek soldiers at a
time. However, after expending almost 89,000 rounds of ammunition, the
Chinese had to give up.
The Battle of Pakchon(博川战斗)
This was one of the first battles the Chinese army participated in after
joining the fight. British and Australian troops forced the Chinese army to withdraw to the north in this hot battle in November 1950.
The Battle of White Horse(白马山战役)
During the Battle of White Horse, one small hill changed hands 24 times
within 10 days. At the end of the battle, the Chinese were forced to retreat, leaving the hill in U.N. hands.