Donald Trump will reportedly not attend an election night party at his Washington, DC, hotel, preferring to watch the results wash in away from the public gaze in the White House instead.
The president has meanwhile warned the US Supreme Court that Joe Biden would pack its benches with additional liberal justices if he were to become president, denouncing the prospect of it making “such a ridiculous win possible”, apparently resigned to the election result being determined by a legal ruling following a disputed ballot count.
“If Sleepy Joe Biden is actually elected President, the 4 Justices (plus1) that helped make such a ridiculous win possible would be relegated to sitting on not only a heavily PACKED COURT, but probably a REVOLVING COURT as well,” he tweeted in the early hours of Friday morning.
一个是知道会输得连裤子都没有,准备不承认大选结果。这在自己hotel宣布当然不太 有力,也欠合适。而改在白宫宣布就具有震撼性和自然性。 加上支持者围绕着白宫呐 喊,助威,疯狂,会对社会,司法体系等形成压力。 要不,丫今天一早为啥对最高法 院说不要帮助板凳赢得大选。“If Sleepy Joe Biden is actually elected President, the 4 Justices (plus1) that helped make such a ridiculous win possible would be relegated to sitting on not only a heavily PACKED COURT, but probably a REVOLVING COURT as well,” he tweeted in the early hours of Friday morning.
"Trump is having a meltdown again. He's worried about jail and a boyfriend working his rectum over. I get it, I wouldn't want that either. But Trump made his bed."
船破突然把原定选举之夜在其DC Hotel的大型庆典聚会取消,并由其儿子宣布改到白宫。
Trump news - live: President cancels election party appearance and urges
Supreme Court not to help Biden win
Joe Sommerlad and Gino Spocchia
October 30, 2020, 6:57 AM
Donald Trump will reportedly not attend an election night party at his
Washington, DC, hotel, preferring to watch the results wash in away from the public gaze in the White House instead.
The president has meanwhile warned the US Supreme Court that Joe Biden would pack its benches with additional liberal justices if he were to become
president, denouncing the prospect of it making “such a ridiculous win
possible”, apparently resigned to the election result being determined by a legal ruling following a disputed ballot count.
“If Sleepy Joe Biden is actually elected President, the 4 Justices (plus1) that helped make such a ridiculous win possible would be relegated to
sitting on not only a heavily PACKED COURT, but probably a REVOLVING COURT
as well,” he tweeted in the early hours of Friday morning.
取消自己hotel rally庆典,改到白宫,还要求最高法院不要支持板凳win, 为啥不是
【 在 Fastest (包国强) 的大作中提到: 】
: 以退为进?
: 打悲情牌?
: 床铺有戏!!
【 在 dHb () 的大作中提到: 】
: 取消自己hotel rally庆典,改到白宫,还要求最高法院不要支持板凳win, 为啥不是
: 向着不承认大选结果的路数推进?
【 在 Ken2019 (exoplanet) 的大作中提到: 】
: 因为选票差他妈太多了!
哈哈,你们这帮川轱辘,现在说话还呲牙咧嘴的羞羞答答? 笑死我了。
有力,也欠合适。而改在白宫宣布就具有震撼性和自然性。 加上支持者围绕着白宫呐
喊,助威,疯狂,会对社会,司法体系等形成压力。 要不,丫今天一早为啥对最高法
院说不要帮助板凳赢得大选。“If Sleepy Joe Biden is actually elected
President, the 4 Justices (plus1) that helped make such a ridiculous win
possible would be relegated to sitting on not only a heavily PACKED COURT,
but probably a REVOLVING COURT as well,” he tweeted in the early hours of
Friday morning.
【 在 Roshou16 (肉手儿) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这是怕行刺吧,最近民主党孤注一掷的迹象明显啊
"Trump is having a meltdown again. He's worried about jail and a boyfriend
working his rectum over. I get it, I wouldn't want that either. But Trump
made his bed."
你们五毛真是自作多情。 这个cancel是因为高院对 PA 和 NC的判决, 结果要一周后才定。
那八竿子打不上! 川轱辘怎么和船破一样胡拉被子乱扯毡,一天也准备骗50次?
【 在 HBBH (HBBH) 的大作中提到: 】
: 你们五毛真是自作多情。 这个cancel是因为高院对 PA 和 NC的判决, 结果要一周后
: 才定。
BLM 那天晚上肯定会到处打砸抢烧。这里的左逼准备也上街打砸抢烧么?