
楼主 (未名空间)

"Sorry, I’m married,” he responded impulsively. It wasn’t exactly true — Hay has been legally divorced since 1999, but he lives with his ex-wife,
Jennifer Zacks, an assistant U.S. Attorney in Boston, and their two young
children. The woman quickly apologized, Hay recalls. “I didn’t mean to
bother you,” she said. “I’m just here on business for a few days. I don’t really know anybody.”
A few weeks later, she texted to say she was returning to Cambridge and
wanted to see him. They met the next day at the Sheraton Commander and had
sex. Almost as soon as it was over, Shuman’s mood shifted. She became dour, then angry, telling him she couldn’t abide his keeping their relationship a secret, nor what he says she referred to as his “continued attachment”
to Zacks. She demanded he leave her. Hay was confounded. He wasn’t about to leave his partner of 28 years for a woman he’d slept with twice. He got
dressed and left.
Hay believed he’d identified a kindred spirit in Haider, so he was
sensitive to her emotional state. They confided in each other about their
depression and suicidal thoughts. Hay had been molested as a teenager, and
he told Haider about the experience and the lingering trauma from it. Hay
also struggled with drinking. He insists his friendship with Haider was more familial than romantic: “It wasn’t uncommon for us to say ‘I love you’ in texts. I just offered Mischa as much support as I could.”
Hay’s relationship with the women could be intoxicating. Even in an
international, liberal college town like Cambridge, Hay had never
encountered anyone like them, “nearly perfect people” who were “bright
and kind and sweet to their children and socially conscious,” and whose
family composed a striking, distinctly modern portrait: Haider, a loquacious, impassioned Indian-Pakistani trans woman physicist, the mother of two
children (who call her “Maman”) birthed by the sultry, soft-spoken French daughter of a major Jewish American songwriter (she’s called “Sumi”). (
Haider’s boyfriend Klein, Hay later discovered, also helped raise the
children, who refer to him as “Daddy.”)


Zacks told Hay it was highly unlikely that he could have gotten Shuman
pregnant without ejaculating. (According to a study by Human Fertility, pre-ejaculate can contain enough residual motile sperm from a previous
ejaculation to make its way to an egg, but it’s extremely rare.) “Jennifer suggested I was ignoring the evidence because I wanted to believe the child was mine,” Hay says. “Perhaps she was right.”

knock knock, attractive...


【 在 kg30 () 的大作中提到: 】
: 还没看完呢,哇哈哈
: https://www.thecut.com/2019/07/bruce-hay-paternity-trap-maria-pia-shuman-
: mischa-haider.html
: ...
: "Sorry, I’m married,” he responded impulsively. It wasn’t exactly true —
: Hay has been legally divorced since 1999, but he lives with his ex-wife, : Jennifer Zacks, an assistant U.S. Attorney in Boston, and their two young : children. The woman quickly apologized, Hay recalls. “I didn’t mean to
: bother you,” she said. “I’m just here on business for a few days. I don’
: t really know anybody.”
: ...................


以前有个什么中央文献翻译局(?)的也跟一个女学者 这么搞了好些年?类似的日记体