
楼主 (未名空间)



EPIC GAMES v. APPLE, GOOGLE — Fortnite parent Epic Games sued Apple and
Google for antitrust violations Thursday, raising the stake in the battle
over app store fees. On Thursday morning, Epic Games started letting players bypass the iPhone and Android payment systems -- and their 30 percent fees -- to buy virtual credits more cheaply. Fortnite, with 350 million
registered players as of May, is available on computers, smartphones,
tablets, Sony’s PlayStation, Microsoft’s Xbox and Nintendo Switch.

— ‘Exorbitant fees’: Epic said the change was a response to the “
exorbitant” fees that Apple and Google charge. Within hours of Epic’s
announcement, Apple and Google removed Fortnite from their app stores. “
Epic agreed to the App Store terms and guidelines freely,” Apple said in a statement. “The fact that their business interests now lead them to push
for a special arrangement does not change the fact that these guidelines
create a level playing field for all developers and make the store safe for all users.” Google said it also removed Fortnite from the Play Store
because of policy violations. Android users can still access the app through Samsung’s app store or by downloading directly from Epic.

— #FreeFortnite: Epic responded with a video riffing off Apple’s iconic ‘1984’ ad and a federal antitrust lawsuit. “Epic — and Fortnite’s users
— are directly harmed by Apple’s anti-competitive conduct,” the company
said. In the suit against Google, Epic said the search giant strong-armed
OnePlus and LG to prevent them from preinstalling Fortnite or an Epic Games app on their devices. Epic’s lawyers in the suit include Christine Varney, who helmed the Justice Department’s antitrust division under President
Barack Obama, and Katherine Forrest, a former judge and DOJ antitrust alum.

— Apple antitrust: The Justice Department and state attorneys general have been asking questions about whether the iPhone-maker’s conduct may violate antitrust laws. Apple CEO Tim Cook fielded dozens of questions about the App Store’s policies from House lawmakers at a hearing on antitrust last month. The company declined to comment on the antitrust suit. Google’s Play
Store has come under less scrutiny since Android users can access apps
through other methods.






