
楼主 (未名空间)

武汉病毒所有几个级别的实验室level, 依次是安全曾级最高的P4, P3,P2 和不进入分类的安全程度最低的ordinary laboratory, animal feeding room and relevant
supporting facilities.

对于corona virus等完成实验的病毒,是列被如 p-4 级别管理。 而对于正在进行实验并已经感染的动物和材料, 并不列入p-4管理,而是列入p3级别来管理的。


The National Biosafety Laboratory, Wuhan (NBL3), covering an area of about
280 m2, is divided into the auxiliary working area and the protection area
with its core working area, 140 m2, made up of 3 cell labs, 1 small-sized
animal lab, 1 medium-sized animal lab, and 1 dissecting room. The P3
Laboratory, as the main auxiliary facility of the P4 Laboratory, plays a
significant role in biosafety cluster platforms.

The scope of pathogenic activities that have been applied to be engaged in
by the Laboratory is: the operation of infected materials that have not
cultivated successfully for Ebola, SARS, Nipah, Marburg, Lassa fever virus, and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus; pathogen cultivation,
transformation, detection, susceptibility testing for mycobacterium
tuberculosis and bacillus anthracis, and the experiment of small-sized
animals' infection with mycobacterium tuberculosis; the isolation and
cultivation, virus amplification and collection & use, detection of virus
antigen and antibody, serological neutralization test and small-sized animal infection experiments for TBEV, CHIKV, MERS coronavirus.

这些动物就包括这coronavirus! 而且这是已经经过实验感染的动物。

至于弄进来的原始蝙蝠呀什么的动物, 连P-2,P-1 管理级别都没有。 直接列入安全管理分级以外的动物饲养室了。

The facilities to be built include test facility for fulminant disease
pathogens such as Cellular Level Biosafety Level 4 Laboratory, emerging
disease research facility and fulminant disease pathogen storage facility (
that is, BSL-4, BSL-3 and BSL-2 , ordinary laboratory, animal feeding room
and relevant supporting facilities)




我们要问,弄进来的大量实验用蝙蝠等带毒动物到底是怎么饲养和管理的? 和其它动物到底怎么区隔的? 动物死了后到底怎么销毁的?



武汉病毒研究所的P4国家实验室,是和武汉大学共建的。 研究所的所长是武汉大学副
校长的继任年轻老婆, 在美国硕士毕业。 到底这一任命有什么令人欣慰的子丑寅卯


这个问题其实现在用脚趾头都能想明白。 带天然病毒的蝙蝠在千里之外的云南高原。
自己压根就到不了武汉。 而武汉人又不吃蝙蝠, 只有病毒所才弄了大量的蝙蝠过来搞研究。 所以,除了病毒所,没有哪个傻逼能神经病兮兮莫名其妙的从云南贩运蝙蝠到

搞研究需要大量的蝙蝠,这蝙蝠运到了病毒所以后,怎么管理,问题就多了。 按照中
国科学院网站上对武汉病毒所的介绍,分离成功的病毒保管是P4级别的安全管理。 未
分离完成的半成品和感染过病毒的动物是 p3 级别的安全管理。 至于其它被用于研究
的动物,连P2, P1 管理都没有,就是一般的动物饲养室。那么,武汉病毒所对那些贩运来的蝙蝠到底怎么管理的? 能告诉大家嘛?

再说蝙蝠是能飞的动物,带着病毒飞走几只能知道嘛?死了,让猫或者狗吃了,又如何说得明白? 所以,病毒所应当好好给全国人民说清楚,讲明白!






【 在 CBI 的大作中提到: 】
:武汉病毒所有几个级别的实验室level, 依次是安全曾级最高的P4, P3,P2 和不进
入分类的安全程度最低的ordinary laboratory, animal feeding room and relevant :supporting facilities.
:对于corona virus等完成实验的病毒,是列被如 p-4 级别管理。 而对于正在进行实
验并已经感染的动物和材料, 并不列入p-4管理,而是列入p3级别来管理的。
:The National Biosafety Laboratory, Wuhan (NBL3), covering an area of about :280 m2, is divided into the auxiliary working area and the protection area :with its core working area, 140 m2, made up of 3 cell labs, 1 small-sized
:animal lab, 1 medium-sized animal lab, and 1 dissecting room. The P3











【 在 CBI (史迪威) 的大作中提到: 】
: 武汉病毒所有几个级别的实验室level, 依次是安全曾级最高的P4, P3,P2 和不进入
: 分类的安全程度最低的ordinary laboratory, animal feeding room and relevant : supporting facilities.
: 对于corona virus等完成实验的病毒,是列被如 p-4 级别管理。 而对于正在进行实验
: 并已经感染的动物和材料, 并不列入p-4管理,而是列入p3级别来管理的。
: P3
: The National Biosafety Laboratory, Wuhan (NBL3), covering an area of about
: 280 m2, is divided into the auxiliary working area and the protection area
: with its core working area, 140 m2, made up of 3 cell labs, 1 small-sized : animal lab, 1 medium-sized animal lab, and 1 dissecting room. The P3
: ...................





病毒源现在还无法确定,但是国内舆论(官方的民间的)的导向很显然一直专注于三个方面:1.武汉华南海鲜市场 2.野生动物,蝙蝠,竹鼠和蛇等 3. 人们胡乱吃野味。只



3. 涉及到野生动物科研的场所(包含武汉病毒所饲养的各类科研用野生动物)(科研






【 在 CBI (史迪威) 的大作中提到: 】
: 武汉病毒所有几个级别的实验室level, 依次是安全曾级最高的P4, P3,P2 和不进入
: 分类的安全程度最低的ordinary laboratory, animal feeding room and relevant : supporting facilities.
: 对于corona virus等完成实验的病毒,是列被如 p-4 级别管理。 而对于正在进行实验
: 并已经感染的动物和材料, 并不列入p-4管理,而是列入p3级别来管理的。
: P3
: The National Biosafety Laboratory, Wuhan (NBL3), covering an area of about
: 280 m2, is divided into the auxiliary working area and the protection area
: with its core working area, 140 m2, made up of 3 cell labs, 1 small-sized : animal lab, 1 medium-sized animal lab, and 1 dissecting room. The P3
: ...................



【 在 leewalk (妖蛾子也飞不过沧海) 的大作中提到: 】
: 谈一谈个人的看法。欢迎讨论,请勿置顶。谢绝谩骂。
: 病毒源现在还无法确定,但是国内舆论(官方的民间的)的导向很显然一直专注于三个
: 方面:1.武汉华南海鲜市场 2.野生动物,蝙蝠,竹鼠和蛇等 3. 人们胡乱吃野味。只
: 有海外的报道可以看到对武汉病毒所作为病毒源头的怀疑。正常人都应该承认至少这种
: 怀疑是合理的,如果说病毒的源头很大可能是野生动物携带,那么武汉市可能的源头至
: 少有三个:
: 1.华南海鲜市场和各类野味交易市场(食材用途)
: 2.武汉市动物园和各种娱乐用野生动物场所(娱乐用途)
: 3. 涉及到野生动物科研的场所(包含武汉病毒所饲养的各类科研用野生动物)(科研
: 用途)
: ...................



2019年10月18日,约翰霍普金斯大学School of Public Health,世界经济论坛和比尔盖
茨基金会共同举办了一个会议. 会议讨论的竟然是如果在全球范围内大规模爆发冠状病毒感染和传播应该如何应对. 与会的中国人(可能没有实际参会,但是利用多媒体远程影像语音)就是目前中科院院士,中国疾控中心主任高福. 高福是山西人, 山西农业大学毕业, 牛津博士, 哈佛博士后. 高福的主要研究方向为病原微生物跨种间传播机制与分子免疫学. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%AB%98%E7%A6%8F/15610

这个会议的录像就在油管 youtube.com/watch?v=AoLw-Q8X174&t=60s


这个时间点一个月前, 2019年9月18日,武汉天河机场进行口岸突发事件应急处置演练活动场景,以实战形式,模拟了机场口岸通道发现1例新型冠状病毒感染的处置全过程https://m.weibo.cn/status/4418347615555173?



【 在 simadong (simadong) 的大作中提到: 】
: 武汉实验室在野外采取动物的程序是否是学术界惯例?如果是的话,任何一个从事类似
: 病毒研究的研究所都有所谓嫌疑。



【 在 CBI (史迪威) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个问题其实现在用脚趾头都能想明白。 带天然病毒的蝙蝠在千里之外的云南高原。
: 自己压根就到不了武汉。 而武汉人又不吃蝙蝠, 只有病毒所才弄了大量的蝙蝠过来搞
: 研究。 所以,除了病毒所,没有哪个傻逼能神经病兮兮莫名其妙的从云南贩运蝙蝠到
: 武汉玩。
: 搞研究需要大量的蝙蝠,这蝙蝠运到了病毒所以后,怎么管理,问题就多了。 按照中
: 国科学院网站上对武汉病毒所的介绍,分离成功的病毒保管是P4级别的安全管理。 未
: 分离完成的半成品和感染过病毒的动物是 p3 级别的安全管理。 至于其它被用于研究
: 的动物,连P2, P1 管理都没有,就是一般的动物饲养室。那么,武汉病毒所对那些贩
: 运来的蝙蝠到底怎么管理的? 能告诉大家嘛?
: 再说蝙蝠是能飞的动物,带着病毒飞走几只能知道嘛?死了,让猫或者狗吃了,又如何
: ...................




【 在 leewalk (妖蛾子也飞不过沧海) 的大作中提到: 】
: 常识上讲是的,但是这个事情现在来看水是太深了......
: 2019年10月18日,约翰霍普金斯大学School of Public Health,世界经济论坛和比尔盖
: 茨基金会共同举办了一个会议. 会议讨论的竟然是如果在全球范围内大规模爆发冠状病
: 毒感染和传播应该如何应对. 与会的中国人(可能没有实际参会,但是利用多媒体远程影
: 像语音)就是目前中科院院士,中国疾控中心主任高福. 高福是山西人, 山西农业大学毕
: 业, 牛津博士, 哈佛博士后. 高福的主要研究方向为病原微生物跨种间传播机制与分子
: 免疫学. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%AB%98%E7%A6%8F/15610
: 这个会议的录像就在油管 youtube.com/watch?v=AoLw-Q8X174&t=60s
: 会议的网站上现在有一个声明,大概意思是宣称此次会议议题与武汉肺炎新型冠状病毒
: 爆发纯属巧合.而就在同一天,武汉正在开始世界军人运动会...
: ...................


【 在 leewalk (妖蛾子也飞不过沧海) 的大作中提到: 】
: 常识上讲是的,但是这个事情现在来看水是太深了......
: 2019年10月18日,约翰霍普金斯大学School of Public Health,世界经济论坛和比尔盖
: 茨基金会共同举办了一个会议. 会议讨论的竟然是如果在全球范围内大规模爆发冠状病
: 毒感染和传播应该如何应对. 与会的中国人(可能没有实际参会,但是利用多媒体远程影
: 像语音)就是目前中科院院士,中国疾控中心主任高福. 高福是山西人, 山西农业大学毕
: 业, 牛津博士, 哈佛博士后. 高福的主要研究方向为病原微生物跨种间传播机制与分子
: 免疫学. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%AB%98%E7%A6%8F/15610
: 这个会议的录像就在油管 youtube.com/watch?v=AoLw-Q8X174&t=60s
: 会议的网站上现在有一个声明,大概意思是宣称此次会议议题与武汉肺炎新型冠状病毒
: 爆发纯属巧合.而就在同一天,武汉正在开始世界军人运动会...
: ...................



【 在 leewalk (妖蛾子也飞不过沧海) 的大作中提到: 】
: 常识上讲是的,但是这个事情现在来看水是太深了......
: 2019年10月18日,约翰霍普金斯大学School of Public Health,世界经济论坛和比尔盖
: 茨基金会共同举办了一个会议. 会议讨论的竟然是如果在全球范围内大规模爆发冠状病
: 毒感染和传播应该如何应对. 与会的中国人(可能没有实际参会,但是利用多媒体远程影
: 像语音)就是目前中科院院士,中国疾控中心主任高福. 高福是山西人, 山西农业大学毕
: 业, 牛津博士, 哈佛博士后. 高福的主要研究方向为病原微生物跨种间传播机制与分子
: 免疫学. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%AB%98%E7%A6%8F/15610
: 这个会议的录像就在油管 youtube.com/watch?v=AoLw-Q8X174&t=60s
: 会议的网站上现在有一个声明,大概意思是宣称此次会议议题与武汉肺炎新型冠状病毒
: 爆发纯属巧合.而就在同一天,武汉正在开始世界军人运动会...
: ...................








【 在 CBI (史迪威) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个问题其实现在用脚趾头都能想明白。 带天然病毒的蝙蝠在千里之外的云南高原。
: 自己压根就到不了武汉。 而武汉人又不吃蝙蝠, 只有病毒所才弄了大量的蝙蝠过来搞
: 研究。 所以,除了病毒所,没有哪个傻逼能神经病兮兮莫名其妙的从云南贩运蝙蝠到
: 武汉玩。
: 搞研究需要大量的蝙蝠,这蝙蝠运到了病毒所以后,怎么管理,问题就多了。 按照中
: 国科学院网站上对武汉病毒所的介绍,分离成功的病毒保管是P4级别的安全管理。 未
: 分离完成的半成品和感染过病毒的动物是 p3 级别的安全管理。 至于其它被用于研究
: 的动物,连P2, P1 管理都没有,就是一般的动物饲养室。那么,武汉病毒所对那些贩
: 运来的蝙蝠到底怎么管理的? 能告诉大家嘛?
: 再说蝙蝠是能飞的动物,带着病毒飞走几只能知道嘛?死了,让猫或者狗吃了,又如何
: ...................


首先 你怎么证明武汉海鲜市场的情况是真的
第二 你拿出武汉人吃蝙蝠的证据
第三 柳叶刀说了有相当案例并非来自于海鲜市场,那么海鲜市场可能就未必是原发地






叫什么?多大年龄? 你证明你的说法,那你就要提供证据



【 在 yctsua (dt) 的大作中提到: 】
: 病毒所,就tm卖B所长,去科罗拉多卖B,2年下崽,名曰留学,其实是卖B,除了卖B,
: 学了nothing。
: 回来在后,在草的烂雕指导下,获得博士,接下来2年教授,3年主任,就一投机的女流
: 氓,病毒跑出来,奇怪吗。



【 在 mstp (再试一次) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这事本来水就很深。是武汉病毒所泄露(有意无意),或是
: 被CIA线人恶意投毒都有可能。
: 人类的残忍和邪恶不是华人那些傻白甜大妈和脑残轮子
: 所能想象的,多读读历史就知道了。
: 当年蒙古人往黑海港口投鼠疫尸体,造成欧洲3个世纪鼠疫
: 肆虐,杀了2500多万人。
: 一战德国使用细菌武器,才有了战后日内瓦签订
: 的禁止使用细菌武器的协定。
: 二战日本臭名昭著的黑太阳731,用东北人做人体实验,
: 就都是史实。














更难以想象的是直到武汉病情爆发之后才报道出就是在华南海峡市场发现了新型冠状病毒核酸阳性。1月12号到1月27号这中间有至少的两周的时间,中国疾控中心竟然无法从70个样本中找到任何一个新冠病毒核酸阳性并且报道出来警告公众?直到病情爆发才发现吗? 并且中纪委专门要确认华南海鲜市场就是病毒源。


官方媒体就是要大众相信病毒源就是出自华南海鲜市场的野生动物商铺. 而且样本是在灾情大白于天下之前采集, 大白于天下之后公示! 期间隔了至少两周的时间...


【 在 mstp (再试一次) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这事本来水就很深。是武汉病毒所泄露(有意无意),或是
: 被CIA线人恶意投毒都有可能。
: 人类的残忍和邪恶不是华人那些傻白甜大妈和脑残轮子
: 所能想象的,多读读历史就知道了。
: 当年蒙古人往黑海港口投鼠疫尸体,造成欧洲3个世纪鼠疫
: 肆虐,杀了2500多万人。
: 一战德国使用细菌武器,才有了战后日内瓦签订
: 的禁止使用细菌武器的协定。
: 二战日本臭名昭著的黑太阳731,用东北人做人体实验,
: 就都是史实。



【 在 zhetian (叶凡) 的大作中提到: 】
: 所以要立刻抓捕武汉病毒所的所有人员,由国安,公安立案调查。老虎凳辣椒水都整齐
: 了,不怕这帮生物千老不招供


【 在 leewalk (妖蛾子也飞不过沧海) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这些是历史发生的,但是现在发生的有太多漏洞。各种细思恐极。
: 在明明知道有冠状病毒爆发的风险和8名医生(据说是来自于三个不同的武汉医生群)的
: 爆料之后还要刻意进行辟谣,同时放出病毒不存在人传人的传播等信息,武汉市继续社
: 区大聚会,各种返乡。封城警告提前8小时通知等等。这到底是出于维稳还是恶意,都
: 已经突破了人类底线。
: 而且如果仔细看中纪委的关于华南海鲜市场的报道,第一个问题就是中纪委怎么也能发
: 关于病毒的通告?华南海鲜市场有没有病毒这跟中纪委有什么关系?
: ccdi.gov.cn/yaowen/202001/t20200127_210367.html
: 根据这份中纪委报道,几乎言之凿凿华南海鲜市场就是病毒源。“2019年12月31日,根
: 据中国疾控中心要求,病毒病所选派专家组赴武汉参加疫情防控。于2020年1月1日上午
: ...................



2017年12月29日, 就是距离这次疫情大爆发刚好2年前, 中央电视台有一个专题报道

+++++ 【13年不懈追踪 中国科学家寻获SARS病毒源头】 +++++

在这个长篇报道中,图文并茂的介绍了武汉病毒研究所在全中国各地找蝙蝠,抓蝙蝠,研究蝙蝠的经过和结果。 其中明确的提到,在病毒研究所,不光石正丽团队在研究蝙

而仅仅一个石正丽团队,就对分属不同科属的408只蝙蝠进行了抗体和核酸检测。 愿文是这么说的:



中国科学院武汉病毒研究所 研究员 石正丽:贵州广西广东湖北湖南河南,到处跑,哪里说有蝙蝠洞我们就往哪里去。由于SARS属于致病性高的烈性病毒,05年之后,随着疫情远去,国内的研究者也少了很多。 但石正丽和她团队并没有停止追踪病毒源头的脚
步,他们深入中国西南、华南、华中等地, 在全国各地寻找蝙蝠病毒样本。最远到过

中国科学院武汉病毒研究所 助理研究员 胡犇:有蝙蝠的地方,一个不太好找,

中国科学院武汉病毒研究所 博士生 罗东升:在广东抓蝙蝠的时候,当时洞积水

冠状病毒S基因。2013 年,中科院武汉病毒研究所实验室,从样品中分离出第一
株蝙蝠SARS 样冠状病毒的活病毒,更相近的S基因,让这株病毒能够使用和SARS病


1. 病毒研究所在全国各地到处抓蝙蝠往武汉运。 而且一折腾就是13个年头。这13年里,到底往武汉运了多少只蝙蝠,我们不得而知,但保守估计至少要比408只多很多。 特别是在云南抓回来的蝙蝠,带有明显的和sars类似的冠状病毒。也就是今天到处传染祸害全中国和世界的corona virus.

2. 抓回来蝙蝠,检测到了 corona virus 后,分离出了病毒,并且证明可以不需要所
谓的中间宿体,直接就可以实现从蝙蝠到人的传染。对此,还以武汉病毒研究所的英文简称 WIV1 做了命名。并分别在science 和 nature 上发了两个paper. 就不知道他们



上面这个2017年的报道,说 2013年从云南蝙蝠发现的病毒,是不是前些天刚公布的

如果是Bat-RatG13, 那明显更接近这个2019年的冠状病毒,而不是SARS病毒, 说找到SARS源头并不成立

如果不是Bat-RatG13, 那就是武汉病毒所还藏着一个非常接近SARS的病毒没有公布


一直在误导,现在还在误导。 说说明corona virus 不可以从蝙蝠直接传染给人,必须经过一个中间宿体性的其它动物才能传染给人。所以,病毒发生后,就故意误导全国人民去海鲜市场找证据,找其它野生动物的麻烦。 而且还是病毒所去找的,找完了还装
模做样化验呀,分离呀什么的。最后把责任全部推给了海鲜市场的动物。可是那种动物,一直不敢说,说了其它相关已经在人就会去早那种动物监测。 所以压根不说,打马

事实上,早在2013 年,就是这个武汉病毒研究所,已经从来自云南的蝙蝠身上所携带
的corona virus中分离出第一株蝙蝠SARS类似样的冠状病毒的活病毒,其中就包含了类似于S类型的基因。从而证实这株病毒能够使其接受和SARS病毒相同的受体,并能够感

就是说,从云南弄回来的这种蝙蝠所携带的类似于sars的 corona virus, 可以不经过其它受体/宿体,而直接传染给人。 他们在发paper 时明确强调的核心就是:中国的
bats corona virus 可以直接传染给人,不需要经过其它中间动物/宿体。

Preliminary in vitro testing indicates that WIV1 also has a broad species
tropism. Our results provide the strongest evidence to date that Chinese
horseshoe bats are natural reservoirs of SARS-CoV, and that intermediate
hosts may not be necessary for direct human infection by some bat SL-CoVs.

请看他们自己在2013年11月号发表在nature 上的研究报告是怎么说的吧!

Published: 30 October 2013

Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor

Xing-Yi Ge, Jia-Lu Li, Xing-Lou Yang, Aleksei A. Chmura, Guangjian Zhu,
Jonathan H. Epstein, Jonna K. Mazet, Ben Hu, Wei Zhang, Cheng Peng, Yu-Ji
Zhang, Chu-Ming Luo, Bing Tan, Ning Wang, Yan Zhu, Gary Crameri, Shu-Yi
Zhang, Lin-Fa Wang, Peter Daszak & Zheng-Li Shi

Nature volume 503, pages535–538(2013)Cite this article


The 2002–3 pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) was one of the most significant public health events in recent
history1. An ongoing outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome
coronavirus2 suggests that this group of viruses remains a key threat and
that their distribution is wider than previously recognized. Although bats
have been suggested to be the natural reservoirs of both viruses3,4,5,
attempts to isolate the progenitor virus of SARS-CoV from bats have been
unsuccessful. Diverse SARS-like coronaviruses (SL-CoVs) have now been
reported from bats in China, Europe and Africa5,6,7,8, but none is
considered a direct progenitor of SARS-CoV because of their phylogenetic
disparity from this virus and the inability of their spike proteins to use
the SARS-CoV cellular receptor molecule, the human angiotensin converting
enzyme II (ACE2)9,10. Here we report whole-genome sequences of two novel bat coronaviruses from Chinese horseshoe bats (family: Rhinolophidae) in Yunnan, China: RsSHC014 and Rs3367. These viruses are far more closely related to SARS-CoV than any previously identified bat coronaviruses, particularly in
the receptor binding domain of the spike protein. Most importantly, we
report the first recorded isolation of a live SL-CoV (bat SL-CoV-WIV1) from bat faecal samples in Vero E6 cells, which has typical coronavirus
morphology, 99.9% sequence identity to Rs3367 and uses ACE2 from humans,
civets and Chinese horseshoe bats for cell entry. Preliminary in vitro
testing indicates that WIV1 also has a broad species tropism. Our results
provide the strongest evidence to date that Chinese horseshoe bats are
natural reservoirs of SARS-CoV, and that intermediate hosts may not be
necessary for direct human infection by some bat SL-CoVs. They also
highlight the importance of pathogen-discovery programs targeting high-risk wildlife groups in emerging disease hotspots as a strategy for pandemic

The 2002–3 pandemic of SARS1 and the ongoing emergence of the Middle East
respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)2 demonstrate that CoVs are a
significant public health threat. SARS-CoV was shown to use the human ACE2
molecule as its entry receptor, and this is considered a hallmark of its
cross-species transmissibility11. The receptor binding domain (RBD) located in the amino-terminal region (amino acids 318–510) of the SARS-CoV spike (S) protein is directly involved in binding to ACE2 (ref. 12). However,
despite phylogenetic evidence that SARS-CoV evolved from bat SL-CoVs, all
previously identified SL-CoVs have major sequence differences from SARS-CoV in the RBD of their S proteins, including one or two deletions6,9. Replacing the RBD of one SL-CoV S protein with SARS-CoV S conferred the ability to
use human ACE2 and replicate efficiently in mice9,13. However, to date, no
SL-CoVs have been isolated from bats, and no wild-type SL-CoV of bat origin has been shown to use ACE2.

We conducted a 12-month longitudinal survey (April 2011–September 2012) of SL-CoVs in a colony of Rhinolophus sinicus at a single location in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China (Extended Data Table 1). A total of 117 anal swabs or faecal samples were collected from individual bats using a previously
published method5,14. A one-step reverse transcription (RT)-nested PCR was
conducted to amplify the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) motifs A and C, which are conserved among alphacoronaviruses and betacoronaviruses15.

Twenty-seven of the 117 samples (23%) were classed as positive by PCR and
subsequently confirmed by sequencing. The species origin of all positive
samples was confirmed to be R. sinicus by cytochrome b sequence analysis, as described previously16. A higher prevalence was observed in samples
collected in October (30% in 2011 and 48.7% in 2012) than those in April (7.1% in 2011) or May (7.4% in 2012) (Extended Data Table 1). Analysis of the S protein RBD sequences indicated the presence of seven different strains of SL-CoVs (Fig. 1a and Extended Data Figs 1 and 2). In addition to RBD
sequences, which closely matched previously described SL-CoVs (Rs672, Rf1
and HKU3)5,8,17,18, two novel strains (designated SL-CoV RsSHC014 and Rs3367) were discovered. Their full-length genome sequences were determined, and
both were found to be 29,787 base pairs in size (excluding the poly(A) tail). The overall nucleotide sequence identity of these two genomes with human
SARS-CoV (Tor2 strain) is 95%, higher than that observed previously for bat SL-CoVs in China (88–92%)5,8,17,18 or Europe (76%)6 (Extended Data Table 2 and Extended Data Figs 3 and 4). Higher sequence identities were observed at the protein level between these new SL-CoVs and SARS-CoVs (Extended Data
Tables 3 and 4). To understand the evolutionary origin of these two novel SL-CoV strains, we conducted recombination analysis with the Recombination
Detection Program 4.0 package19 using available genome sequences of bat SL-
CoV strains (Rf1, Rp3, Rs672, Rm1, HKU3 and BM48-31) and human and civet
representative SARS-CoV strains (BJ01, SZ3, Tor2 and GZ02). Three
breakpoints were detected with strong P values (<10 8722="" 20="" and="" supported="" by="" similarity="" plot="" and="" bootscan="" analysis="" Extended="" Data="" Fig.="" 5a="" b="" .="">Breakpoints were located at nucleotides 20,827, 26,553 and 28,685 in the
Rs3367 (and RsSHC014) genome, and generated recombination fragments covering nucleotides 20,827–26,533 (5,727 nucleotides) (including partial open
reading frame (ORF) 1b, full-length S, ORF3, E and partial M gene) and
nucleotides 26,534–28,685 (2,133 nucleotides) (including partial ORF M,
full-length ORF6, ORF7, ORF8 and partial N gene). Phylogenetic analysis
using the major and minor parental regions suggested that Rs3367, or
RsSHC014, is the descendent of a recombination of lineages that ultimately
lead to SARS-CoV and SL-CoV Rs672 (Fig. 1b).

Figure 1: Phylogenetic tree based on amino acid sequences of the S RBD
region and the two parental regions of bat SL-CoV Rs3367 or RsSHC014.
a, SARS-CoV S protein amino acid residues 310–520 were aligned with
homologous regions of bat SL-CoVs using the ClustalW software. A maximum-
likelihood phylogenetic tree was constructed using a Poisson model with
bootstrap values determined by 1,000 replicates in the MEGA5 software
package. The RBD sequences identified in this study are in bold and named by the sample numbers. The key amino acid residues involved in interacting
with the human ACE2 molecule are indicated on the right of the tree. SARS-
CoV GZ02, BJ01 and Tor2 were isolated from patients in the early, middle and late phase, respectively, of the SARS outbreak in 2003. SARS-CoV SZ3 was
identified from Paguma larvata in 2003 collected in Guangdong, China. SL-CoV Rp3, Rs672 and HKU3-1 were identified from R. sinicus collected in China (
respectively: Guangxi, 2004; Guizhou, 2006; Hong Kong, 2005). Rf1 and Rm1
were identified from R. ferrumequinum and R. macrotis, respectively,
collected in Hubei, China, in 2004. Bat SARS-related CoV BM48-31 was
identified from R. blasii collected in Bulgaria in 2008. Bat CoV HKU9-1 was identified from Rousettus leschenaultii collected in Guangdong, China in
2005/2006 and used as an outgroup. All sequences in bold and italics were
identified in the current study. Filled triangles, circles and diamonds
indicate samples with co-infection by two different SL-CoVs. ‘–’
indicates the amino acid deletion. b, Phylogenetic origins of the two
parental regions of Rs3367 or RsSHC014. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic
trees were constructed from alignments of two fragments covering nucleotides 20,827–26,533 (5,727 nucleotides) and 26,534 –28,685 (2,133 nucleotides) of the Rs3367 genome, respectively. For display purposes, the trees were
midpoint rooted. The taxa were annotated according to strain names: SARS-CoV, SARS coronavirus; SARS-like CoV, bat SARS-like coronavirus. The two novel SL-CoVs, Rs3367 and RsSHC014, are in bold and italics.

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The most notable sequence differences between these two new SL-CoVs and
previously identified SL-CoVs is in the RBD regions of their S proteins.
First, they have higher amino acid sequence identity to SARS-CoV (85% and 96% for RsSHC014 and Rs3367, respectively). Second, there are no deletions and they have perfect sequence alignment with the SARS-CoV RBD region (Extended Data Figs 1 and 2). Structural and mutagenesis studies have previously
identified five key residues (amino acids 442, 472, 479, 487 and 491) in the RBD of the SARS-CoV S protein that have a pivotal role in receptor
binding20,21. Although all five residues in the RsSHC014 S protein were
found to be different from those of SARS-CoV, two of the five residues in
the Rs3367 RBD were conserved (Fig. 1 and Extended Data Fig. 1).

Despite the rapid accumulation of bat CoV sequences in the last decade,
there has been no report of successful virus isolation6,22,23. We attempted isolation from SL-CoV PCR-positive samples. Using an optimized protocol and Vero E6 cells, we obtained one isolate which caused cytopathic effect during the second blind passage. Purified virions displayed typical coronavirus
morphology under electron microscopy (Fig. 2). Sequence analysis using a
sequence-independent amplification method14 to avoid PCR-introduced
contamination indicated that the isolate was almost identical to Rs3367,
with 99.9% nucleotide genome sequence identity and 100% amino acid sequence identity for the S1 region. The new isolate was named SL-CoV-WIV1.

Figure 2: Electron micrograph of purified virions.
Virions from a 10-ml culture were collected, fixed and concentrated/purified by sucrose gradient centrifugation. The pelleted viral particles were
suspended in 100 μl PBS, stained with 2% phosphotungstic acid (pH&#
8201;7.0) and examined directly using a Tecnai transmission electron
microscope (FEI) at 200 kV.

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To determine whether WIV1 can use ACE2 as a cellular entry receptor, we
conducted virus infectivity studies using HeLa cells expressing or not
expressing ACE2 from humans, civets or Chinese horseshoe bats. We found that WIV1 is able to use ACE2 of different origins as an entry receptor and
replicated efficiently in the ACE2-expressing cells (Fig. 3). This is, to
our knowledge, the first identification of a wild-type bat SL-CoV capable of using ACE2 as an entry receptor.

Figure 3: Analysis of receptor usage of SL-CoV-WIV1 determined by
immunofluorescence assay and real-time PCR.
Determination of virus infectivity in HeLa cells with and without the
expression of ACE2. b, bat; c, civet; h, human. ACE2 expression was detected with goat anti-humanACE2 antibody followed by fluorescein isothiocyanate (
FITC)-conjugated donkey anti-goat IgG. Virus replication was detected with
rabbit antibody against the SL-CoV Rp3 nucleocapsid protein followed by
cyanine 3 (Cy3)-conjugated mouse anti-rabbit IgG. Nuclei were stained with
DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole). The columns (from left to right) show staining of nuclei (blue), ACE2 expression (green), virus replication (red), merged triple-stained images and real-time PCR results, respectively. (n = 3); error bars represent standard deviation.

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To assess its cross-species transmission potential, we conducted infectivity assays in cell lines from a range of species. Our results (Fig. 4 and
Extended Data Table 5) indicate that bat SL-CoV-WIV1 can grow in human
alveolar basal epithelial (A549), pig kidney 15 (PK-15) and Rhinolophus
sinicus kidney (RSKT) cell lines, but not in human cervix (HeLa), Syrian
golden hamster kidney (BHK21), Myotis davidii kidney (BK), Myotis chinensis kidney (MCKT), Rousettus leschenaulti kidney (RLK) or Pteropus alecto kidney (PaKi) cell lines. Real-time RT–PCR indicated that WIV1 replicated much
less efficiently in A549, PK-15 and RSKT cells than in Vero E6 cells (Fig. 4).

Figure 4: Analysis of host range of SL-CoV-WIV1 determined by
immunofluorescence assay and real-time PCR.
Virus infection in A549, RSKT, Vero E6 and PK-15 cells. Virus replication
was detected as described for Fig. 3. The columns (from left to right) show staining of nuclei (blue), virus replication (red), merged double-stained
images and real-time PCR results, respectively. n = 3; error bars represent s.d.

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To assess the cross-neutralization activity of human SARS-CoV sera against
WIV1, we conducted serum-neutralization assays using nine convalescent sera from SARS patients collected in 2003. The results showed that seven of these were able to completely neutralize 100 tissue culture infectious dose 50 (
TCID50) WIV1 at dilutions of 1:10 to 1:40, further confirming the close
relationship between WIV1 and SARS-CoV.

Our findings have important implications for public health. First, they
provide the clearest evidence yet that SARS-CoV originated in bats. Our
previous work provided phylogenetic evidence of this5, but the lack of an
isolate or evidence that bat SL-CoVs can naturally infect human cells, until now, had cast doubt on this hypothesis. Second, the lack of capacity of SL-CoVs to use of ACE2 receptors has previously been considered as the key
barrier for their direct spillover into humans, supporting the suggestion
that civets were intermediate hosts for SARS-CoV adaptation to human
transmission during the SARS outbreak24. However, the ability of SL-CoV-WIV1 to use human ACE2 argues against the necessity of this step for SL-CoV-WIV1 and suggests that direct bat-to-human infection is a plausible scenario for some bat SL-CoVs. This has implications for public health control measures in the face of potential spillover of a diverse and growing pool of recently discovered SARS-like CoVs with a wide geographic distribution.

Our findings suggest that the diversity of bat CoVs is substantially higher than that previously reported. In this study we were able to demonstrate the circulation of at least seven different strains of SL-CoVs within a single colony of R. sinicus during a 12-month period. The high genetic diversity of SL-CoVs within this colony was mirrored by high phenotypic diversity in the differential use of ACE2 by different strains. It would therefore not be
surprising if further surveillance reveals a broad diversity of bat SL-CoVs that are able to use ACE2, some of which may have even closer homology to
SARS-CoV than SL-CoV-WIV1. Our results—in addition to the recent
demonstration of MERS-CoV in a Saudi Arabian bat25, and of bat CoVs closely related to MERS-CoV in China, Africa, Europe and North America3,26,27—
suggest that bat coronaviruses remain a substantial global threat to public health.

Finally, this study demonstrates the public health importance of pathogen
discovery programs targeting wildlife that aim to identify the ‘known
unknowns’—previously unknown viral strains closely related to known
pathogens. These programs, focused on specific high-risk wildlife groups and hotspots of disease emergence, may be a critical part of future global
strategies to predict, prepare for, and prevent pandemic emergence28.

Methods Summary
Throat and faecal swabs or fresh faecal samples were collected in viral
transport medium as described previously14. All PCR was conducted with the
One-Step RT–PCR kit (Invitrogen). Primers targeting the highly conserved
regions of the RdRP gene were used for detection of all alphacoronaviruses
and betacoronaviruses as described previously15. Degenerate primers were
designed on the basis of all available genomic sequences of SARS-CoVs and SL-CoVs and used for amplification of the RBD sequences of S genes or full-
length genomic sequences. Degenerate primers were used for amplification of the bat ACE2 gene as described previously29. PCR products were gel purified and cloned into pGEM-T Easy Vector (Promega). At least four independent
clones were sequenced to obtain a consensus sequence. PCR-positive faecal
samples (in 200 μl buffer) were gradient centrifuged at 3,000–12,
000g and supernatant diluted at 1:10 in DMEM before being added to Vero E6
cells. After incubation at 37 °C for 1 h, inocula were removed and replaced with fresh DMEM with 2% FCS. Cells were incubated at 37 
°C and checked daily for cytopathic effect. Cell lines from different
origins were grown on coverslips in 24-well plates and inoculated with the
novel SL-CoV at a multiplicity of infection of 10. Virus replication
was detected at 24 h after infection using rabbit antibodies against
the SL-CoV Rp3 nucleocapsid protein followed by Cy3-conjugated goat anti-
rabbit IgG.

Online Methods
Bats were trapped in their natural habitat as described previously5. Throat and faecal swab samples were collected in viral transport medium (VTM)
composed of Hank’s balanced salt solution, pH 7.4, containing BSA (1%), amphotericin (15 μg ml−1), penicillin G (100 U ml−1) and streptomycin (50 μg ml−1). To
collect fresh faecal samples, clean plastic sheets measuring 2.0 by 2.0&#
8201;m were placed under known bat roosting sites at about 18:00 h
each evening. Relatively fresh faecal samples were collected from sheets at approximately 05:30–06:00 the next morning and placed in VTM. Samples were transported to the laboratory and stored at −80 °C until use.
All animals trapped for this study were released back to their habitat after sample collection. All sampling processes were performed by veterinarians
with approval from Animal Ethics Committee of the Wuhan Institute of
Virology (WIVH05210201) and EcoHealth Alliance under an inter-institutional agreement with University of California, Davis (UC Davis protocol no. 16048).

RNA extraction, PCR and sequencing
RNA was extracted from 140 μl of swab or faecal samples with a Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen) following the manufacturer’s instructions. RNA was
eluted in 60 μl RNAse-free buffer (buffer AVE, Qiagen), then
aliquoted and stored at −80 °C. One-step RT–PCR (Invitrogen)
was used to detect coronavirus sequences as described previously15. First
round PCR was conducted in a 25-μl reaction mix containing 12.5 μl
PCR 2× reaction mix buffer, 10 pmol of each primer, 2.5 mM
MgSO4, 20 U RNase inhibitor, 1 μl SuperScript III/ Platinum Taq
Enzyme Mix and 5 μl RNA. Amplification of the RdRP-gene fragment was performed as follows: 50 °C for 30 min, 94 °C for 2&#
8201;min, followed by 40 cycles consisting of 94 °C for 15 s,
62 °C for 15 s, 68 °C for 40 s, and a final
extension of 68 °C for 5 min. Second round PCR was conducted in a 25-μl reaction mix containing 2.5 μl PCR reaction buffer, 5 pmol of each primer, 50 mM MgCl2, 0.5 mM dNTP, 0.1 μl
Platinum Taq Enzyme (Invitrogen) and 1 μl first round PCR product. The
amplification of RdRP-gene fragment was performed as follows: 94 °C
for 5 min followed by 35 cycles consisting of 94 °C for 30&#
8201;s, 52 °C for 30 s, 72 °C for 40 s, and a final
extension of 72 °C for 5 min.

To amplify the RBD region, one-step RT–PCR was performed with primers
designed based on available SARS-CoV or bat SL-CoVs (first round PCR primers; F, forward; R, reverse: CoVS931F-5′-VWGADGTTGTKAGRTTYCCT-3′ and
CoVS1909R-5′-TAARACAVCCWGCYTGWGT-3′; second PCR primers: CoVS951F-5′-
TGTKAGRTTYCCTAAYATTAC-3′ and CoVS1805R-5′-ACATCYTGATANARAACAGC-3′). First-round PCR was conducted in a 25-μl reaction mix as described above except primers specific for the S gene were used. The amplification of the RBD
region of the S gene was performed as follows: 50 °C for 30 min, 94 °C for 2 min, followed by 35 cycles consisting of 94 °C for 15 s, 43 °C for 15 s, 68 °C for 90 s, and a final extension of 68 °C for 5 min. Second-round PCR
was conducted in a 25-μl reaction mix containing 2.5 μl PCR reaction buffer, 5 pmol of each primer, 50 mM MgCl2, 0.5 mM dNTP, 0.1 μl Platinum Taq Enzyme (Invitrogen) and 1 μl first round
PCR product. Amplification was performed as follows: 94 °C for 5&#
8201;min followed by 40 cycles consisting of 94 °C for 30 s, 41 °C for 30 s, 72 °C for 60 s, and a final
extension of 72 °C for 5 min.

PCR products were gel purified and cloned into pGEM-T Easy Vector (Promega). At least four independent clones were sequenced to obtain a consensus
sequence for each of the amplified regions.

Sequencing full-length genomes
Degenerate coronavirus primers were designed based on all available SARS-CoV and bat SL-CoV sequences in GenBank and specific primers were designed from genome sequences generated from previous rounds of sequencing in this study (primer sequences will be provided upon request). All PCRs were conducted
using the One-Step RT–PCR kit (Invitrogen). The 5′ and 3′ genomic ends
were determined using the 5′ or 3′ RACE kit (Roche), respectively. PCR
products were gel purified and sequenced directly or following cloning into pGEM-T Easy Vector (Promega). At least four independent clones were
sequenced to obtain a consensus sequence for each of the amplified regions
and each region was sequenced at least twice.

Sequence analysis and databank accession numbers
Routine sequence management and analysis was carried out using DNAStar or
Geneious. Sequence alignment and editing was conducted using ClustalW,
BioEdit or GeneDoc. Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic trees based on the
protein sequences were constructed using a Poisson model with bootstrap
values determined by 1,000 replicates in the MEGA5 software package.

Sequences obtained in this study have been deposited in GenBank as follows (accession numbers given in parenthesis): full-length genome sequence of SL-
CoV RsSHC014 and Rs3367 (KC881005, KC881006); full-length sequence of WIV1 S (KC881007); RBD (KC880984-KC881003); ACE2 (KC8810040). SARS-CoV sequences
used in this study: human SARS-CoV strains Tor2 (AY274119), BJ01 (AY278488), GZ02 (AY390556) and civet SARS-CoV strain SZ3 (AY304486). Bat coronavirus
sequences used in this study: Rs672 (FJ588686), Rp3 (DQ071615), Rf1 (
DQ412042), Rm1 (DQ412043), HKU3-1 (DQ022305), BM48-31 (NC_014470), HKU9-1 (
NC_009021), HKU4 (NC_009019), HKU5 (NC_009020), HKU8 (DQ249228), HKU2 (
EF203067), BtCoV512 (NC_009657), 1A (NC_010437). Other coronavirus sequences used in this study: HCoV-229E (AF304460), HCoV-OC43 (AY391777), HCoV-NL63 (AY567487), HKU1 (NC_006577), EMC (JX869059), FIPV (NC_002306), PRCV (
DQ811787), BWCoV (NC_010646), MHV (AY700211), IBV (AY851295).

Amplification, cloning and expression of the bat ACE2 gene
Construction of expression clones for human and civet ACE2 in pcDNA3.1 has
been described previously29. Bat ACE2 was amplified from a R. sinicus (
sample no. 3357). In brief, total RNA was extracted from bat rectal tissue
using the RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen). First-strand complementary DNA was
synthesized from total RNA by reverse transcription with random hexamers.
Full-length bat ACE2 fragments were amplified using forward primer bAF2 and reverse primer bAR2 (ref. 29). The ACE2 gene was cloned into pCDNA3.1 with
KpnI and XhoI, and verified by sequencing. Purified ACE2 plasmids were
transfected to HeLa cells. After 24 h, lysates of HeLa cells expressing
human, civet, or bat ACE2 were confirmed by western blot or
immunofluorescence assay.

Western blot analysis
Lysates of cells or filtered supernatants containing pseudoviruses were
separated by SDS–PAGE, followed by transfer to a nitrocellulose membrane (
Millipore). For detection of S protein, the membrane was incubated with
rabbit anti-Rp3 S fragment (amino acids 561–666) polyantibodies (1:200),
and the bound antibodies were detected by alkaline phosphatase (AP)-
conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG (1:1,000). For detection of HIV-1 p24 in
supernatants, monoclonal antibody against HIV p24 (p24 MAb) was used as the primary antibody at a dilution of 1:1,000, followed by incubation with AP-
conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG at the same dilution. To detect the
expression of ACE2 in HeLa cells, goat antibody against the human ACE2
ectodomain (1:500) was used as the first antibody, followed by incubation
with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated donkey anti-goat IgG (1:1,000).

Virus isolation
Vero E6 cell monolayers were maintained in DMEM supplemented with 10% FCS.
PCR-positive samples (in 200 μl buffer) were gradient centrifuged at 3,000–12,000g, and supernatant were diluted 1:10 in DMEM before being added to Vero E6 cells. After incubation at 37 °C for 1 h, inocula
were removed and replaced with fresh DMEM with 2% FCS. Cells were incubated at 37 °C for 3 days and checked daily for cytopathic effect.
Double-dose triple antibiotics penicillin/streptomycin/amphotericin (Gibco) were included in all tissue culture media (penicillin 200 IU ml−1, streptomycin 0.2 mg ml−1, amphotericin 0.5 μg ml−1). Three blind passages were carried out for each sample. After each passage, both the culture supernatant and cell pellet were
examined for presence of virus by RT–PCR using primers targeting the RdRP
or S gene. Virions in supernatant (10 ml) were collected and fixed
using 0.1% formaldehyde for 4 h, then concentrated by
ultracentrifugation through a 20% sucrose cushion (5 ml) at 80,000g
for 90 min using a Ty90 rotor (Beckman). The pelleted viral particles were suspended in 100 μl PBS, stained with 2% phosphotungstic acid (
pH 7.0) and examined using a Tecnai transmission electron microscope (FEI) at 200 kV.

Virus infectivity detected by immunofluorescence assay
Cell lines used for this study and their culture conditions are summarized
in Extended Data Table 5. Virus titre was determined in Vero E6 cells by
cytopathic effect (CPE) counts. Cell lines from different origins and HeLa
cells expressing ACE2 from human, civet or Chinese horseshoe bat were grown on coverslips in 24-well plates (Corning) incubated with bat SL-CoV-WIV1 at a multiplicity of infection = 10 for 1 h. The inoculum was removed and washed twice with PBS and supplemented with medium. HeLa cells without ACE2 expression and Vero E6 cells were used as negative and positive controls,
respectively. At 24 h after infection, cells were washed with PBS and fixed with 4% formaldehyde in PBS (pH 7.4) for 20 min at 4 °C. ACE2 expression was detected using goat anti-human ACE2 immunoglobulin (R&D Systems) followed by FITC-labelled donkey anti-goat immunoglobulin (
PTGLab). Virus replication was detected using rabbit antibody against the SL-CoV Rp3 nucleocapsid protein followed by Cy3-conjugated mouse anti-rabbit
IgG. Nuclei were stained with DAPI. Staining patterns were examined using a FV1200 confocal microscope (Olympus).

Virus infectivity detected by real-time RT–PCR
Vero E6, A549, PK15, RSKT and HeLa cells with or without expression of ACE2 of different origins were inoculated with 0.1 TCID50 WIV-1 and incubated for 1 h at 37 °C. After removing the inoculum, the cells were
cultured with medium containing 1% FBS. Supernatants were collected at 0, 12, 24 and 48 h. RNA from 140 μl of each supernatant was
extracted with the Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen) following manufacturer’s
instructions and eluted in 60 μl buffer AVE (Qiagen). RNA was
quantified on the ABI StepOne system, with the TaqMan AgPath-ID One-Step RT
–PCR Kit (Applied Biosystems) in a 25 μl reaction mix containing 4 μl RNA, 1 × RT–PCR enzyme mix, 1 × RT–PCR buffer, 40 pmol forward primer (5′-GTGGTGGTGACGGCAAAATG-3′), 40&#
8201;pmol reverse primer (5′-AAGTGAAGCTTCTGGGCCAG-3′) and 12 pmol
probe (5′-FAM-AAAGAGCTCAGCCCCAGATG-BHQ1-3′). Amplification parameters were 10 min at 50 °C, 10 min at 95 °C and 50 cycles of 15 s at 95 °C and 20 s at 60 °C. RNA dilutions
from purified WIV-1 stock were used as a standard.

Serum neutralization test
SARS patient sera were inactivated at 56 °C for 30 min and then used for virus neutralization testing. Sera were diluted starting with 1:10 and then serially twofold diluted in 96-well cell plates to 1:40. Each 100 μl serum dilution was mixed with 100 μl viral supernatant
containing 100 TCID50of WIV1 and incubated at 37 °C for 1 h. The mixture was added in triplicate wells of 96-well cell plates with
plated monolayers of Vero E6 cells and further incubated at 37 °C for 2 days. Serum from a healthy blood donor was used as a negative
control in each experiment. CPE was observed using an inverted microscope 2 days after inoculation. The neutralizing antibody titre was read as
the highest dilution of serum which completely suppressed CPE in infected
wells. The neutralization test was repeated twice.

Recombination analysis
Full-length genomic sequences of SL-CoV Rs3367 or RsSHC014 were aligned with those of selected SARS-CoVs and bat SL-CoVs using Clustal X. The aligned
sequences were preliminarily scanned for recombination events using
Recombination Detection Program (RDP) 4.0 (ref. 19). The potential
recombination events suggested by RDP owing to their strong P values (<10–20 were="" investigated="" further="" by="" similarity="" plot="" and="" bootscan="" analyses="" implemented="" in="" Simplot="" 3.5.1.="" Phylogenetic="" origin="" of="" the="" major="" and="" minor="">parental regions of Rs3367 or RsSHC014 were constructed from the
concatenated sequences of the essential ORFs of the major and minor parental regions of selected SARS-CoV and SL-CoVs. Two genome regions between three estimated breakpoints (20,827–26,553 and 26,554–28,685) were aligned
independently using ClustalX and generated two alignments of 5,727 
base pairs and 2,133 base pairs. The two alignments were used to
construct maximum likelihood trees to better infer the fragment parents. All nucleotide numberings in this study are based on Rs3367 genome position.