
楼主 (未名空间)

1000多人的MAC 挤短Reddit 群已经建立了,参与者还是快速增加:https://www.reddit.com/r/MACArmyBets/

仅仅旁观YOLO的千万美元账户是发不了财的,要发财要实际参与Trend !!

MAC这个公司基本面良好,目前undervalue,short interest/ floating 大于80%,是最好的挤短对象。




[My background]

This is not financial advice, I am a plebian. I take no responsibility for
nothing ever.

I am a simple retail trader. I consider myself a no-nonsense guy. I do not
like to post on reddit, as I think each man should think for himself. In
this instance, I do hope to provide some perspective to people who are
interested in the stock $MAC.

One of my friends, was pitching me the idea of playing $MAC 3 months ago.
While I did see its potential, I dismissed him at the time. The main reason is I prefer to trade momentum on the indexes with lots of leverage. This I
still do.

However. After watching $GME and other tickers being squeezed I was
intrigued by how such an event could come about.

The reason I changed my dismissive attitude was the following.

Fundamentals are decent.
Technical looks very good [I have my own technicals I have developed,
sorry that I cannot show them to you guys. I can give you nothing more than the word of a reddit account created yesterday]
%Short float, the $GME event and the power of squeezing.

Now I think there is threads on this reddit forum that explains [1] well.
Number [2] is my private technicals and you should take that of no value,
since I have given no information about them [sorry]. Number [3] is the
event expectations. $MAC might squeeze, it might not. We don't know yet.

[My gameplan]

[Current position]

[email protected],95. [Averaged in]

Options expiring [Feb, March & June]

Cash on hand waiting to enter more.


I want to keep scaling in with the ratio of 13 shares, per call options I
purchase. This is a directional play, and involves no hedging at all.

I know some of you guys, think that the 15-20% price drop yesterday was
nervewrecking. I was however delighted, to know that I could buy some more
shares at a cheaper price. The same with option. Clearly we do not want the price to go to 0.

I have always thought buy the dip crowd, were blithering idiots. Today my
plan involves scaling in on every dip I see!

My call plays will have a longer time horizon, I will scale in with
expiration in June.


I am a eurofag. I like my broker here in the EU. I do want to warn, that I
would never enter such a play, with the platforms in America, who claim to
have insufficient infrastructure to handle orders from retail traders. This would just add an uncertain component to the investment equation, that is
very difficult to compute.

I will only enter my positions on platforms, I know did not halt in the $GME $AMC squeeze.


Monitor change in short interest.
Monitor how the teacher union's share was split amongst buyers [affect
on short float].
Monitor earnings.
Monitor lockdown restrictions and their lifting.
Monitor price & squeezes.
Monitor this subreddit & WSB.



My options have an expiration day. I cannot hold onto them forever.

The options is my momentum directional play.

I will not sell my option as long as they are OTM. I will not sell at ATM.
They need to be deep ITM before I am going to sell them. The options serve
to be the bet on the squeeze.

I will exit them when only the intrinsic value is left, and the squeeze has commenced. By the time they are deep in the money, the MM will already have hedged the position with 100 shares.


I am not selling. I am not selling. I am not selling.

Here is why I am not selling.

Fundamentals are decent
Say the price is at $200 and I sell. Say everyone sells at $200. This
will ruin the option part of the play. There is no reason to sell the shares.
In 5 years, 10years or 20 years. Will these stocks be trading at $50, $
100, $ 200, $500? Maybe. Could they trade at higher value? Yes I think so.
The shares are not for sale, my options are.
By then the option should have paid me handsomely, and it does not
matter if the share goes from 500$ to 20$.

Here is when I would sell.

Price goes above 5000$, at this point it is a free for all.
If my position was 100% shares. I would average out, to at least cover
my entry.

Since my position is not 100% shares, only number 1 applies to me.

I know I did not give you any new information. Great information has already been presented on this forum. I cannot add to this.

I know I did not explain how to squeeze the hedgefunds. Because I do not
know it.

What I hope, is to bring the perspective of a no-nonsense directional play, on a stock that I like. A stock that actually makes money. A stock that in
my opinion is at least worth double its current price, on the intrinsic
value. A share that I think could squeeze, because clearly hedgefunds cannot compute simple risk management, as we saw in $GME and other very shorted

I am not fighting hedgefunds. I like hedgefunds. I am simply seeing an
opportunity for an undervalued stock, that I think could rise. If we squeeze hedgefunds, then good. They are clearly the sort of hedgefunds that do not understand the market. They should be squeezed out, to allow capital to flow into intelligent investment funds.

I was offered $MAC at 7$ but passed on. It rose 300%. Does this bother me?
No, it does not. The old question of how high can it go? So high as supply
and demand will allow it!

If you've done your own research, thought for yourself and wanna play it in a no-nonsense way. Then let me invite you on an adventure!

Feel free to critique any short comings I have. I do not normally write
reddit posts. I would like to hear rational minds discuss and critique my



【 在 ice2000 (得过且过) 的大作中提到: 】
: 详细的具体挤短操作流程也有大牛贴出来了:
: https://www.reddit.com/r/MACArmyBets/comments/l8max1/my_gameplan_thoughts_: and_ideas_mac/
: [My background]
: This is not financial advice, I am a plebian. I take no responsibility for
: nothing ever.
: I am a simple retail trader. I consider myself a no-nonsense guy. I do not
: like to post on reddit, as I think each man should think for himself. In
: this instance, I do hope to provide some perspective to people who are
: interested in the stock $MAC.
: ...................