I drove my car in a very dusty environment. Any suggestions

楼主 (未名空间)

Sorry I cannot type Chinese on my office computer.

Last month I drove my car (fairly new, 2018) in a very dusty farm (I did not expect that) for about 20 minutes, and my car collected a thick layer of
dust. The soil there is reddish color, so dust on my car was very much

I washed outside the car, no problem. But when I opened up the hood, there
was a layer of reddish dust covering every part there (engine, battery, etc.) under the hood. I used a slightly moist towel to wipe dusts off under the hood where I can reach, but I can still see some reddish dusts where I
cannot reach/clean.

I called my dealer, and they recommended replacing engine air filter and
pollen air filter without looking at my car. Is this necessary? Anything
else I should be concerned with? I googled a little bit, and some said
engine oil/filter should be changed after car is driven in very dusty
environment. My engine oil/filter were recently changed in March 2021, and
next oil/filter change is March 2022. My car drives normal though.

Any suggestions? 3X!


Thanks. It is a decent car (2018 Audi A6, bought it new), but I mainly use
it to 买菜, haha

I don't know much about cars, so I was concerned if the heavy dust might
ruin engine etc. I am not sure whether 灰进到发动机里去了. Probably not, as the car drives normal.

【 在 acrofred (gordonchang) 的大作中提到: 】
: 你的车,设计上就是能在灰里开的。你不擦发动机也没事。
: 换机油是怕发动机进气没把灰过滤干净,灰进到发动机里去了吗?
: 总之没啥建议,可以把两个filter换了,没多少钱。油不知道,你宝贝车的话就换,买
: 菜车就算了。


不要用湿毛巾擦,用blower 吹


谢谢。早已经用湿毛巾擦过了 :-( 不过只沾了一点水,算是slightly moist towel,

【 在 laoselang (LAOSELANG(好吧,别打了,我就是兔子)) 的大作中提到: 】
: 不用担心
: 不要用湿毛巾擦,用blower 吹


“I called my dealer, and they recommended replacing engine air filter and
pollen air filter without looking at my car. Is this necessary? ”

Yes. engine air filter 是必须的。
我的pickup前一段早上开 前几分钟engine有点吃力。换了engine air filter后,马上就好了。这就像人戴了个堵塞了的口罩,呼吸困难,换个新口罩,立马好了。

【 在 iamqnju (iamqnju) 的大作中提到: 】
: Sorry I cannot type Chinese on my office computer.
: Last month I drove my car (fairly new, 2018) in a very dusty farm (I did
: expect that) for about 20 minutes, and my car collected a thick layer of : dust. The soil there is reddish color, so dust on my car was very much
: visible.
: I washed outside the car, no problem. But when I opened up the hood, there
: was a layer of reddish dust covering every part there (engine, battery,
: ) under the hood. I used a slightly moist towel to wipe dusts off under
: hood where I can reach, but I can still see some reddish dusts where I
: cannot reach/clean.
: ...................


Thanks. That's a good comparison :-)

【 在 noles (NoMorNoLes) 的大作中提到: 】
: “I called my dealer, and they recommended replacing engine air filter and
: pollen air filter without looking at my car. Is this necessary? ”
: Yes. engine air filter 是必须的。
: 我的pickup前一段早上开 前几分钟engine有点吃力。换了engine air filter后,马上
: 就好了。这就像人戴了个堵塞了的口罩,呼吸困难,换个新口罩,立马好了。
: not
: etc.
: the



【 在 iamqnju (iamqnju) 的大作中提到: 】
: Sorry I cannot type Chinese on my office computer.
: Last month I drove my car (fairly new, 2018) in a very dusty farm (I did
: expect that) for about 20 minutes, and my car collected a thick layer of : dust. The soil there is reddish color, so dust on my car was very much
: visible.
: I washed outside the car, no problem. But when I opened up the hood, there
: was a layer of reddish dust covering every part there (engine, battery,
: ) under the hood. I used a slightly moist towel to wipe dusts off under
: hood where I can reach, but I can still see some reddish dusts where I
: cannot reach/clean.
: ...................


Thanks. I will search youtube videos on how to change these air filters for an A6, and see if I can handle that. I sometimes worry that after I take
down some parts, I cannot put them back on, haha

【 在 ltforever (怪蜀黍) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这俩filter都很容易换,5分钟一个就可以搞定
: not
: etc.
: the