被IRS audit了

楼主 (未名空间)

今年年初的时候 发现去年报税被audit了 仔细检查原因是因为买房贷款的interest总
额填错了 很快mail了IRS要求的所有文件 静静等补税通知
谁知这一等就是近一年了 收到结果说 无法确认我们的贷款是真实的 所以直接把房贷
interest和property tax的deduct remove了 我真的是无力吐槽 一开始audit的原因就不是这个好吗 利息也滚的很多

我准备再发一次文件过去 同时计算出正确的数额 要求尽快支付 这样不用等到地老天
荒 利息一直无止境的滚下去

所以想请问我这种情况 - 确实需要补税 但是和IRS计算出来的数额完全不同的情况下

You can pay any amount at any time with 1040-V either by paper or online.
Keep for your records so that you can figure out the remaining amount to pay or to receive a refund later on.

I don't suggest doing this since the interest rate is very low, you don't
pay much interest on it anyway(about 1% per year).

Please don't take action solely based on what I said here, cross reference
is a must for anything read from the web before acting on it.