为什么信川不靠谱都是些穷,土,缺乏教育的人呢?就跟本版以版主为头的黄川粉一样,智商低,容易被忽悠。 【 在 bj3 (蘑菇头) 的大作中提到: 】 : 发信人: bj3 (蘑菇头), 信区: Military : 标 题: 不嘬不死:“床铺县”的新冠肺炎死亡人数是“拜登县”的 3 倍以上 : 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 9 12:48:29 2021, 美东) : 'Trump counties' had over 3 times more COVID deaths than 'Biden counties' in : October, according to a new report : http://news.yahoo.com/trump-counties-had-over-3-161555483.html
Trumpers on this board say people with higher education tend to be more anti vax, with their cheap lip service as their evidence again. NYPD, FDNY and ambulance drivers are among the lowest vaxxed groups, are they highly educated?
能夠發明“trimp counties" 和'biden counties'這種名詞的人,全家都應該得一百種性病死掉。 【 在 bj3 (蘑菇头) 的大作中提到: 】 : 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】 : 发信人: bj3 (蘑菇头), 信区: Military : 标 题: 不嘬不死:“床铺县”的新冠肺炎死亡人数是“拜登县”的 3 倍以上 : 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 9 12:48:29 2021, 美东) : 'Trump counties' had over 3 times more COVID deaths than 'Biden counties' in : October, according to a new report : http://news.yahoo.com/trump-counties-had-over-3-161555483.html
【 在 bj3 (蘑菇头) 的大作中提到: 】 : 发信人: bj3 (蘑菇头), 信区: Military : 标 题: 不嘬不死:“床铺县”的新冠肺炎死亡人数是“拜登县”的 3 倍以上 : 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 9 12:48:29 2021, 美东) : 'Trump counties' had over 3 times more COVID deaths than 'Biden counties' in : October, according to a new report : http://news.yahoo.com/trump-counties-had-over-3-161555483.html
No, the gap is still widening. The average deaths per million population of all states with repub governors is 2,513, 379 higher than 2,135, that of all states with dem governors. On 7/19 at the beginning of Delta, the gap was only 43.
【 在 sosotoday (little right angel) 的大作中提到: 】 : 呵呵,大概率是拿州算数据不支持narative了,赶紧换county,然后限定是一个月,如 : 果county不行,可以换city。还可以根据州长,市长,county judge是红蓝,还是某次 : 投票结果是红蓝随意调换。。。 : 月份不行还可以换quarter,week or YTD, past 12 months.... 慢慢来,总有一款适 : 合精人转载的
"From September 4 through October 1, 2021: • Unvaccinated people were 13 times more likely to become infected with COVID-19 than fully vaccinated people. • Unvaccinated people were 20 times more likely to experience COVID-19-associated death than fully vaccinated people."
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: bj3 (蘑菇头), 信区: Military
标 题: 不嘬不死:“床铺县”的新冠肺炎死亡人数是“拜登县”的 3 倍以上
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 9 12:48:29 2021, 美东)
'Trump counties' had over 3 times more COVID deaths than 'Biden counties' in October, according to a new report
【 在 bj3 (蘑菇头) 的大作中提到: 】
: 发信人: bj3 (蘑菇头), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 不嘬不死:“床铺县”的新冠肺炎死亡人数是“拜登县”的 3 倍以上
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 9 12:48:29 2021, 美东)
: 'Trump counties' had over 3 times more COVID deaths than 'Biden counties' in
: October, according to a new report
: http://news.yahoo.com/trump-counties-had-over-3-161555483.html
They will say it is just correlation, not causation.
Trumpers on this board say people with higher education tend to be more anti vax, with their cheap lip service as their evidence again.
NYPD, FDNY and ambulance drivers are among the lowest vaxxed groups, are
they highly educated?
【 在 yongjiang () 的大作中提到: 】
: 为什么信川不靠谱都是些穷,土,缺乏教育的人呢?就跟本版以版主为头的黄川粉一样
: ,智商低,容易被忽悠。
: in
Other than this, what else do you have? lol is not going to hide your
【 在 iq49 () 的大作中提到: 】
: 你们两个加起来怕是iq还不到49。lol
能夠發明“trimp counties" 和'biden counties'這種名詞的人,全家都應該得一百種性病死掉。
【 在 bj3 (蘑菇头) 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: bj3 (蘑菇头), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 不嘬不死:“床铺县”的新冠肺炎死亡人数是“拜登县”的 3 倍以上
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 9 12:48:29 2021, 美东)
: 'Trump counties' had over 3 times more COVID deaths than 'Biden counties' in
: October, according to a new report
: http://news.yahoo.com/trump-counties-had-over-3-161555483.html
呵呵,大概率是拿州算数据不支持narative了,赶紧换county,然后限定是一个月,如果county不行,可以换city。还可以根据州长,市长,county judge是红蓝,还是某次投票结果是红蓝随意调换。。。
月份不行还可以换quarter,week or YTD, past 12 months.... 慢慢来,总有一款适
【 在 netghost (Up to Isomorphism) 的大作中提到: 】
: 能夠發明“trimp counties" 和'biden counties'這種名詞的人,全家都應該得一百種
: 性病死掉。
: in
【 在 netghost (Up to Isomorphism) 的大作中提到: 】
: 能夠發明“trimp counties" 和'biden counties'這種名詞的人,全家都應該得一百種
: 性病死掉。
: in
fake news的新闻哪里可以相信?
【 在 bj3 (蘑菇头) 的大作中提到: 】
: 发信人: bj3 (蘑菇头), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 不嘬不死:“床铺县”的新冠肺炎死亡人数是“拜登县”的 3 倍以上
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 9 12:48:29 2021, 美东)
: 'Trump counties' had over 3 times more COVID deaths than 'Biden counties' in
: October, according to a new report
: http://news.yahoo.com/trump-counties-had-over-3-161555483.html
【 在 FeedNoTroll (2004012501) 的大作中提到: 】
: 为啥支持猪党的都是些吸毒的、罪犯、流浪汉?
【 在 luminb (Gooder) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这倒不好说,毕竟还有非傻即坏的白左黄左
No, the gap is still widening. The average deaths per million population of all states with repub governors is 2,513, 379 higher than 2,135, that of
all states with dem governors. On 7/19 at the beginning of Delta, the gap
was only 43.
【 在 sosotoday (little right angel) 的大作中提到: 】
: 呵呵,大概率是拿州算数据不支持narative了,赶紧换county,然后限定是一个月,如
: 果county不行,可以换city。还可以根据州长,市长,county judge是红蓝,还是某次
: 投票结果是红蓝随意调换。。。
: 月份不行还可以换quarter,week or YTD, past 12 months.... 慢慢来,总有一款适
: 合精人转载的
"From September 4 through October 1, 2021:
• Unvaccinated people were 13 times more likely to become infected
with COVID-19 than fully vaccinated people.
• Unvaccinated people were 20 times more likely to experience COVID-19-associated death than fully vaccinated people."
Is this fake news? This is TX's Department of State Health Service's
finding from TX's data. It does not mention anything about right or left. It only distinguishes between unvaxxed and fully-vaxxed. Looks like it does not support this board's new narrative of vax killing people.
【 在 manchester9 (2020GodWatching) 的大作中提到: 】
: fake news的新闻哪里可以相信?
: 都是偏傻瓜的
: 谁信谁傻
: 不管哪里,死的都是人口密集的地方,这种地方只能是左派多
: in
【 在 yongjiang () 的大作中提到: 】
: 为什么信川不靠谱都是些穷,土,缺乏教育的人呢?就跟本版以版主为头的黄川粉一样
: ,智商低,容易被忽悠。
: in
【 在 menyaihan (myh) 的大作中提到: 】
: 左逼就是用各种方法来分裂普罗大众:“穷,土,缺乏教育,智商低的人”,“穷人、
: 富人,黑人,白人,拉丁裔”,“先进,落后,阶级敌人,革命群众”,“眼睛雪亮的
: 群众,不明真相的群众”,“川粉,拜粉”,挑拨离间,分化瓦解,各个击破,挑起和
: 利用人民群众内部互斗互害从中渔利。一些本身就是普罗大众的ID却跟着统治精英的指
: 挥棒,上窜下跳乐此不疲,还侈谈智商