更搞笑的是,李家坡还偷偷改数据, 比如下面20号这个数据,我最早看的时候,说的是18个人里面12个是没打得,现在偷偷改成8个,我过几天再看看会变成几个 2. 18 more cases have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection2. Of these, 16 were male Singaporeans and 2 were female Singaporeans/ Permanent Residents, aged between 55 and 96 years. Amongst them, 8 had been unvaccinated against COVID-19, 1 had been partially vaccinated and 9 had been vaccinated. 17 of them had various underlying medical conditions, while an unvaccinated case had no known medical conditions. 21 号 2. 16 more cases have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection [2]. Of these, 11 were male Singaporeans/ Permanent Residents, 4 were female Singaporeans, and 1 was a male Malaysian Work Permit holder, aged between 61 and 93 years. Amongst them, 8 had been unvaccinated against COVID-19, 1 had been partially vaccinated and 7 had been vaccinated. 15 of them had various underlying medical conditions, while a vaccinated case had no known medical conditions. 22号 3. Amongst them, 7 had been unvaccinated against COVID-19, 1 had been partially vaccinated and 5 had been vaccinated. All of them had various underlying medical conditions. Amongst those who have passed away over the last 28 days, 30.7% were fully vaccinated and 69.3% were unvaccinated/ partially vaccinated. 23号 2. 6 more cases have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection.2 Of these, 2 were male Singaporean/ Singapore Resident and 4 were female Singaporeans, aged between 61 and 91 years. Amongst them, 4 had been unvaccinated against COVID-19, and 2 had been vaccinated. All of them had various underlying medical conditions. 24号 2. 15 more cases have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection.2 Of these, 8 were male Singaporeans and 7 were female Singaporeans, aged between 58 and 100 years. Amongst them, 8 had been unvaccinated against COVID-19, 1 had been partially vaccinated and 6 had been vaccinated. All of them had various underlying medical conditions. Amongst those who have passed away over the last 28 days, 31.4% were fully vaccinated and 68.6% were unvaccinated/ partially vaccinated.
梦虎同学cherry picking post得两天,都是所谓打疫苗死者没有过半,事实上,其他 日子都过半了,这个趋势也是止不住得,直到最后挂了得全是打疫苗得 【 在 daemonself () 的大作中提到: 】 : 更搞笑的是,李家坡还偷偷改数据, 比如下面20号这个数据,我最早看的时候,说的是 : 18个人里面12个是没打得,现在偷偷改成8个,我过几天再看看会变成几个 : 2. 18 more cases have passed away from complications due to : COVID-19 infection2. Of these, 16 were male Singaporeans and 2 were female : Singaporeans/ Permanent Residents, aged between 55 and 96 years. Amongst : them, 8 had been unvaccinated against COVID-19, 1 had been partially : vaccinated and 9 had been vaccinated. 17 of them had various underlying : medical conditions, while an unvaccinated case had no known medical : conditions. : 21 号 : ...................
更搞笑的是,李家坡还偷偷改数据, 比如下面20号这个数据,我最早看的时候,说的是18个人里面12个是没打得,现在偷偷改成8个,我过几天再看看会变成几个
2. 18 more cases have passed away from complications due to
COVID-19 infection2. Of these, 16 were male Singaporeans and 2 were female
Singaporeans/ Permanent Residents, aged between 55 and 96 years. Amongst
them, 8 had been unvaccinated against COVID-19, 1 had been partially
vaccinated and 9 had been vaccinated. 17 of them had various underlying
medical conditions, while an unvaccinated case had no known medical
21 号
2. 16 more cases have passed away from complications due to COVID-19
infection [2]. Of these, 11 were male Singaporeans/ Permanent Residents, 4
were female Singaporeans, and 1 was a male Malaysian Work Permit holder,
aged between 61 and 93 years. Amongst them, 8 had been unvaccinated against COVID-19, 1 had been partially vaccinated and 7 had been vaccinated. 15 of
them had various underlying medical conditions, while a vaccinated case had no known medical conditions.
3. Amongst them, 7 had been unvaccinated against COVID-19, 1 had been
partially vaccinated and 5 had been vaccinated. All of them had various
underlying medical conditions. Amongst those who have passed away over the
last 28 days, 30.7% were fully vaccinated and 69.3% were unvaccinated/
partially vaccinated.
2. 6 more cases have passed away from complications due to COVID-19
infection.2 Of these, 2 were male Singaporean/ Singapore Resident and 4 were female Singaporeans, aged between 61 and 91 years. Amongst them, 4 had been unvaccinated against COVID-19, and 2 had been vaccinated. All of them had
various underlying medical conditions.
2. 15 more cases have passed away from complications due to COVID-19
infection.2 Of these, 8 were male Singaporeans and 7 were female
Singaporeans, aged between 58 and 100 years. Amongst them, 8 had been
unvaccinated against COVID-19, 1 had been partially vaccinated and 6 had
been vaccinated. All of them had various underlying medical conditions.
Amongst those who have passed away over the last 28 days, 31.4% were fully
vaccinated and 68.6% were unvaccinated/ partially vaccinated.
梦虎同学cherry picking post得两天,都是所谓打疫苗死者没有过半,事实上,其他
【 在 daemonself () 的大作中提到: 】
: 更搞笑的是,李家坡还偷偷改数据, 比如下面20号这个数据,我最早看的时候,说的是
: 18个人里面12个是没打得,现在偷偷改成8个,我过几天再看看会变成几个
: 2. 18 more cases have passed away from complications due to
: COVID-19 infection2. Of these, 16 were male Singaporeans and 2 were female
: Singaporeans/ Permanent Residents, aged between 55 and 96 years. Amongst
: them, 8 had been unvaccinated against COVID-19, 1 had been partially
: vaccinated and 9 had been vaccinated. 17 of them had various underlying
: medical conditions, while an unvaccinated case had no known medical
: conditions.
: 21 号
: ...................
邻居马来西亚 菲律宾 和印尼吃马药都要清零了 新加坡打疫苗打出新高了 谁傻逼呢?
【 在 dealfinder (Deal+Findddddder) 的大作中提到: 】
: 邻居马来西亚 菲律宾 和印尼吃马药都要清零了 新加坡打疫苗打出新高了 谁傻逼
: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/singapore/
: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/malaysia/
: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/philippines/
: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/indonesia/
最困难的是找到愿意帮你配药的药局,基本上各大连锁药局都不会给你配,所以先找到有药局愿意帮你配, 再去找医师开处方签。
可以先问你的家庭医生愿不愿意帮你开,一般来说都是不愿意。可以问问周遭朋友,有没有认识的医生愿意帮忙开,一般来说,只有自己独立营业的医生比较会开, 医生跟
网路上评价比较好的是 Dr. Syed Haider
他治疗了四千个病人,六个住院,没有人死亡。他很像一次收费$120,然后可以开预防和治疗需要的所有药物。只可惜他不是全美国五十州都可以开处方。如果你住在他不能开处方的地方,就要自己想办法。他的网站会转介你到 Push Health.
Push Health 的用法是你递交想要伊维菌素的申请,网站帮你媒合愿意开立处方签的医生,一次$70。你会在这个网站用文字和医生交流,医生会开立他认为合适的处方签,
Push Health 合作的网路药局是 Honeybee Health https://honeybeehealth.com/
Push Health 一次只能要求一种药,如果你还要买Azithromycin (z-pak)就要再付$70 才能开第二张处方,如果你觉得第一次拿到的伊维菌素不够,要多加的话,每次都要$
70才能有新的处方签。所以如果能找到本地的医生或是跟Dr. Haider拿处方签,比较便宜,药钱就看你有没有本地的药局可以买,本地药局会比网路药局便宜一点。
【 在 DUNDUNDUN (2-39字符, 中英文不限) 的大作中提到: 】
: 呢?
: 在美国哪里可以买到人吃的马药?
直接买horse paste得了。非常便宜。尤其小朋友,吞不下药片。horse paste按重量挤出来,混在酸奶冰欺凌里,小朋友吃没有压力。
【 在 bbsnoguest (有狗在叫汪汪汪) 的大作中提到: 】
: 最困难的是找到愿意帮你配药的药局,基本上各大连锁药局都不会给你配,所以先找到
: 有药局愿意帮你配, 再去找医师开处方签。
: 可以先问你的家庭医生愿不愿意帮你开,一般来说都是不愿意。可以问问周遭朋友,有
: 没有认识的医生愿意帮忙开,一般来说,只有自己独立营业的医生比较会开, 医生跟
: 医院合作的大门诊中心,或是几个医生合开的诊所,都比较不愿意开。
: 再到下面网址,看看你们家附近有没有医生可以约,有些医生要你上门看,然后给你处
: 方,一般他们也有介绍的药局可以买药。如果你们家附近有这样的医生最好。这种医生
: 可以当家庭医生和用保险公司的计画。
: https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/how-to-get-
: 家附近没有医生,就要看网路医生和自己找药局,现在网路药局卖伊维菌素都很贵,但
: ...................
亚马逊horse paste可以,海外淘宝上也有兽用的5mg一片一瓶100片的,不过阿里巴巴
amazon 的马药涨的太夸张了,如果家附近有农场大卖场,看看有没有办法在本地拿货
【 在 lOOOOOO ((一百万)) 的大作中提到: 】
: 直接买horse paste得了。非常便宜。尤其小朋友,吞不下药片。horse paste按重量挤
: 出来,混在酸奶冰欺凌里,小朋友吃没有压力。
: ivermectin/
【 在 bbsnoguest(有狗在叫汪汪汪) 的大作中提到: 】
: amazon 的马药涨的太夸张了,如果家附近有农场大卖场,看看有没有办法在本
: https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/search/ivermectin
: 这个网路药店看起来还便宜,
: https://www.chewy.com/s?query=ivermectin
Fenbendazole 前几年热门治疗癌症神效,和Ivermectin一起吃可以长生不老了。
【 在 RaoYing (老赵走好) 的大作中提到: 】
: 要看好成分,现在能买到的马药,
: 很多是复方fenbendazole,
: 有些干脆只有这一个成分,对武肺没有用。
: 这东西和阿本达咗也就是肠虫清基本一样。
: : amazon 的马药涨的太夸张了,如果家附近有农场大卖场,看看有没有办法在本
: 地拿货
: : https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/search/ivermectin
: : 这个网路药店看起来还便宜,
: : https://www.chewy.com/s?query=ivermectin