Fauci knows covid is airborne back in Feb 10 2020

楼主 (未名空间)

Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAIO) [E)
Mon, 10 Feb 2020 18:08:29 +0000
Jon LaPook
FW: "Coronavirus is airborne, Chinese official confirms"
Amoy Gardens and SARS.pdf
Thanks for the note. See attaclunent for our future discussion.
Anthony S. Fauci, MD
National Institute of Allergy and lnfoctious Diseases
Building 31, Room 7A-03
31 Center Drive, MSC 2520
National Institutes of Hcallh
Bethesda, MD 20892-2520
Phone: (b)(6)
FAX: (30 I) 496-4409
E-mail: (b)(6)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon LaPook,.::;....---~(b~)~(6)= >
Sent: Monday, febrnary 10, 2020 10:08 AM
------~-= To: Fauci, Anthony (NlH/NIAID) [E) (b)(6)>
Cc: [email protected]; Kevin Finnegan ; Alturo Rhymes <
[email protected]>; Jay
Shaylor ; CBS LaPook
Subject: "Coronavirus is airborne, Chinese official confirms"
Hi Tony,
I need a Fauci brain dump.
You may have seen this:
https:/fwww .nzherald.co. nz/world/news/article.cfm?c id=2&objectid=
Is this news? Don't we already know that the virus spread via droplet
transmission? This article says aerosol
transmission means "it can float a long distance to the air and cause
infection later when it is breathed in." That
makes it sound like the kind of spread that happens with measles, where the v irus can linger in a room and infect
somebody 2 hours after somebody with measles leaves the room.
Tomorrow, I will be giving an hour and a half of affiliate debriefings on
this virus. So we will be reaching millions
of people. I'd love to get the latest and greatest public health message.
Incidentally, Howard Zucker and the
infectious disease fo lks at NYU Langone are very concerned about
overloading our emergency rooms with patients
who have upper respiratory infection symptoms. What is the right message? If somebody calls thinking they have
coronavirus, do you tell them to come in - risking infection of others? Do
they stay home and wait for symptoms to
get worse? Of course, it would be great if you could send them a kit and
happen to home testing. But that's nowhere
in the n ear future, right?


Thanks for your caring.

Fauci must be hanged.
【 在 lilyamao2 (lilyamao2) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我看你要疯了。




It's only now that we got some evidence in writing.
【 在 mrnqs (三月) 的大作中提到: 】
: 脑子缺根弦才看不出这个病是airborne!TM福奇和CDC的表演在疫情最初就已经很充分
: 了,到今天才开始大惊小怪的都是属于慢十几拍的。


Hang 你麻痹!

【 在 rdfirdfi (rdfi) 的大作中提到: 】
: Thanks for your caring.
: Fauci must be hanged.


【 在 rdfirdfi (rdfi) 的大作中提到: 】
: It's only now that we got some evidence in writing.




【 在 rdfirdfi (rdfi) 的大作中提到: 】
: From:
: Sent:
: To:
: Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAIO) [E)
: Mon, 10 Feb 2020 18:08:29 +0000
: Jon LaPook
: Subject:
: Attachments:
: FW: "Coronavirus is airborne, Chinese official confirms"
: Amoy Gardens and SARS.pdf
: ...................


尼玛 五毛还当个大新闻,国内不早就这么说了?


He knows it, many people know it. The journalist asked Fauci what to say in the next day on his program. As far as we understand, Fauci concealed this
information to the public.

【 在 pepp (夜泊舟) 的大作中提到: 】
: 不奇怪啊,很多华人都知道,去年1月底就有认识的人在帮国内朋友买口罩


So what? The arrogance of the US did not allow the US general to accept
what China "confirmed" back last Jan or Feb. I am not sure if Fauci was
personally convinced at that time, but even if he was convinced, he would
not be able to convince others, cdc and the US general public, to accept
what China believed at that time. Mask is another example. Even now, many Americans, some IDs here in this board included, still do not believe mask
is useful in stopping the spread of the virus.


Chinese's grave crime is that they failed, utterly failed to convince us
that COVID-19 is airborne.

【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】
: So what? The arrogance of the US did not allow the US general to accept
: what China "confirmed" back last Jan or Feb. I am not sure if Fauci was
: personally convinced at that time, but even if he was convinced, he would : not be able to convince others, cdc and the US general public, to accept
: what China believed at that time. Mask is another example. Even now,
: Americans, some IDs here in this board included, still do not believe mask
: is useful in stopping the spread of the virus.


【 在 comeandgo (春困秋乏夏打盹) 的大作中提到: 】
: Chinese's grave crime is that they failed, utterly failed to convince us
: that COVID-19 is airborne.
: many


【 在 comeandgo (春困秋乏夏打盹) 的大作中提到: 】
: Chinese's grave crime is that they failed, utterly failed to convince us
: that COVID-19 is airborne.
: many


Fauci knew that last Feb, everyone in the US knew that last Feb if they paid just a little attention to China at that time. They just did not believe
anything from China. LZ made it looked like Fauci was the only one in the
US who knew that last Feb through some creepy way. Actually, everyone in
the US knew it was what China said at that time, they just didn't believe it
. Even we people here on MITBBS knew it since early Jan 2020, therefore,
there was no such thing as "hiding it from the rest of the world".

【 在 comeandgo (春困秋乏夏打盹) 的大作中提到: 】
: Chinese's grave crime is that they failed, utterly failed to convince us
: that COVID-19 is airborne.
: many


Many people, including the journalist emailed Fauci, saw the report of air-
borne transmission, and they are not sure about it. It's natural, because
they are not the "top infectious disease expert".

So instead, they went to the "expert" and "authority" for answers. "Should I tell my 1 million viewers tomorrow that covid could be airborne?" That's
their questions. We know it didn't happen - the probability of the airborne transmission is not discussed, just the same as the probability of covid
being lab-leaked.

Why did this happen? Now it's clear that the "expert" and "authority"
intentionally downplayed those possibilities, and discouraged the
discussions. So why is this "authority"? Is it Trump or Fauci?

【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】
: Fauci knew that last Feb, everyone in the US knew that last Feb if they
: just a little attention to China at that time. They just did not believe
: anything from China. LZ made it looked like Fauci was the only one in the
: US who knew that last Feb through some creepy way. Actually, everyone in : the US knew it was what China said at that time, they just didn't believe it
: . Even we people here on MITBBS knew it since early Jan 2020, therefore, : there was no such thing as "hiding it from the rest of the world".


Because numerous evidences are needed in science to draw a conclusion.
Fauci could not tell people what he thought or what his gut feeling was
because he knew people would hold him accountable. Of course, we now can
say that China had given evidences, but that was not how the arrogant US
thought at that time, some even now. So even if Fauci was apt enough at
that time to personally believe it was airborne, he could not tell people it was airborne basing on China's evidence. In early April when they had
enough evidence, they changed their recommendation on mask.

【 在 rdfirdfi (rdfi) 的大作中提到: 】
: Many people, including the journalist emailed Fauci, saw the report of air-
: borne transmission, and they are not sure about it. It's natural, because : they are not the "top infectious disease expert".
: So instead, they went to the "expert" and "authority" for answers. "Should I
: tell my 1 million viewers tomorrow that covid could be airborne?" That's : their questions. We know it didn't happen - the probability of the
: transmission is not discussed, just the same as the probability of covid
: being lab-leaked.
: Why did this happen? Now it's clear that the "expert" and "authority"
: intentionally downplayed those possibilities, and discouraged the
: ...................


What is the scientific evidence when he told people to wear two masks?

【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】
: Because numerous evidences are needed in science to draw a conclusion.
: Fauci could not tell people what he thought or what his gut feeling was
: because he knew people would hold him accountable. Of course, we now can : say that China had given evidences, but that was not how the arrogant US
: thought at that time, some even now. So even if Fauci was apt enough at
: that time to personally believe it was airborne, he could not tell people it
: was airborne basing on China's evidence. In early April when they had
: enough evidence, they changed their recommendation on mask.
: I
: airborne