Andrew Yang被指控利用NYC的游行广告自己

楼主 (未名空间)

Andrew Yang 被指控利用别人的游行广告自己, 这次的 NYC游行是在抗议警察枪杀
Daunte Wright, 部分华人开始假惺惺的支持 Andrew Yang, 是因为Yang本来就支持
警察。 华人难啊! 支持黑人不行, 支持警察也不行。 但是, Andrew Yang的骑墙政治
是很危险的, 被这样的敌对报纸NY Post 利用。 Yang他虽然是民主党, 但是经常上
Foxnews. 下面是黑人的指控:

“Do not use our protest for your publicity,” a woman told Yang through a
megaphone when the group stopped in Battery Park at about 7:50 p.m

“We don’t want you here. You’re pro-cop,” the woman said, according to
footage of the encounter obtained by The Post.

Several members of the demonstration, which had thinned out by that time,
then chanted “shame,” at Yang as he rode away.

I always supported Yang.