
楼主 (未名空间)













得州的医院则对这一消息感到忧虑,他们担心取消口罩强制令会又一次导致疫情暴发。如休斯敦联合纪念医疗中心首席医疗官约瑟夫·瓦隆(Joseph Varon)就告诉美媒,他已致电医院高层领导,呼吁医院准备好更多呼吸机和员工。“我担心我们会迎来一次新增病例的暴发。我希望我的担忧是错误的,但不幸的是,我们似乎正走在重蹈覆辙的路上。”瓦隆说。





就在阿博特宣布这一决定后,密西西比州州长泰特·里弗斯(Tate Reeves)也迅速效



但美国疾控中心主任罗谢尔·瓦伦斯基(Rochelle Walensky)1日刚刚发出警告,称纽约上周发现的变异新冠病毒可能会使美国的防疫努力彻底白费。她呼吁各州不要放松警惕,继续维持防疫措施。


? ? great again

The merchants have no law-enforcing authority. It is a lot more difficult
for them to enforce their own store's mask mandate. Anyone who breaks a
store's mask mandate pretty much has no consequence, and everyone knows
that too. So no one will take a store's mask mandate too serious simply
there is not consequence.

【 在 GoLost (GoLost) 的大作中提到: 】
: 放权给个人,商家自行决定,贯彻宪法精神,绝大部分地方都是要求戴口罩进入的,不
: 知道你们激动个啥。。。


Yeah, been a year, by now, most of the people know what to do.

【 在 GoLost (GoLost) 的大作中提到: 】
: 放权给个人,商家自行决定,贯彻宪法精神,绝大部分地方都是要求戴口罩进入的,不
: 知道你们激动个啥。。。


You can always kick out customers if they break your dress code.

【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】
: The merchants have no law-enforcing authority. It is a lot more difficult
: for them to enforce their own store's mask mandate. Anyone who breaks a
: store's mask mandate pretty much has no consequence, and everyone knows
: that too. So no one will take a store's mask mandate too serious simply
: there is not consequence.


Yes, but it is more difficult to do that individually than systematically.
Plus, by the time a merchant spends so much time to get the police to help, in some cases, many other customers have been exposed to that guy, and some of them might just leave and the merchant will just lose the potential

【 在 rdfirdfi (rdfi) 的大作中提到: 】
: You can always kick out customers if they break your dress code.


Costco mandated masks before many states doing so, and they are doing fine.

On the other hand, if you want to have maskless costumer in your store and
don't care about losing other costumer that wants a mask mandate in your
store, why not just drop the mask mandate?

It's people's own choice what level of protection they want for covid. Many people doesn't care about catching it. Many people had it already and won't care. Many people has taken the vaccine and won't care.

【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】
: Yes, but it is more difficult to do that individually than systematically.: Plus, by the time a merchant spends so much time to get the police to help,
: in some cases, many other customers have been exposed to that guy, and
: of them might just leave and the merchant will just lose the potential
: business.


Costco is big, and they have tens of employees working at the same time.
Some stores have only a few people working, and handling mask-related
affairs is not easy for them.
If you drop the mask mandate, some customers who want the mandate will not
come to your store, you will lose those customers too. So when it is up to the merchants, no matter what the merchants choose, some potential customers will not be happy and choose to shop somewhere else. When there is a
systematic mandate, merchants don't need to face this dilemma.
Right, many people don't care, and that's the stem of the problem. There
are people who care and, unfortunately, will be affected by those who don't care. We just care too much about ourselves and don't want to sacrifice
just a little bit to help our fellow community members. Wearing mask is not such a big sacrifice; after all, we have been used to it after many months.

【 在 rdfirdfi (rdfi) 的大作中提到: 】
: Costco mandated masks before many states doing so, and they are doing fine.
: On the other hand, if you want to have maskless costumer in your store and
: don't care about losing other costumer that wants a mask mandate in your
: store, why not just drop the mask mandate?
: It's people's own choice what level of protection they want for covid.
: people doesn't care about catching it. Many people had it already and won't
: care. Many people has taken the vaccine and won't care.
: ,
: some



Newsom is exasperated because he himself has been already under enormous
pressure to reopen. Now TX is going to reopen, so the pressure on him will be even more. At this time, I think/feel he wants to reopen, but there is
also a lot of resistance, especially from hard-hit areas.



Don't EVER mandate other people to do things to protect you! If you want to be protected, stay at home. Or wear a hazmat suit when you meet others.

Now the vaccine will be available very soon to everyone. Just wait for your turn, take the vaccine, and do whatever you want.

【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】
: Costco is big, and they have tens of employees working at the same time. : Some stores have only a few people working, and handling mask-related
: affairs is not easy for them.
: If you drop the mask mandate, some customers who want the mandate will not
: come to your store, you will lose those customers too. So when it is up
: the merchants, no matter what the merchants choose, some potential
: will not be happy and choose to shop somewhere else. When there is a
: systematic mandate, merchants don't need to face this dilemma.
: Right, many people don't care, and that's the stem of the problem. There : are people who care and, unfortunately, will be affected by those who don't
: ...................


People like you just think of "me".
Other than "me", we also need to think about the other ones and protect them
. Obviously the vulnerable ones cannot really isolate themselves from the
rest of the society. They need to buy food to eat, they need to see doctors
. I lost a friend of mine who is a formal colleague on 1/8 to covid. He
retired just a year and a half ago, but we were still in touch with hundreds of text messages. He is Caucasian, but since last February he agreed with me that mask could help, even when CDC did not encourage normal people to
wear them, and he had been very careful to not get infected. However, as I said, he had to go shopping and visit doctors. The last three weeks of his life, I was not able to get in touch with him. About a week before his
passing away, I sent him text messages in two separate days to him and did
not get reply from him. I was hoping that his phone was damaged or
something like that. People like that, we as a society must do our part,
even if it means we need to make some sacrifice, to help and protect them. It is not just me, me, me.
You might be young and healthy and therefore can afford to be reckless and "brave". There are millions out there who might get infected not because of their own fault. Are you so cold-blooded to just tell them to stay home and starve to death? Are you telling them not to see their doctors for over a year? Imagine those are your parents or grandparents.

【 在 rdfirdfi (rdfi) 的大作中提到: 】
: Don't EVER mandate other people to do things to protect you! If you want
: be protected, stay at home. Or wear a hazmat suit when you meet others.
: Now the vaccine will be available very soon to everyone. Just wait for
: turn, take the vaccine, and do whatever you want.
: to
: customers
: t


If your friend cared about his health that much, why don't he have ALL
groceries delivered, and visit doctors online? I have many friends at 70+,
and they have everything delivered and literally didn't step out their homes for months. I also have friends that are 70+, fully understand the risk of infection, and go about their lives as normal (except following any
government mandate/rules of course).

We can be empathetic about others. I wear masks in the public all the times. I donated an air purifier for my kid's school. BUT YOU CAN'T MANDATE people to be considerate about others. Or it at least should pass legislature like the seat belt's law. It's been a year! If Covid is SO important, why NO
legislature in the US ever made a mask mandate law? Because it's NOT popular. Because MAJORITY of people does NOT want government to mandate them to do the right thing.

Many data have shown that regions with or without mask mandate have very
similar infection rates and death rates from covid. It's not mask that aren't effective. It's the MANDATE that's not effective!

【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】
: People like you just think of "me".
: Other than "me", we also need to think about the other ones and protect
: . Obviously the vulnerable ones cannot really isolate themselves from the
: rest of the society. They need to buy food to eat, they need to see
: . I lost a friend of mine who is a formal colleague on 1/8 to covid. He : retired just a year and a half ago, but we were still in touch with
: of text messages. He is Caucasian, but since last February he agreed
: me that mask could help, even when CDC did not encourage normal people to : wear them, and he had been very careful to not get infected. However, as I
: said, he had to go shopping and visit doctors. The last three weeks of
: ...................


Do you think everyone can afford food delivery? (Don't tell me they can
just go to the bank to get the money.) Do you think all doctor's visits are for minor things that can be done online? Do you think they can have an X-ray or CAT at home?

【 在 rdfirdfi (rdfi) 的大作中提到: 】
: If your friend cared about his health that much, why don't he have ALL
: groceries delivered, and visit doctors online? I have many friends at 70+,
: and they have everything delivered and literally didn't step out their
: for months. I also have friends that are 70+, fully understand the risk
: infection, and go about their lives as normal (except following any
: government mandate/rules of course).
: We can be empathetic about others. I wear masks in the public all the
: I donated an air purifier for my kid's school. BUT YOU CAN'T MANDATE
: to be considerate about others. Or it at least should pass legislature
: the seat belt's law. It's been a year! If Covid is SO important, why NO
: ...................


This is capitalism society. If you can't afford to live, DIE!

【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】
: Do you think everyone can afford food delivery? (Don't tell me they can
: just go to the bank to get the money.) Do you think all doctor's visits
: for minor things that can be done online? Do you think they can have an X-
: ray or CAT at home?
: homes
: of
: times.
: people
: like


Data shows waht it is, but data does not explain why. Data shows there is
no covid or covid death on the moon, and there is no mask mandate on the
moon, does that prove "no mask mandate" means no infection or death?
If you already make up your mind, already have a conclusion, you can always cherry pick data to support your claim. Tell me, those data that shows low infection and low death rates, are they for overpopulated places like Boston, NYC or LA city? Don't compare no-mask-mandate in the middle of nowhere to mask-mandate in LA. They are not comparable by nature.

【 在 rdfirdfi (rdfi) 的大作中提到: 】
: If your friend cared about his health that much, why don't he have ALL
: groceries delivered, and visit doctors online? I have many friends at 70+,
: and they have everything delivered and literally didn't step out their
: for months. I also have friends that are 70+, fully understand the risk
: infection, and go about their lives as normal (except following any
: government mandate/rules of course).
: We can be empathetic about others. I wear masks in the public all the
: I donated an air purifier for my kid's school. BUT YOU CAN'T MANDATE
: to be considerate about others. Or it at least should pass legislature
: the seat belt's law. It's been a year! If Covid is SO important, why NO
: ...................


Michigan: population 9.987 million, area 96,716 mi^2
Georgia: population 10.62 million, area 59,425 mi^2

Michigan: strict lockdown, mandate mask, 16,580 covid deaths
Georgia: lockdown lifted since April 2020, and never a second lockdown, no
mask mandate, 17,198 covid deaths

There are no two states that are perfectly the same. So you can always say I'm comparing apples with oranges of course.

However, you should understand, what's effective is mask itself. Although
Georgia does not have a state-wide mandate, people around me have 90%+ mask wearing rate. You don't need to be mandated to have empathy for others.

【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】
: Data shows waht it is, but data does not explain why. Data shows there is
: no covid or covid death on the moon, and there is no mask mandate on the
: moon, does that prove "no mask mandate" means no infection or death?
: If you already make up your mind, already have a conclusion, you can
: cherry pick data to support your claim. Tell me, those data that shows
: infection and low death rates, are they for overpopulated places like
: , NYC or LA city? Don't compare no-mask-mandate in the middle of nowhere to
: mask-mandate in LA. They are not comparable by nature.
: homes
: of
: ...................


Overall population density might not be that important, as long as both are some distance from being overpopulated. It is more important when it is
close to or is overpopulated. If you look at the few metro areas with most the deaths in Michigan and Georgia, what about their population density?
Anyway, I don't know their data too much. I know LA's data better since it is more relevant to me. In early January, we had reached ICU capacity. If we did not have lock down, the number of covid patients who needed to be
admitted to ICU would be probably higher by hundreds or even a thousand.
But there was no extra ICU for them, so most of them might be just told to
stay home, and a good percentage of them would just die. I am jsut happy
that we here had the lock down, though it has never been strict.

【 在 rdfirdfi (rdfi) 的大作中提到: 】
: Michigan: population 9.987 million, area 96,716 mi^2
: Georgia: population 10.62 million, area 59,425 mi^2
: Michigan: strict lockdown, mandate mask, 16,580 covid deaths
: Georgia: lockdown lifted since April 2020, and never a second lockdown, no
: mask mandate, 17,198 covid deaths
: There are no two states that are perfectly the same. So you can always say I
: 'm comparing apples with oranges of course.
: However, you should understand, what's effective is mask itself. Although : Georgia does not have a state-wide mandate, people around me have 90%+
: wearing rate. You don't need to be mandated to have empathy for others.
: ...................


You are so cool.

【 在 rdfirdfi (rdfi) 的大作中提到: 】
: This is capitalism society. If you can't afford to live, DIE!
: are
: X-


I take it as a compliment. Thank you!

【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】
: You are so cool.


This is the type of argument I would like to engage in. Thought heated, and there might be some sarcasm, but there is no name calling or insulting
language. Hard to find people like this to argue with on this board.

【 在 rdfirdfi (rdfi) 的大作中提到: 】
: I take it as a compliment. Thank you!


Thank you.
【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】
: This is the type of argument I would like to engage in. Thought heated,
: there might be some sarcasm, but there is no name calling or insulting
: language. Hard to find people like this to argue with on this board.


likewise to you.

【 在 rdfirdfi (rdfi) 的大作中提到: 】
: Thank you.
: and


It’s a way to push people to get vaccinated.