
楼主 (未名空间)












是的, 将来的子孙如果问起那时你做了什么, 我只能耸耸肩, 我给老川捐了五年的
钱, 那是我尽力能做的事。

【 在 xiaoliu8964 (经济专家) 的大作中提到: 】
: 美国大选尘埃落定,记录一下我认识上的改变。
: 四年前,我从未怀疑过主流媒体的新闻;这一次,我跟踪了民主党初选及总统大选,领
: 教了大多数主流媒体的断章取义、谎话连篇,从新闻报道沦落为站台宣传。
: 四年前,我以为华盛顿的政客们大多是因为有政治抱负而从政,一心为国为民;四年后
: ,我看到他们大多是为党派利益、个人私利和前途,勾心斗角,相互扯皮。
: 四年前我以为法律面前人人平等;现在才知道犯罪证据可以被执法部门深藏不露,犯不
: 犯罪不重要,追不追究才重要。
: 四年前我以为美国的选举是神圣的,为自己可以投一票而骄傲;四年后,我知道了投票
: 的人不重要,数票的人才重要。一场有争议的球赛都要调多少不同角度的录相来调查、
: ...................



--Ball games have the presumption of cheating while presidential elections
do not, at least not enough fraud to change the outcome; the leftards surely took advantage of that assumption in 2020.



【 在 Lexian (蒙古大夫) 的大作中提到: 】
: 是的, 将来的子孙如果问起那时你做了什么, 我只能耸耸肩, 我给老川捐了五年的
: 钱, 那是我尽力能做的事。


Lin Wood is speaking now, on telegram:

In November of 2019 I announced to my family that I was going to semi-retire. After over 4 decades of dealing with the battles of litigation in which I fought for truth while the opposite parties tried to hide it, I was done
with the game. I announced that I wanted to write. But I would honor my
obligation to Nicholas Sandmann and finish his cases.

In 2020, I won cases for Nicholas against CNN and Washington Post. I still
had 6 more cases to go for him. I wanted to “take down” the mainstream
media. They are liars.

I wanted to write about my life with my dogs and how they had impacted my
life and the lessons they had taught me. I wanted to write about some of my clients, including the real story still I told about Richard Jewell. I
wanted to write about the art of conversations.

I wanted to start a charity to build loving facilities for unwanted dogs and horses. I wanted to build a chapel where all could worship surrounded by
some of God’s most beautiful land. I wanted to spend some time reflecting
on the land around me and my faith in God.

Then things changed. My semi- retirement plans vanished. How did 2020 go for me? I will discuss that with you this evening. I will tell you the truth. I speak truth. I do not lie.

By mid-summer of 2020, I saw increasing street violence, increasing
censorship, and a mentally incompetent candidate running against President
Trump. It all the makings of a color revolution to overthrow our duly
elected government. I spoke out about it on Twitter. Subsequent events have proven me correct.

In November, I witnessed an attempt to steal our Presidential election and
many down ballot races. I spoke out. I have seen the mountain of evidence
conclusively establishing the fraud and illegality of the 2020 election. I
spoke out it on social media.

I filed 2 lawsuits on Georgia on my own based on well-established rules of
law. I helped Sidney Powell with other case she was filing on election fraud. I saw wrongs and I tried to right them. I know a dishonest election
threatens our freedom. I felt an obligation to my fellow Americans and my
children and grandchildren to try my best to make certain we did not lose
the fresh air of liberty. So I acted. Within the law.

I was presented with information that could lead to exposure of tapes of
acts of pedophilia. All related to Jeffrey Epstein and high ranking members of our government and many others. I placed my life, the lives of my family, and some trusted colleagues at great risk. But I could not stand in the
shadows and allow children to continue be abused and trafficked. I was
willing to help. I did.

Then my efforts led to the discovery of a credible whistleblower who was
willing to put his life at risk to get the truth to you about perversion and criminality in hopes the People would demand a full investigation and
justice. He agreed that I could publicly release the tapes of his interview. In so going, he again put his life at risk which had been threatened many
times and after he had been brutally tortured by members of our government.


I was banned from Twitter for speaking the truth. I was banned from Parler
for speaking the truth. I was banned from LinkedIn for speaking the truth.
Censorship is rampant. I have done my best to inform you of credible
information and to share my faith in God with you. I do not intend to stop.


For my clients, I have fought against the angry mob of false accusers and
their threats for decades. Now the mob turned on me. Soon the mob will turn on you.


My alma mater Mercer Law School turned on me. I have suffered politically
motivated attacks on my law license and my previously pristine record of
professionalism. I have been threatened by others to take efforts to have me jailed and prosecuted for a rhetorical hyperbolic post about Mike Pence. No client had abandoned me but I expect Nicholas Sandmann may do so as he be
feeling the pressure from members of Mitch McConnell’s team on which
Nicholas worked this election cycle. I have had serious threats of harm and death made against me and my family. My family has abandoned me. But I am
not alone. I have We The People who have showered me with messages which
inspire me and comfort me. In the end, my efforts have always been for We
The People. Until and unless they silence me by imprisonments or death, I
will not stop fighting for We The People, for honest elections, for freedom, and for the hundreds of thousands of little children who are being abused, molested, and sacrificed for the demonic pleasures of very evil people in
the world - including leaders in our government.

My life has been threatened, my finances diminished, my sacred honor smeared. Would I do it all again or would I semi-retire to write? I would do it all again without hesitation. I love freedom, I love honest elections, I love
the little children, including my soon to be two year old grandson who I
have not allowed to see in almost one year.

Why did I do it? Am I crazy? No I am not. Do I want something from President Trump? No I do not. Do I want any recognition in life or death for my
efforts. No I do not.

I did it for my God. I did it as part of my desire to see a better humanity. I did it for you. I did it for truth.

I will keep speaking truth. Please join me in doing so. I am fearless.
Please be fearless too. I will keep the faith and continue sharing mine with you. Please keep the faith too.

I know in time all will be well.

Thanks for listening.

God bless you. And God bless America. - Lin 🙏 ❤️ &#