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特朗普今天发推:“刚刚在白宫与总检察长 Bill Barr进行了一次非常愉快的会面。我们的关系一直很好,他做得很出色! 根据信中的内容,Barr将在圣诞节前离开岗位,与家人共度假期。”

特朗普表示,被他任命 "一个杰出的人 "成为代理司法部长,这个人就是目前司法部的二把手---司法部副部长Jeff Rosen。


Just had a very nice meeting with Attorney General Bill Barr at the White
House. Our relationship has been avery good one, he has done an outstanding job! As per letter, Billwill be leaving just before Christmas to spend the
holidays withhis family...— Donald J. Trump

Trump said Deputy Attorney General Jeff Rosen, whom he labeled “an
outstanding person,” will become acting attorney general.

Barr’s resignation leaves Trump without a critical ally as he winds down
his final weeks in office.