Since people use the term “voter fraud” to mean many different things, it is often important to clarify what a person means when they use the term. Below are 8 common types of potential voter fraud:
Double Voting – An individual casts more than one ballot in the same election. Ineligible Voter – The casting of a ballot by a person who is not an eligible to voter. This includes non-citizens or those who have not had their rights restored. Dead Voter – The name of a deceased person remains on the voter rolls and a living person fraudulently casts a ballot in that name. Voter Suppression – Any tactic aimed at lowering or suppressing the number of voters who might otherwise vote in an election. Voter Registration Fraud – Filling out and submitting a voter registration form for a fictional person; filling out a voter registration form with the name of a real person, but without that person's consent, and forging his or her signature on the form; changing information on a voter registration form once it has been completed; not turning in completed voter registration forms on time; or discarding completed voter registration forms due to party affiliation. Voter Impersonation – A person claims to be someone else when casting a vote, either in person or on an absentee ballot. Vote Buying – Agreements between voters and others to buy and sell votes, such as a candidate paying voters to vote for him or her, or a voter offering to sell his or her vote for money. Fraud by Election Officials – Manipulation of ballots by officials administering the election, such as tossing out ballots, casting ballots in voters' names, or changing votes from one candidate to another.
>>人家比你成功多了,你有啥好HIGH的 Sound like that does not apply to you. Unbelievable. 川普这次可以了,这么大的疫情. Nobody did worse that him handling the virus. >>你特无聊,女人样喋喋不休,不知道要说啥。 So you have a lot of 聊? You are not like a 女人样喋喋不休? If you 不知道 要说啥, you need to improve your English to at least fifth grade level ince I have fifth-grade English. Let me guess, your English level is 550, right?
I used just 16 characters to explain what you used a whole screen to try to explain, and you say me 喋喋不休? That is what Trump and his Trumpers are good at.
I know why. With your forth-grade English level, you have difficulty understanding my fifth grade English. 550 Lexile score is quite an accomplishment for you, but still it is not enough.
Since people use the term “voter fraud” to mean many different things, it is often important to clarify what a person means when they use the term.
Below are 8 common types of potential voter fraud:
Double Voting – An individual casts more than one ballot in the same
Ineligible Voter – The casting of a ballot by a person who is not an
eligible to voter. This includes non-citizens or those who have not had
their rights restored.
Dead Voter – The name of a deceased person remains on the voter rolls
and a living person fraudulently casts a ballot in that name.
Voter Suppression – Any tactic aimed at lowering or suppressing the
number of voters who might otherwise vote in an election.
Voter Registration Fraud – Filling out and submitting a voter
registration form for a fictional person; filling out a voter registration
form with the name of a real person, but without that person's consent, and forging his or her signature on the form; changing information on a voter
registration form once it has been completed; not turning in completed voter registration forms on time; or discarding completed voter registration
forms due to party affiliation.
Voter Impersonation – A person claims to be someone else when casting a vote, either in person or on an absentee ballot.
Vote Buying – Agreements between voters and others to buy and sell
votes, such as a candidate paying voters to vote for him or her, or a voter offering to sell his or her vote for money.
Fraud by Election Officials – Manipulation of ballots by officials
administering the election, such as tossing out ballots, casting ballots in voters' names, or changing votes from one candidate to another.
The liberal media says voter fraud doesn't happen. They're lying.
Someone used the identities of dead people to vote in the presidential
election. Here's the proof.
大规模舞弊JB curve已经100%传遍全世界,这也是事实,猪流媒体还在说没发发生VOTER FRAUD
You are wasting so much saliva. Let me explain to you in a simple way.
Voter Fraud = I lost.
【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】
: You are wasting so much saliva. Let me explain to you in a simple way.
: Voter Fraud = I lost.
【 在 dmllglm (神棍) 的大作中提到: 】
: 执政党指责在野党舞弊,执政党希望自己任命的法官政党化、判定在野党胜选无效。: 这不是发生在第三世界,这是发生在华盛顿建立的美国。
: 川普做到了,把美国带回发展中国家。
Sound like that does not apply to you.
Unbelievable. 川普这次可以了,这么大的疫情. Nobody did worse that him
handling the virus.
So you have a lot of 聊? You are not like a 女人样喋喋不休? If you 不知道
要说啥, you need to improve your English to at least fifth grade level ince I have fifth-grade English. Let me guess, your English level is 550, right?
【 在 FA8 (三块方糖) 的大作中提到: 】
: 你特无聊,女人样喋喋不休,不知道要说啥。
: 川普这次可以了,这么大的疫情,经济近乎断崖似下跌一个季度,即使最后确认输了本
: 次竞选,在这种形势下,虽败犹荣。人家比你成功多了,你有啥好HIGH的
【 在 FA8 (三块方糖) 的大作中提到: 】
: 美国在川普上台前已经回到发展中国家了,他只是揭开了这个盖子。左左以及建制派还
: 在掩盖,装饰虚伪
【 在 dmllglm (神棍) 的大作中提到: 】
: 川普上台前,美国执政党可没说在野党舞弊。
: 川普上台前,美国政府可没有把中国的人权:香港、西藏、新疆的都打包卖给习近平就
: 为换点大豆订单。
: 川普上台前,美国政府可没有把全球影响力统统贱卖了,就为了换点驻军费。
: 怪不得川普能破产六次。
And Trump will save the US, right? Except he failed.
【 在 FA8 (三块方糖) 的大作中提到: 】
: 美国在川普上台前已经回到发展中国家了,他只是揭开了这个盖子。左左以及建制派还
: 在掩盖,装饰虚伪
【 在 FortyNiner (Niner) 的大作中提到: 】
: And Trump will save the US, right? Except he failed.
I used just 16 characters to explain what you used a whole screen to try to explain, and you say me 喋喋不休? That is what Trump and his Trumpers are
good at.
【 在 FA8 (三块方糖) 的大作中提到: 】
: 你特无聊,女人样喋喋不休,不知道要说啥。
: 川普这次可以了,这么大的疫情,经济近乎断崖似下跌一个季度,即使最后确认输了本
: 次竞选,在这种形势下,虽败犹荣。人家比你成功多了,你有啥好HIGH的
【 在 FA8 (三块方糖) 的大作中提到: 】
: 美国执政两党装逼太久了,舞弊这个事迟早炸开,这次炸开是好事
: 中国人生活质量物质上是逐步提高的,不说精神自由方面。
: 美帝全球影响力早就在下降之中,标志是快二十年前911,还在不断下降之中。
【 在 dmllglm (神棍) 的大作中提到: 】
: 嗯,习近平几百、上千亿的大撒比,就为了换取一点在shithole国家的影响力。
: 川普把威尔逊总统以来,美国人拼死拼活拿来的在发达国家的影响力,卖了几十亿美金
: 的驻军费。这样的大傻逼别说美国,就是世界历史上也是极为罕见的。
: 舞弊?这就是我说,执政党指责在野党舞弊这种事,不再是shithole国家的专利了,美
: 国总统亲自下场抹黑美国,为了个人的政治私利,不惜出卖华盛顿以来美国240年来的
: 政治遗产。这种大傻逼不仅是蠢了,还是坏。
I know why. With your forth-grade English level, you have difficulty
understanding my fifth grade English. 550 Lexile score is quite an
accomplishment for you, but still it is not enough.
【 在 FA8 (三块方糖) 的大作中提到: 】
: 不知道为何,看你发帖特烦,哪怕有的黑逼直接骂出来也痛快LOL
But I am happy to see you and your post. Your forth-grade Chinese is not
that difficult to understand.
【 在 FA8 (三块方糖) 的大作中提到: 】
: 不知道为何,看你发帖特烦,哪怕有的黑逼直接骂出来也痛快LOL
【 在 FA8 (三块方糖) 的大作中提到: 】
: 照你说美帝民主如白莲花,哪里来的死人票,死人票是有证据的LOL
well said, 美国软实力和号召力在这四年是断崖式的下跌。
【 在 dmllglm (神棍) 的大作中提到: 】
: 嗯,习近平几百、上千亿的大撒比,就为了换取一点在shithole国家的影响力。
: 川普把威尔逊总统以来,美国人拼死拼活拿来的在发达国家的影响力,卖了几十亿美金
: 的驻军费。这样的大傻逼别说美国,就是世界历史上也是极为罕见的。
: 舞弊?这就是我说,执政党指责在野党舞弊这种事,不再是shithole国家的专利了,美
: 国总统亲自下场抹黑美国,为了个人的政治私利,不惜出卖华盛顿以来美国240年来的
: 政治遗产。这种大傻逼不仅是蠢了,还是坏。
在奥巴时期四千万穷要饭的,还自我感觉乱实力号召力这种傻逼政治正确 LOL
【 在 SagitarVW (神车) 的大作中提到: 】
: well said, 美国软实力和号召力在这四年是断崖式的下跌。
: 及时止损是对的。