NBC 就是想搅混水

楼主 (未名空间)

President Trump’s re-election campaign Thursday accused NBC News of “
actively running interference” for Democratic nominee Joe Biden and his son Hunter via a widely ridiculed report that critics feel was designed to dupe voters into thinking recent allegations that are harmful to the former vice president are simply part of a conspiracy.

NBC News published a lengthy story headlined, “How a fake persona laid the groundwork for a Hunter Biden conspiracy deluge,” which debunked what it
claimed to be a “fake ‘intelligence’ document” that painted the
presidential hopeful's youngest son as a bad actor with ties to the
Communist Party of China.

However, the Hunter Biden story that NBC News attempted to debunk is not the Hunter Biden story, according to the campaign.

Hunter Biden’s former business associate Tony Bobulinski -- who says he was once involved in a joint business venture with Hunter Biden and Jim Biden -- has come forward with documents, including emails and text messages,
claiming that he met twice with former Vice President Joe Biden. Those
claims conflict with the Democratic nominee's statements that he has had no involvement with, or discussions about, his family’s overseas business

Trump 2020 Communications Director Tim Murtaugh feels NBC News’ report is
designed to confuse voters ahead of the election.

“NBC is trying to dupe you into thinking the Biden pay-to-play scandal has been debunked. It has not,” Murtaugh tweeted. “This NBC tweet is about a
random document almost no one has seen. It’s not connected to what
Bobulinski is accusing Joe Biden of. NBC is actively running interference
for Biden.”
