
楼主 (未名空间)

Surfactants and a murder mystery. From Nature, 22, 1880 :
“In the autumn of 1878 a man committed a terrible crime in Somerset, which was for some time involved
in deep mystery. His wife, a handsome and decent mulatto woman, disappeared suddenly and entirely from
sight, after going home from church on Sunday, October 20. Suspicion
immediately fell upon the husband,
a clever young fellow of about thirty, but no trace of the missing woman was left behind, and there seemed
a strong probability that the crime would remain undetected. On Sunday,
however, October 27, a week
after the woman had disappeared, some Somerville boatmen looking out towards the sea, as is their custom,
were struck by observing in the Long Bay Channel, the surface of which was
ruffled by a slight breeze, a
streak of calm such as, to use their own illustration, a cask of oil usually diffuses around it
when in the water. The feverish anxiety about the missing woman suggested
some strange connection
between this singular calm and the mode of her disappearance. Two or three
days after - why not sooner
I cannot tell you - her brother and three other men went out to the spot
where it was observed, and from
which it had not disappeared since Sunday, and with a series of fish-hooks
ranged along a long line dragged
the bottom of the channel, but at first without success. Shifting the
position of the boat, they dragged a
little further to windward, and presently the line was caught. With water
glasses the men discovered that
it had caught in a skeleton which was held down by some heavy weight. They
pulled on the line; something
suddenly gave was, and up came the skeleton of the trunk, pelvis, and legs
of a human body, from which
almost every vestige of flesh had disappeared, but which, from the minute
fragments remaining, and the
terrible stench, had evidently not lain long in the water. The husband was a fisherman, and Long Bay
Channel was a favourite fishing ground, and he calculated, truly enough,
that the fish would very soon
destroy all means of identification; but it never entered into his head that as they did so their ravages,
combined with the process of decomposition, set free the matter which was to write the traces of
his crime on the surface of the water. The case seems to be an exceedingly
interesting one; the calm
is not mentioned in any book on medical jurisprudence that I have, and the
doctors seem not to have had
experience of such an occurrence. A diver went down and found a stone with a rope attached, by which
the body had been held down, and also portions of the scalp and of the skin of the sole of the foot, and of
clothing, by means of which the body was identified. The husband was found
guilty and executed.”


这个故事说 一个女子失踪了 不久后渔人注意到海面一块地方出奇的平坦(没有碎波浪) 于是派人去看 发现了尸体

海面平静的原因 是尸体被鱼吃的过程里 释放了大量有机物 其中一些有表面活性剂的性质 它们改变了海水的表面张力 使得该处波澜不兴

这种现象 在鲸鱼的尾迹 船的尾迹上都常常观察到 渔夫也知道 可以通过往水面倒油的办法 去除水面的细小波纹 以便观察水下鱼的所在

【 在 Huangchong (净坛使者) 的大作中提到: 】
: Surfactants and a murder mystery. From Nature, 22, 1880 :
: “In the autumn of 1878 a man committed a terrible crime in Somerset,
: was for some time involved
: in deep mystery. His wife, a handsome and decent mulatto woman,
: suddenly and entirely from
: sight, after going home from church on Sunday, October 20. Suspicion
: immediately fell upon the husband,
: a clever young fellow of about thirty, but no trace of the missing woman
: left behind, and there seemed
: a strong probability that the crime would remain undetected. On Sunday,
: ...................



【 在 Huangchong(净坛使者) 的大作中提到: 】

: 这个故事说 一个女子失踪了 不久后渔人注意到海面一块地方出奇的平坦(没有碎波

: 浪) 于是派人去看 发现了尸体

: 海面平静的原因 是尸体被鱼吃的过程里 释放了大量有机物 其中一些有表面活性剂

: 的性质 它们改变了海水的表面张力 使得该处波澜不兴

: 这种现象 在鲸鱼的尾迹 船的尾迹上都常常观察到 渔夫也知道 可以通过往水面倒

: 油的办法 去除水面的细小波纹 以便观察水下鱼的所在

: which

: disappeared

: was


表面活性剂是增加还是减少表面张力 看起来是增加 那为什么叫活性剂

【 在 Huangchong (净坛使者) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个故事说 一个女子失踪了 不久后渔人注意到海面一块地方出奇的平坦(没有碎波
: 浪) 于是派人去看 发现了尸体
: 海面平静的原因 是尸体被鱼吃的过程里 释放了大量有机物 其中一些有表面活性剂
: 的性质 它们改变了海水的表面张力 使得该处波澜不兴
: 这种现象 在鲸鱼的尾迹 船的尾迹上都常常观察到 渔夫也知道 可以通过往水面倒
: 油的办法 去除水面的细小波纹 以便观察水下鱼的所在
: which
: disappeared
: was


减少 因为纯水的表面张力大 往里掺任何东西一般都是减少

这个是marangoni 现象 不挥发的表活剂的效果通常是拉平水面 而挥发的表活剂是拉皱水面(比如酒精 导致酒的泪滴)

【 在 fhnan (腹黑男) 的大作中提到: 】
: 表面活性剂是增加还是减少表面张力 看起来是增加 那为什么叫活性剂