PA Mail-in-ballot drama !!370K rejected

楼主 (未名空间)

who hurt, who gain, nobody knows, it is likely a mess !!


370K Pennsylvania mail-in ballot applications rejected: Report

Many residents may have mistakenly sent in more than one ballot request

Pennsylvania has cast off hundreds of thousands of applications for mail-in ballots ahead of the 2020 election, because of confusion about the process.

About 372,000 requests were rejected, as reported by ProPublica on Friday,
largely because many of them, about 90%, were duplicates. Overall, one out
of every five requests for mail-in ballots are being rejected, according to the publication.

The main reason? Many people who voted during the June primaries may have
already checked a box to request a mail-in ballot for the November election.

There is concern that the longer it takes Pennsylvania to tally its final
vote count, the more likely it is that there will be misgivings about the
security of the process.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court added to the confusion when it ruled that if a ballot is not mailed in a “secrecy” envelope it is to be rejected, which adds an additional step to counting the ballots.

The court will also take up whether a ballot should be dismissed if a
signature is markedly different than the one stored in the voter
registration database.

Meanwhile, there is another ongoing battle in the court system over the
timeframe for mail-in ballots to be counted. As it stands, the Supreme Court has allowed for ballots that are postmarked by Election Day and received by Nov. 6 to be counted.

据说要求mail in ballot如果想现场投票必须带上自己的选票


people who can go grocery or to protest or for hiking or to work etc, shall be able to vote in person !!

a lot of early voting time !

【 在 mitbbo (mitbbo) 的大作中提到: 】
: 刚开始就觉得是个闹剧
: 据说要求mail in ballot如果想现场投票必须带上自己的选票