
楼主 (未名空间)

图谋连任的目的是打击中国, 具体的讲, 有5条政策打击遏制中国,祸害美国华人
1. Bring Back 1 Million Manufacturing Jobs from China
2. Tax Credits for Companies that Bring Back Jobs from China
3. Allow 100% Expensing Deductions for Essential Industries like
Pharmaceuticals and Robotics who Bring Back their Manufacturing to the
United States
4. No Federal Contracts for Companies who Outsource to China
5. Hold China Fully Accountable for Allowing the Virus to Spread around the World

Joe Biden Says He Will End Trump’s Tariffs On Chinese-Made Goods
【 在 CalCat (北加猫) 的大作中提到: 】
: 图谋连任的目的是打击中国, 具体的讲, 有5条政策打击遏制中国,祸害美国华人
: 1. Bring Back 1 Million Manufacturing Jobs from China
: 2. Tax Credits for Companies that Bring Back Jobs from China
: 3. Allow 100% Expensing Deductions for Essential Industries like
: Pharmaceuticals and Robotics who Bring Back their Manufacturing to the
: United States
: 4. No Federal Contracts for Companies who Outsource to China
: 5. Hold China Fully Accountable for Allowing the Virus to Spread around
: World