cattle eye worm

楼主 (未名空间)

A 68-year-old woman felt an irritation in her right eye, so she flushed it
out with water. That’s when she noticed the worm.

A 1.3 centimeter round worm came out of her eye. As she looked closer, she
saw another, which she removed by hand.Worried, she went to the doctor the
next day. He pulled out a third worm and gave her some medication. She went home, but found a fourth parasite in her eye, LIveScience reported.The woman’s case was referred to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in
Atlanta, which diagnosed the parasitic worms.

This is just the second known case of human conjunctival infestation of
Thelazia gulosa, or cattle eye worm.T. gulosa is called the “cattle eye
worm” because it is usually affects cattle and is carried by flies that
ingest eye secretions. It is extremely rare in humans, LiveScience reported.According to her case report, published in the journal Clinical Infectious
Diseases, the woman had gone for a run along the California coast and
encountered a swarm of flies, which she ran through.

The study’s authors say T. gulosa may be on the rise in livestock, making
it a growing “zoonotic disease,” or diseases spread from animals to humans.Abby Beckley was the first person diagnosed with a cattle eye worm
infection. In 2016 she had 14 of the tiny worms removed from her eye. Health officials say the parasites can cause serious eye damage and even blindness. Both women appear to have recovered from their infections with no
permanent problems.


Infectious disease experts at the CDC suspect the woman picked up the
infection while she was trail running in a regional park in Carmel Valley,
California, which is where she spends her winters. She told the researchers that on one run, she remembered rounding a corner and colliding head-on with a swarm of small flies.

"She recalls swatting the flies from her face and spitting them out of her
mouth," the CDC researchers reported. They also noted that the park is
surrounded by cattle ranches.

In the first human case of T. gulosa—which occurred in a 26-year-old Oregon woman in August 2016—infectious disease experts think the victim may have just been too slow in swatting away a fly while she was fishing or horse
riding earlier in the summer. In that case, the woman had a total of 14
worms extracted from her eye.


“梅花欢喜漫天雪, 冻死苍蝇未足奇。”



【 在 rbs (jay) 的大作中提到: 】
: A 68-year-old woman felt an irritation in her right eye, so she flushed it
: out with water. That’s when she noticed the worm.
: A 1.3 centimeter round worm came out of her eye. As she looked closer, she
: saw another, which she removed by hand.Worried, she went to the doctor the
: next day. He pulled out a third worm and gave her some medication. She
: home, but found a fourth parasite in her eye, LIveScience reported.The
: ’s case was referred to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in
: Atlanta, which diagnosed the parasitic worms.
: This is just the second known case of human conjunctival infestation of
: Thelazia gulosa, or cattle eye worm.T. gulosa is called the “cattle eye
: ...................



【 在 Huangchong (净坛使者) 的大作中提到: 】
: 是青蛙眼睛里那种铁线虫吗
: went
: woman




【 在 Huangchong(净坛使者) 的大作中提到: 】

: 是青蛙眼睛里那种铁线虫吗

: went

: woman


可能是另一种线虫吧 青蛙线虫好像是它吃的昆虫带进去的 估计不是一个物种 但是

【 在 mmt2013 (少灌水,多干活) 的大作中提到: 】
: 那是啥?
: 眼镜里长虫子,想想都可怕,也不知道这位老太太平时有啥感觉,看不清?
: : 是青蛙眼睛里那种铁线虫吗
: : went
: : woman