
楼主 (未名空间)

当然还特别厉害,一下把82岁的老种族主义分子打倒在地打断几根rib, 厉害!
Massachusetts Trump supporter, 82, ‘violently assaulted’ by motorist, 27, police say

Everything happened so fast that Chase had to ask a buddy what transpired,
he said.

“According to the other fella that was with me, I didn’t know that [the
suspect] had lifted me up, but he apparently lifted me up and flung me down on my back to the ground,” Chase told the station.

The suspect, identified as Aidan Courtright, 27, of Fall River, also grabbed Chase’s Trump sign, tore it in half, and threw it on the ground, the
Providence Journal reported.

After Chase landed on the ground, the suspect allegedly kicked the elderly
man in his ribs and legs before returning to his vehicle and driving away,
police said.

Police responded to the scene on a call that Chase was “violently targeted for his political views and violently assaulted,” the Journal reported. The offices saw visible bruising on Chase’s lower back and he was treated at a local hospital, the report said.

Providence Journal

Fall River man accused of attacking 82-year-old Trump supporter.https://www.providencejournal.com/news/20200604/fall-river-man-accused-of-attacking-82-year-old-trump-supporter … via @jgregoryperry

Fall River man accused of attacking 82-year-old Trump supporter
A 27-year-old Fall River man has been arrested, accused of attacking an 82-
year-old man who’d been holding a “Trump” sign at a Fall River rotary,
according to the Fall River police.The police say...

10:54 AM - Jun 4, 2020
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Courtright later turned himself in after being contacted by authorities. He was charged with a civil-rights violation with injury, assault and battery
on a person over 60, vandalism of personal property, and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, the report said.

【 在 daemonself (新晋川粉,前mit行为艺术专业博士后导师) 的大作中提到: 】
: 当然还特别厉害,一下把82岁的老种族主义分子打倒在地打断几根rib, 厉害!
: Massachusetts Trump supporter, 82, ‘violently assaulted’ by motorist, 27,
: police say
: Everything happened so fast that Chase had to ask a buddy what transpired,
: he said.
: “According to the other fella that was with me, I didn’t know that [the : suspect] had lifted me up, but he apparently lifted me up and flung me
: on my back to the ground,” Chase told the station.
: The suspect, identified as Aidan Courtright, 27, of Fall River, also
: Chase’s Trump sign, tore it in half, and threw it on the ground, the
: ...................