
楼主 (未名空间)


Fired Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin has been arrested four days
after George Floyd’s fatal arrest that sparked protests, rioting and outcry across the city and nation, and Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman
announced he has been charged with murder and manslaughter, with the charges scheduled to be released shortly.

On Friday, John Harrington, commissioner of the Minnesota Department of
Public Safety, announced that Chauvin was taken into custody by the
Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, who said that Chauvin was taken
into custody in Minneapolis. There was some speculation that he had gone to a home in Florida.

“We have now been able to put together the evidence that we need. Even as
late as yesterday afternoon, we did not have all that we needed,” Freeman
said, before saying that he was unable to speak to specific pieces of
evidence and which one specifically was needed to file charges.

从程序上看,控诉根本不成立,警察对拒捕的 protocol 是什么?
