请教:美国毒理学会(Society of Toxicology)的Full membershi

楼主 (未名空间)

请教各位前辈,美国毒理学会(Society of Toxicology)的Full membership可以作为EB1a的一项进行claim吗?非常感谢!
该学会有8种会员类型(Full, Associate, Postdoctoral, Student, Honorary,
Retired, and Emeritus),申请Full membership需要提交2封专家推荐信,然后经过
协会的review来确定是否入选。协会章程对Full membership的要求如下:

Section 2. Full. Qualified persons who have a continuing professional
interest in toxicology or a related science and (a) who have conducted and/
or published original research in some aspect of toxicology, or a related
field that supports the mission of the SOT or (b) who are generally
recognized as experts in some aspect of toxicology, shall be eligible for
membership, subject to conditions set forth in the Bylaws.




【 在 danielchen10 (Danny) 的大作中提到: 】
: 请教各位前辈,美国毒理学会(Society of Toxicology)的Full membership可以作为
: EB1a的一项进行claim吗?非常感谢!
: 该学会有8种会员类型(Full, Associate, Postdoctoral, Student, Honorary,
: Retired, and Emeritus),申请Full membership需要提交2封专家推荐信,然后经过
: 协会的review来确定是否入选。协会章程对Full membership的要求如下:
: Section 2. Full. Qualified persons who have a continuing professional
: interest in toxicology or a related science and (a) who have conducted and/
: or published original research in some aspect of toxicology, or a related : field that supports the mission of the SOT or (b) who are generally
: recognized as experts in some aspect of toxicology, shall be eligible for : ...................