请大家帮忙 向USCIS提交关于EB4 SIJ滥用的评论

楼主 (未名空间)

留评论请点那个"comment now" 本文下半部分有我写的例子

Oct 31 我又写了一份法律角度的解读 见本thread末 (点"同主题阅读")第二页第六篇

已经看到了好几个人提交评论了 非常感谢大家花时间去写
因为是USCIS公开征集意见 所以只要言之成理就可以 评论的deadline是11月15号

严查一个SIJ 少抢一个EB1
多走一个EB1 少挤一个NIW
少挤一个NIW 多一个PERM EB23
行千里不能一蹴而就 好歹我们可以积点跬步 虽然只是蛋糕渣 比原来大一点是一点

SIJ=special immigrant juvenile
在90年代的时候 这一类绿卡特意给那些受到家庭暴力或不测的职业移民的亲属作为预
留 比如 遭受家庭暴力的家庭成员(比如EB4 VAWA) 或者比如遭受家庭不测变故的EB副
类似地,EB4 SIJ预留给了那些因家庭变故 父母离开美国而留在美国的被遗弃子女
这一类绿卡因为其特殊性 与宗教移民和其他特殊战争移民一起归类在了EB4特殊绿卡类

自DACA合法化起 EB4 SIJ被非法入境来的拉美人abuse的事情影响到了整个EB类别 在几百万DACA之上 2014年起近五年来的趋势是 近年偷渡入境的拉美人号称自己是被遗弃的青少年 借此拿到合法绿卡
这一情况还有愈演愈烈的趋势 根据USCIS的新memo 今年十月的其中一个新的被采用AAO案例甚至会继续放宽SIJ的标准 让20岁偷渡入境的人也可以合法自称为被遗弃的"青少
年" 拿到绿卡 在该案例中此人甚至没有排期
细节见这里 https://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Immigration/34032957.html
again, 这几个新案例,包括绝大多数每年新批准的SIJ,全部都是非法入境 但是他们
拿到的都是EB职业绿卡 合法绿卡!

不管你是哪一类华人 不管你对移民的看法如何:
如果你是EB类: 很多年来 EB4用不掉的几千名额都会spillover给EB1 2014年起 EB1的
名额被EB4挤占 但因为EB4处理时间较长 这件事情2016年才开始在EB1的排期上显现
EB4 SIJ被滥用得到了国土安全部DHS、移民局USCIS、国务院DOS的一致认可 举例:https://www.dhs.gov/news/2018/02/15/unaccompanied-alien-children-and-family-units-are-flooding-border-because-catch-and
(Unaccompanied Alien Children and Family Units Are Flooding the Border
Because of Catch and Release Loopholes)
国务院负责排期的Charlie Oppenheim也多次在check-in中提及这一点,比如在2019年9月底的checkin中:
Historically, there is typically a full or almost full recovery of Final
Action Dates from the previous year. Oppenheim usually expects unused EB-4
and EB-5 numbers to become available in the EB-1 category. However, this
year EB-1 India and EB-1 China have actually retrogressed and Oppenheim does not expect any unused numbers to become available."
In the past, many EB-4 numbers remain unused. However, Special Immigrant
Juvenile classifications have used a lot of numbers in the EB-4 category
this year. This caused the imposition of a Final Action Date for EB-4 El
Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras."

很多EB1因为排期过长被迫挤占EB2和EB3的名额 造成了现在EB内大家焦虑地升降级 排
此外 很多政客公开指责USCIS收取这些难民申请的申请费 EB4 SIJ的申请费也在其中
目前根据USCIS I-912 (免除申请费申请)的说明 EB4 SIJ与DACA, TPS一起都不需要缴
巨量的处理时间和人力成本分摊在了合法移民(不论是EB还是FB)的申请上 即使你是EB 对政治并不关心 你也要明白你交的七百块的I-140申请费里相当一部分要去补贴USCIS
在处理海量EB4 SIJ 以及其后他们的I-485之上的人工成本

如果你是FB类: 这些偷渡来的拉美人最后都会申请巨量的亲属移民 链式移民上他们比
华人的势力强了太多 你的父母亲人申请的医疗福利里大头都被这些拉美非法移民拿走了

如果你是EB5 还没有排到绿卡: 相信对美国稍有了解的人都会知道 拉美移民生育率极
高 领食品卷的比例远超亚洲人和白人 他们不说英语 拒绝融入 非法移民享受DACA大赦 合法化之后还享受了政治正确 在就业和入学上挤占了巨量亚裔辛苦奋斗来的空间
如果你在焦虑地等庇护上庭: 每年来自中美洲三国的难民庇护占了庇护的大头 你漫长

他们挤占的每一份福利 都来自于你的血汗钱 都会挤占你家人可能可以享受到的空间
不管你属于哪一类华人组织 我相信 在这件事情上 大家的利益诉求都是一致的
如果你有时间 请在regulations.gov上留下你的评论

过去二十年来对移民法改革的呼吁无数 但终归到底 EB类只有中印两个国家的人有长期的排期 并且政策层面上的改革几乎可以忽略不计
控制EB4 SIJ abuse是我们目前在合法框架内可以做到的最有可行性的事情 国土安全部、移民局、国务院三方都在努力推动严查EB4 SIJ滥用
大家想一想 我们在F/J/H合法转换身份的时候 有一小点身份上的gap就吓得要死 H1B
六十天的grace period都是跪求十几年跪求来的
EB4 SIJ几乎人人都是偷渡入境 整个身份都是gap 他们可以只凭自己声称被遗弃就拿
到绿卡 在入学就业上可以声称自己是under-represented的少数族裔 此后还可以链式
移民 把全家 包括他们自己声称已经遗弃了自己的亲人接来

现在USCIS公开征集评论 是我们发声的绝佳的机会
严查EB4上对所有华人 不论短期长期 都是有利的 至少间接获利

本月USCIS罕见地重开了面向全社会对EB4 SIJ的公开评论 到2019年11月15号截止
因为是公开评论 所以大家尽量用一些"本土化"的名字 而且一定要言之有物 避免给大
非常推荐大家自己写 这样显得不像抄袭 again 尽量言之有物 否则有副作用
如果担心之后的后果 请匿名 名字会显示为Anonymous

先给大家提供几个关键点 然后我贴一下我写的文章
USCIS在向大家征集意见 因此需要有明确合理的要求 尽量合乎道义 此外最好避免"严

1. 人道主义上 这些新近且非法进入美国的SIJ申请者很多不会说英语 年龄也普遍不大 如果让它们留在美国的话并不一定对他们最好 青少年在成长期 对他们最好的选择是

2. SIJ绿卡的初衷是真正需要的受虐待被遗弃的儿童和少年 不要给伪造证据的申请人

3. 鉴于USCIS有对SIJ的最终量裁权 建议要求USCIS对SIJ申请人要求他们提交证据证明与美国的bonafide的关系
青少年法庭可以裁定申请人被遗弃 但青少年一般无法裁定外籍申请人是否在母国有更
合理的监护人 因此如果申请人想因此在美国长期居住 需要至少证明他们与美国有
bonafide的关系 如果被收养则需要归类为收养子女移民类别

4. 因为EB4是employment based 因此建议USCIS引入要求 不能允许非法入境的人基于
此adjustment of status
根据Matter of H-G-G-, Adopted Decision 2019-01 (AAO Jul. 31, 2019)
如果TPS不能作为"合法身份"和之后的I485转换身份的话 非法入境的SIJ之后甚至都没
有TPS 并不可以转换身份交I485
对EB类需要一视同仁 至少至少需要合法入境记录 且在"虐待、遗弃"之前需要保证合法居留 身份gap不超过180天 要求同其他EB

5. SIJ绿卡即使入籍后也不允许提交任何配偶外的亲属移民申请 因为需要证明申请人
已经de facto被遗弃

6. 鉴于很多人事实上是偷渡进入美国投奔已经偷渡来的家人 建议USCIS让申请人提交
居住以及报税记录 证明申请人并没有伪造被遗弃

需要大家理解这个是征求公开意见 所以一定要写得言之有物 避免抄袭 任何情绪化的
不要过分强调拉美人 也不一定非要按我说的要点写 但一定要记得强调 EB类都是合法
要让USCIS明白 既然想走合法移民这条路 就要守法
非法入境的人请另寻其他途径 但不要伪装成合法移民

附:我写的comments 写得比较匆忙 请忽略比较明显的typo和语法错误:

As someone who is fairly familiar with United States immigration laws and
regulations, I am commenting to provide my feedback based on my decade of
experience regarding US immigration law.

The purpose of Employment Based 4th preference (EB4) special immigrant visa is to create a special category for Employment Based immigrants who are not otherwise eligible for regular EB 1-3 categories, such as religious worker
and aliens with certain relationship with US government and/or military
troops. Therefore, certain criteria has to be met in order to grant an
immigration petition and consequently adjustment of status.

The original purpose for the category of special immigrant is to protect
alien dependents who are already living in the US from domestic violence and/or other unforeseen life challenges. For instance, EB4 VAWA helped many
women and children that were brought into the US by scam marriage or even
human trafficking but faced the tragedy experience of being abused
afterwards. It was a great bipartisan move for protecting human rights.

However, since 2014, issues arose in the EB4 category. The sudden shortage
of the EB4 visa jeopardize many legal immigrants who might have faced issues in their daily lives. Specifically, rather than its purpose of protecting
the abused family members, the EB4 special immigrant juvenile category
started to be abused by certain groups of immigrants. The otherwise unused
visa quota which should have been reserved for protecting people who really need help are being used by people entered the country without inspection,
admission or parole and claimed that they are abandoned by foreign parents. This is not a stand alone issue. The long lasting abuse of the sacred EB4
visa has been identified numerous of times, for instance by department of
homeland security on Feb 15 2018 with news entitled "Unaccompanied Alien
Children and Family Units Are Flooding the Border Because of Catch and
Release Loopholes" https://www.dhs.gov/news/2018/02/15/unaccompanied-alien-

In order to protect the people who really need the help of EB4 visas, we
suggest that,
As an employment based immigration category, USCIS shall adapt similar rule during I-485 adjustment of status filing for all EB categories, including
EB4 SIJ. Specifically, the petitioner/beneficiary shall provide evidence
such as I-94 entry record showing that the most recent entry to the US was
legal admittance/parole. For those who are claiming to be a victim of
domestic violence or being abandoned, they should provide evidence that
there has been no gaps in their legal status during their presence in the US through the time they file a case through the juvenile court since the last entry (or the gaps are within the grace period as allowed). For those who
are overstayed, they should be applying for status such as TPS. For those
who entered the US without inspection, admittance or parole, they should
apply for asylum. According to Matter of H-G-G-, Adopted Decision 2019-01 (
AAO Jul. 31, 2019), those who entered the US without legal record, even may have lived under TPS for years, shall not be entitled to file I-485
adjustment of status under EB category.

(2) For those alien juveniles who claimed that they have been abandoned, on top of legal entry record, they should provide evidence showing that they
have bona fide relationship to the US. This is to show that staying in the
US is of the best interest to those petitioners. In most cases, reunifying
with relatives living in the home country is the best options for abandoned juveniles, rather than leaving them in a "foreign country" to them.
Therefore a bona fide relationship shall be established to proof that
staying in the US is to their best interest. For those who have already been adopted, the family based category for adoption is much faster and much
more convenient to use.

(3) SIJ shall be reserved for those underaged juveniles who were legally
admitted to the country but need the greatest help. Therefore, SIJ
petitioners with ages less than ten years old shall take higher priority
than petitioners with age 18-21 without severe disabilities.

Again, we are trying to help those people who are in the greatest need of
this special visa category. All those proposed suggestions are bare minimum requirements for all other EB categories. For the human rights of those who were admitted to this country legally, for them to live without fear and
danger, we hope our voice can be heard.





很多都是2013以前的评论 这一波目前只有五六个
随意的评论当然可以 不过我觉得想make our words heard 还是需要写得言之有物一点要不然和白宫那个请愿没神马区别了。。哈哈
【 在 curlman (Wei) 的大作中提到: 】
: 已经有62个评论啦。我看有的评论写的很随意啊。




【 在 Hierophant (Hierophant) 的大作中提到: 】
: 公开评论的页面在这里
: https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=USCIS-2009-0004
: 留评论请点那个"comment now"
: 千万记得这个是公开的 所以大家尽量用一些"本土化"的名字 而且一定要言之有物
: 如果大家觉得合理 晚上可以给大家提供几个模板
: 我其实比较推荐大家自己写 这样显得不像抄袭 again 尽量言之有物 否则有副作用
: 提供几个关键点:
: 1. 因为EB4是employment based 因此建议USCIS引入要求 不能允许非法入境的人基于
: 此adjustment of status
: 根据Matter of H-G-G-, Adopted Decision 2019-01 (AAO Jul. 31, 2019)
: ...................


根据我昨天发的AAO判例里AOC那个判例 州政府认定是未成年人就是未成年人
我加进main text里
【 在 DanielChai (Daniel) 的大作中提到: 】
: 提供个思路
: 不要反对SIJ。SIJ取消不了,但是可以要求USCIS严格遵守条款,把SIJ绿卡发给真正需
: 要的受虐待被遗弃的儿童和少年,不要给伪造证据以及完全由行事能力的准成年人。


建议用Safari 我用Chrome每次都不能提交成功
强烈建议大家自己写 看起来评论要经过审核(囧 说好的言论自由呢)

[email protected] [email protected] via gmail.com
10:30 PM (2 minutes ago)
to Hierophant
Regulations Logo
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status of your comment.
Agency: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
Document Type: Rulemaking
Title: Special Immigrant Juvenile Petitions; Reopening of Comment Period
Document ID: USCIS-2009-0004-0059

下边是我的评论 大家可以参考 但很可能大家不会像我一样有耐心写这么长。。

As someone who is fairly familiar with United States immigration laws and
regulations, I am commenting to provide my feedback based on my decade of
experience regarding US immigration law.

The purpose of Employment Based 4th preference (EB4) special immigrant visa is to create a special category for Employment Based immigrants who are not otherwise eligible for regular EB 1-3 categories, such as religious worker
and aliens with certain relationship with US government and/or military
troops. Therefore, certain criteria has to be met in order to grant an
immigration petition and consequently adjustment of status.

The original purpose for the category of special immigrant is to protect
alien dependents who are already living in the US from domestic violence and/or other unforeseen life challenges. For instance, EB4 VAWA helped many
women and children that were brought into the US by scam marriage or even
human trafficking but faced the tragedy experience of being abused
afterwards. It was a great bipartisan move for protecting human rights.

However, since 2014, issues arose in the EB4 category. The sudden shortage
of the EB4 visa jeopardize many legal immigrants who might have faced issues in their daily lives. Specifically, rather than its purpose of protecting
the abused family members, the EB4 special immigrant juvenile category
started to be abused by certain groups of immigrants. The otherwise unused
visa quota which should have been reserved for protecting people who really need help are being used by people entered the country without inspection,
admission or parole and claimed that they are abandoned by foreign parents. This is not a stand alone issue. The long lasting abuse of the sacred EB4
visa has been identified numerous of times, for instance by department of
homeland security on Feb 15 2018 with news entitled "Unaccompanied Alien
Children and Family Units Are Flooding the Border Because of Catch and
Release Loopholes" [URL REMOVED]

In order to protect the people who really need the help of EB4 visas, we
suggest that,
As an employment based immigration category, USCIS shall adapt similar rule during I-485 adjustment of status filing for all EB categories, including
EB4 SIJ. Specifically, the petitioner/beneficiary shall provide evidence
such as I-94 entry record showing that the most recent entry to the US was
legal admittance/parole. For those who are claiming to be a victim of
domestic violence or being abandoned, they should provide evidence that
there has been no gaps in their legal status during their presence in the US through the time they file a case through the juvenile court since the last entry (or the gaps are within the grace period as allowed). For those who
are overstayed, they should be applying for status such as TPS. For those
who entered the US without inspection, admittance or parole, they should
apply for asylum. According to Matter of H-G-G-, Adopted Decision 2019-01 (
AAO Jul. 31, 2019), those who entered the US without legal record, even may have lived under TPS for years, shall not be entitled to file I-485
adjustment of status under EB category.

(2) For those alien juveniles who claimed that they have been abandoned, on top of legal entry record, they should provide evidence showing that they
have bona fide relationship to the US. This is to show that staying in the
US is of the best interest to those petitioners. In most cases, reunifying
with relatives living in the home country is the best options for abandoned juveniles, rather than leaving them in a "foreign country" to them.
Therefore a bona fide relationship shall be established to proof that
staying in the US is to their best interest. For those who have already been adopted, the family based category for adoption is much faster and much
more convenient to use.

(3) SIJ shall be reserved for those underaged juveniles who were legally
admitted to the country but need the greatest help. Therefore, SIJ
petitioners with ages less than ten years old shall take higher priority
than petitioners with age 18-21 without severe disabilities.

Again, we are trying to help those people who are in the greatest need of
this special visa category. All those proposed suggestions are bare minimum requirements for all other EB categories. For the human rights of those who were admitted to this country legally, for them to live without fear and
danger, we hope our voice can be heard.
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First Name: Anonymous
Last Name: Anonymous

【 在 Hierophant (Hierophant) 的大作中提到: 】
: 公开评论的页面在这里
: https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=USCIS-2009-0004
: 留评论请点那个"comment now"
: 千万记得这个是公开的 所以大家尽量用一些"本土化"的名字 而且一定要言之有物
: 如果大家觉得合理 晚上可以给大家提供几个模板
: 我其实比较推荐大家自己写 这样显得不像抄袭 again 尽量言之有物 否则有副作用
: 提供几个关键点:
: 1. 因为EB4是employment based 因此建议USCIS引入要求 不能允许非法入境的人基于
: 此adjustment of status
: 根据Matter of H-G-G-, Adopted Decision 2019-01 (AAO Jul. 31, 2019)
: ...................




【 在 Hierophant (Hierophant) 的大作中提到: 】
: 建议用Safari 我用Chrome每次都不能提交成功
: 链接在这里:
: https://www.regulations.gov/comment?D=USCIS-2009-0004-0059
: 强烈建议大家自己写 看起来评论要经过审核(囧 说好的言论自由呢)
: receipt为证
: [email protected] [email protected] via gmail.com
: 10:30 PM (2 minutes ago)
: to Hierophant
: Regulations Logo
: Please do not reply to this message. This email is from a notification
: ...................



Agency: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
Document Type: Rulemaking
Title: Special Immigrant Juvenile Petitions; Reopening of Comment Period
Document ID: USCIS-2009-0004-0059

See attached file(s)

【 在 Hierophant (Hierophant) 的大作中提到: 】
: 建议用Safari 我用Chrome每次都不能提交成功
: 链接在这里:
: https://www.regulations.gov/comment?D=USCIS-2009-0004-0059
: 强烈建议大家自己写 看起来评论要经过审核(囧 说好的言论自由呢)
: receipt为证
: [email protected] [email protected] via gmail.com
: 10:30 PM (2 minutes ago)
: to Hierophant
: Regulations Logo
: Please do not reply to this message. This email is from a notification
: ...................


刚刚更新了文章内容 把要点整合到了一起 方便阅读
【 在 Hierophant (Hierophant) 的大作中提到: 】
: 公开评论的页面在这里
: https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=USCIS-2009-0004
: 留评论请点那个"comment now" 本文下半部分有我写的例子
: 已经看到了好几个人提交评论了 非常感谢大家花时间去写
: 因为是USCIS公开征集意见 所以只要言之成理就可以 评论的deadline是11月15号
: SIJ=special immigrant juvenile
: 在90年代的时候 这一类绿卡特意给那些受到家庭暴力或不测的职业移民的亲属作为预
: 留 比如 遭受家庭暴力的家庭成员(比如EB4 VAWA) 或者比如遭受家庭不测变故的EB副
: 申请人的家庭成员子女可以继续留在美国上学、工作
: ...................


看到昨天又有两个留言了 可惜一看就是白左的废话评论。。。
请大家帮忙 继续为USCIS停止EB4 SIJ留言

这几天估计因为奥本新指示 又让大家有了不同的意见了
吵架不管用 再怎么吵 我们分到的蛋糕一点都不会变多

有这功夫 不如去给USCIS写评论 反EB4 SIJ被非法移民abuse
好歹多点蛋糕渣 也不需要我们花巨款去氪金游说

严查一个SIJ 少抢一个EB1
多走一个EB1 少挤一个NIW
少挤一个NIW 少一个升降级
行千里不能一蹴而就 好歹我们可以积点跬步

【 在 Hierophant (Hierophant) 的大作中提到: 】
: 公开评论的页面在这里
: https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=USCIS-2009-0004
: 留评论请点那个"comment now" 本文下半部分有我写的例子
: 已经看到了好几个人提交评论了 非常感谢大家花时间去写
: 因为是USCIS公开征集意见 所以只要言之成理就可以 评论的deadline是11月15号
: SIJ=special immigrant juvenile
: 在90年代的时候 这一类绿卡特意给那些受到家庭暴力或不测的职业移民的亲属作为预
: 留 比如 遭受家庭暴力的家庭成员(比如EB4 VAWA) 或者比如遭受家庭不测变故的EB副
: 申请人的家庭成员子女可以继续留在美国上学、工作
: ...................


【 在 Hierophant (Hierophant) 的大作中提到: 】
: 看到昨天又有两个留言了 可惜一看就是白左的废话评论。。。
: 请大家帮忙 继续为USCIS停止EB4 SIJ留言
: 这几天估计因为奥本新指示 又让大家有了不同的意见了
: 吵架不管用 再怎么吵 我们分到的蛋糕一点都不会变多
: 有这功夫 不如去给USCIS写评论 反EB4 SIJ被非法移民abuse
: 好歹多点蛋糕渣 也不需要我们花巨款去氪金
: 严查一个SIJ 少抢一个EB1
: 多走一个EB1 少挤一个NIW
: 少挤一个NIW 少一个升降级
: 行千里不能一蹴而就 好歹我们可以积点跬步
: ...................



【 在 Hierophant (Hierophant) 的大作中提到: 】
: 看到昨天又有两个留言了 可惜一看就是白左的废话评论。。。
: 请大家帮忙 继续为USCIS停止EB4 SIJ留言
: 这几天估计因为奥本新指示 又让大家有了不同的意见了
: 吵架不管用 再怎么吵 我们分到的蛋糕一点都不会变多
: 有这功夫 不如去给USCIS写评论 反EB4 SIJ被非法移民abuse
: 好歹多点蛋糕渣 也不需要我们花巨款去氪金游说
: 11月15号截止
: 严查一个SIJ 少抢一个EB1
: 多走一个EB1 少挤一个NIW
: 少挤一个NIW 少一个升降级
: ...................


我觉得我已经很努力写文了 不论中文版还是我那个长的评论都挺努力的了

比较不理解的是 严查EB4 SIJ这个事情 基本跟任何华人的利益都不冲突 基本大家都支持这个严查的行为 但感觉依旧不入cacaa和一亩三分地的法眼 完全没多少人关注。。。
事实上发到了careerengine上 有那个评论区里的一个叫奥本的爷爷的网红站台 即便如此 也没多少人关注。。
【 在 josephjj (josephjj) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我已经提交了评论了,不过我看群里回应的人很少,完全没有前一段时间s386那么疯狂。
: 不知道是人们不觉醒还是咱们号召力太差,比不上卡卡联盟那么能忽悠。卡卡联盟是真
: 行,卖了他们他们都能帮着数钞票,不知道他们怎么做到的。



【 在 Hierophant (Hierophant) 的大作中提到: 】
: 非常感谢帮忙转发。。
: 我觉得我已经很努力写文了 不论中文版还是我那个长的评论都挺努力的了
: 我把我那个主题帖也尽量往吸引眼球的方向改了
: 比较不理解的是 严查EB4 SIJ这个事情 基本跟任何华人的利益都不冲突 基本大家都支
: 持这个严查的行为 但感觉依旧不入cacaa和一亩三分地的法眼 完全没多少人关注。
: 事实上发到了careerengine上 有那个评论区里的一个叫奥本的爷爷的网红站台 即便如
: 此 也没多少人关注。。
: 狂。



【 在 Hierophant (Hierophant) 的大作中提到: 】
: 非常感谢帮忙转发。。
: 我觉得我已经很努力写文了 不论中文版还是我那个长的评论都挺努力的了
: 我把我那个主题帖也尽量往吸引眼球的方向改了
: 比较不理解的是 严查EB4 SIJ这个事情 基本跟任何华人的利益都不冲突 基本大家都支
: 持这个严查的行为 但感觉依旧不入cacaa和一亩三分地的法眼 完全没多少人关注。
: 事实上发到了careerengine上 有那个评论区里的一个叫奥本的爷爷的网红站台 即便如
: 此 也没多少人关注。。
: 狂。


其实每个社会都是这样 欧洲人也是如此
比如19世纪末某著名作品"丑陋的欧洲人" (Psychologie des Foules)

但不管怎么样 多几个人看 多几个人转发 也许会多一点给USCIS的有点干货的评论
我们能做的事情有限 但能做一点是一点
【 在 josephjj (josephjj) 的大作中提到: 】
: 大部分人不懂得如何操纵,所以就没人关注,即使和他们自己利益相关。
: 只有会操作或者炒作,即使在损害他们利益,他们也会拼了嗓子喊。充分证明大部分人
: 都是没脑子的。
: 。。


我其实想转发到IV的 但IV这个组织也开始极端化了 所有人都要求实名 包括telegram
的群也都必须实名 感觉有点往氵去车仑工力的方法发展

严查EB4 SIJ这个事情可能会激发拉美人和亚洲人的矛盾 拉美人才不管合法违法 所以
千万记得不要写得太过分夸张 毕竟trackiit都是英语
【 在 josephjj (josephjj) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我去trackiit上喊一喊找印度人帮帮忙吧
: 。。


哎 哥们 内斗有的是场子 但现在这个事情需要大家团结起来一致对外 合法vs非法
【 在 denisedu (小肚子) 的大作中提到: 】
: 不要把别人当sb,就你们几个让人笑掉大牙的数据科学家,还不够格


【 在 Hierophant (Hierophant) 的大作中提到: 】
: 哎 哥们 内斗有的是场子 但现在这个事情需要大家团结起来一致对外 合法vs非法
: 谢谢啦



哎 这倒是 大家确实不一定能有空写长篇有内容的回复
而且 这件事情事实上一开头还是你提醒我的
如果最后我们可以促成严查 我们也要非常感谢你提醒大家USCIS重开评论这件事。。
【 在 curlman (Wei) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个事情有门槛啊,没几个人能花时间写那么多有干货的回复。打电话多容易,模板都
: 给写好了,照着念就行了。包括我本人,这个星期还没时间弄这个,希望周末能攒点时
: 间去回复。另外,我也在各个群宣传了,不知道效果如何。



【 在 Hierophant (Hierophant) 的大作中提到: 】
: 哎 这倒是 大家确实不一定能有空写长篇有内容的回复
: 非常感谢宣传!!!!
: 而且 这件事情事实上一开头还是你提醒我的
: 如果最后我们可以促成严查 我们也要非常感谢你提醒大家USCIS重开评论这件事。。


status update - 目前为止这一波征集评论收到了25个new comments
数据不一定实时 因为regulations.gov有人审核 审核过了才能发
感谢大家花时间去写评论! 写得越详细越好 但短评只要说得明白也有莫大帮助

鉴于上一波收集评论收集到了大概五六十条 我觉得至少我们要接近这个数字吧。。。
所以如果大家有心 请大家转发这个消息到其他在苦等排期的群里

还有一个建议就是: 尽量不要过多提及对中国的eb1排期的影响
逻辑上 严查EB4 SIJ可以帮到我们的EB1和间接帮到我们的EB23 但对于那些看评论的公众来说 他们不会care我们的EB123到底排期怎么样 他们care的是移民法有没有这种明
我们需要强调的是 EB4 SIJ被abuse是一件不合规也不合法的事情

11月15号截止 这是目前合法框架下 我们能迅速做到的做大蛋糕(哪怕只有一点点)的
best bet
【 在 Hierophant (Hierophant) 的大作中提到: 】
: 公开评论的页面在这里
: https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=USCIS-2009-0004
: 留评论请点那个"comment now" 本文下半部分有我写的例子
: 已经看到了好几个人提交评论了 非常感谢大家花时间去写
: 因为是USCIS公开征集意见 所以只要言之成理就可以 评论的deadline是11月15号
: 严查一个SIJ 少抢一个EB1
: 多走一个EB1 少挤一个NIW
: 少挤一个NIW 多一个PERM EB23
: 行千里不能一蹴而就 好歹我们可以积点跬步 虽然只是蛋糕渣 比原来大一点是一点
: ...................


写了一个法律层面的解释 表达一下 我尽力了。。。

Your comment:
According to USCIS regulation special immigrant juvenile (SIJ)
classification, it is specified that "If you committed a particular act or
violation of immigration law, you may be barred from adjusting status. If
you are classified as an SIJ, you are exempt from all bars to adjustment
except the terrorist-related adjustment bar in section 245(c)(6) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)." However, the exemptions lack
adequate laws to support its legitimacy.

According to INA § 245 (8 USC § 1255) (h) which in applying this section
to a special immigrant described in 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(27)(J), it requires that " (1) such an immigrant shall be deemed, for purposes of subsection (a), to have been paroled into the United States, and (2) in determining the
alien's admissibility as an immigrant - (A) paragraphs (4), (5)(A), (6)(A), (6)(C), (6)(D), (7)(A), and (9)(B) of section 1182(a) of this title shall
not apply; and (B) the Attorney General may waive other paragraphs of
section 1182(a) of this title (other than paragraphs (2)(A), (2)(B), (2)(C) (except for so much of such paragraph as related to a single offense of
simple possession of 30 grams or less of marijuana), (3)(A), (3)(B), (3)(C), and (3)(E)) in the case of individual aliens for humanitarian purposes,
family unity, or when it is otherwise in the public interest.".

Therefore, it is required that the immigrant shall be legally paroled into
the United States in the first place.

Furthermore, when determining the inadmissibility, in section 1182(a)
paragraphs (6)(A)(ii) Exception for certain battered women and children it
stated that, clause (i) (In general, an alien present in the United States
without being admitted or paroled, or who arrives in the United States at
any time or place other than as designated by the Attorney General, is
inadmissible.) shall not apply to an alien who demonstrates that-
(I) the alien is a VAWA self-petitioner;
(II)(a) the alien has been battered or subjected to extreme cruelty by a
spouse or parent, or by a member of the spouse's or parent's family residing in the same household as the alien and the spouse or parent consented or
acquiesced to such battery or cruelty, or (b) the alien's child has been
battered or subjected to extreme cruelty by a spouse or parent of the alien (without the active participation of the alien in the battery or cruelty) or by a member of the spouse's or parent's family residing in the same
household as the alien when the spouse or parent consented to or acquiesced in such battery or cruelty and the alien did not actively participate in
such battery or cruelty, and
(III) there was a substantial connection between the battery or cruelty
described in subclause (I) or (II) and the alien's unlawful entry into the
United States.

According to the above mentioned paragraph regarding the exemption of
inadmissibility, parole is viable to be obtained in the case that the SIJ
self petitioner(s) entered the United States without inspection, admittance or parole.

With that said, according to current immigration law, the application of of I-485 adjustment of status shall based on legal admittance and/or parole. in the case that SIJ self petitions entered the United States without
inspection, admittance or parole, they shall first apply for parole and re-
enter the United States in order to get the I-485 to be processed.
【 在 Hierophant (Hierophant) 的大作中提到: 】
: 公开评论的页面在这里
: https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=USCIS-2009-0004
: 留评论请点那个"comment now" 本文下半部分有我写的例子
: 已经看到了好几个人提交评论了 非常感谢大家花时间去写
: 因为是USCIS公开征集意见 所以只要言之成理就可以 评论的deadline是11月15号
: 严查一个SIJ 少抢一个EB1
: 多走一个EB1 少挤一个NIW
: 少挤一个NIW 多一个PERM EB23
: 行千里不能一蹴而就 好歹我们可以积点跬步 虽然只是蛋糕渣 比原来大一点是一点
: ...................

