America Is Alone in Its Cold War With China

楼主 (未名空间)

America Is Alone in Its Cold War With China - The Atlantic

2 days ago - In the contest between the United States and China over who
gets to shape the world in the coming century, America seems to be playing
to ...

作者Uri Friedman在这篇文章中指出,美国在与中国的“较量”中或已失去其盟友的支持。

It was a slap in the face to the U.S。 officials when UK Prime Minister
Boris Johnson announced that the country would allow the Chinese telecom
giant Huawei to enter its 5G market despite U.S’ urging it not to do so
over the alleged security risks, the article noted。

约翰逊在接受BBC电视访问时说 “If people oppose one brand or another then
they have to tell us what is the alternative, right?”

nation states vs neocon globalists, think about it.

The Atlantic, end of the story


【 在 tran299 (熟道勇释放很少) 的大作中提到: 】
: America Is Alone in Its Cold War With China - The Atlantic
: 2 days ago - In the contest between the United States and China over who
: gets to shape the world in the coming century, America seems to be playing
: to ...
: 作者Uri Friedman在这篇文章中指出,美国在与中国的“较量”中或已失去其盟友的支
: 持。
: It was a slap in the face to the U.S。 officials when UK Prime Minister
: Boris Johnson announced that the country would allow the Chinese telecom
: giant Huawei to enter its 5G market despite U.S’ urging it not to do so
: over the alleged security risks, the article noted。
: ...................