Harris Couldn’t Overcome Pete gay, Mini Mike, R-Agent

楼主 (未名空间)

No big surprise. Kamala Harris (Kamala Harris, whatever) has backed out or is dropping out of the 2020 presidential race. She was never in it.

The media hyped her a little bit because of all the boxes she checks off.
She’s a woman, female. Supposedly African-American, but really isn’t.
She hates Trump. No nonsense, smart, had an affair Willie Brown. She
checked all the boxes. It just never worked out.

Where you’ve got people like Joe Biden talking about his blond leg hair and sucking his wife’s fingers, I mean, if you’re Kamala Harris, how in the
world do you compete? Oh, yeah, he was talking about how young people —
African-Americans — go nuts watching his leg hair turn blond in the sun and in the swimming pool.