4chan 白人给中国人写了一封宣言书 (转载)

楼主 (未名空间)

【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren5 (吃喝), 信区: Military
标 题: 4chan 白人给中国人写了一封宣言书
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 15 22:43:59 2019, 美东)

Hello, /pol/. Spending time on here as inspired me to write something very
important. So I did. I wrote a letter to China, which I will post in parts
down below. I felt that I needed to write this down. I will be sending it to the Chinese government. I know that it will likely make no impact
whatsoever, but I felt that I needed to put this out there and let China
know that there are people from American that support them and would love to be a part of the future that China is paving for the world. I am sure that China is aware of a certain phenomenon that is taking place in the west as
we sit here, at least in part, and I am sure that they have considered
exposing this weakness to further China, in part, and in some ways they
definitely already are, but I am writing this nonetheless because I don’t
believe that China is fully aware of the scope of what sort of physiological effect it is having on young white men in our countries. I want to draw
attention to this phenomena so that China may both exploit this problem
while simultaneously helping us in a meaningful way. A way that might not be ideal for us at first, but an idea that is worth trying. Spending a lot of time on this website has made we aware of this problem. Living in California has made me even more aware. Our country is dying.

Bellow is my letter to China. Please read and offer improvements or comments. It is not the final draft. But it conveys the message I would like to get to the Chinese Government.

Dear China,

I am an American man and have been thinking a lot about your future. China's future seems much brighter than my country's future. And to be honest, I
wouldn’t hate the idea of China taking over the “leading role” that the
Europeans/Westerners have had over the world for the last few hundred years. I actually think the world will become Easternized within my lifetime
thanks to the Asian advancements happening now. I feel a global shift coming.

The white man and his reign over the sovereignty of the world will be shoved aside as China grows in every direction. The once great countries of the
European race are being consumed by invaders and are dwindling slowly into
reanimations of the countries from which those invaders came. The bright
torch of the western ideal will burn out with a smoldering cry, and I truly believe that it will be the Chinese that will take over that torch. A new
flame will burn bright.

The Chinese empire will fork its flag into the soil of every continent, prys its hands into every government and beggin rewriting a new history for
humanity, just as the Europeans had done over the last few hundred years. It is time for a new perspective.

I hope that there will be a place for my people down this new path of
Easternization, but if my stock is not strong enough then I will surrender
that hope and fully embrace the reality of darwinism. I will be happy that
at least Euorpeans will be absorbed into the DNA of the Hans legacy and be
apart of the transformation to come. I am writing this letter to you because I can foresee this happening. I call it “The Great Consumption.”
Anonymous (ID: 5txyaeoX) 11/15/19(Fri)16:42:43 No.233307426▶>>
233309628 >>233320460
The Great Consumption is the period of time where the Chinese rule the world and colonize the west. The only way that China can see itself becoming the new mantle on top of the world is to send its people to colonize the west
until the white natives have been consumed. But there is a better, faster
way for China to do this.

I am writing this letter to you because I would like to give you some advice. So far you are doing almost everything right, and I congratulate you on
that. Watching what China is doing has made me very excited. I am thrilled
to see what you will accomplish in my lifetime. I hope I can be a part of it. I am hopeful about the future of humanity thanks to you. My people have
let me down. We have let ourselves down. But you give me hope. As an
idealist I have always wanted to see my people create utopias and transform the world in a truly profound way. I believe we have tried a few times.
Hitler tried. But we failed. And right now it doesn’t look like we really
want to try anymore. It feels like we have given up on trying for better.

But you? You are only getting started, aren't you? And you will make
mistakes. And you won’t be perfect. But you will try, and that’s all we
can ask for. It’s all we deserve. To try for a better future. Maybe the
Chinese ideal is not in alignment with the west, and some of us resent you
for it. But our ideals are what left us docile. We are in no place to shame your way of life or try to stop your efforts to make the world how you think it should be, because right now you are the only country with any real
momentum, the only country achieving real advancements, and the only country with a 50 year plan to put yourself on top. That should be admired by all.

The leaders of my country have only one thing in mind, and that is money.
These glutinois, greedy, imbeciles couldn’t draw up even a reasonable 5
year plan for advancement, let alone 50 years. I used to think that because China self subscribed to Communist ideals that it was bad, but I will never shame a country for putting nationalism and advancements over money. I have seen what disgusting creatures the love for money has turned my people and
my country into. I believe China will be victorious in a pursuit against
Americanism. We have no unity between our government and our people. We have no racial unity. We are fractured. Broken into so many different ideologies. At this point, if you wanted, you could slowly take over our country with Chinese immigration, infiltrate the government, even the Presidency, and
turn us inside out like a sock puppet. But I know that is not your
intentions. Not entirely. Not in the long run. You want to see America gone. You want a Chinese world. I understand. That’s why I am writing you this
letter. I want to help you do that.

So, china, if you are reading this, this is how you do it.

I heard about your ghost cities. You build these big cities and malls and
houses, but leave them all empty. You do it for GDP. I get it. But here is
what you do now.

First you need to fill up all of these ghost cities. China will announce a
new program that will help with a problem that China has. A whole generation is beginning to die in China, and the next generation is not having enough kids to keep the population levels that China needs to stay alive. Societal impotence is a problem that many countries have, and is not unique to China. Most counties turn to immigration to solve this problem, and what I am
going to propose is no different. Only, it will be a new form of imigraation. Complicated and cunning. It just might work.

The program will aim to fix this problem, and China will launch a worldwide campaign that reaches out to mostly young people from European countries.
You will want to target countries with high white populations for two
reasons, which I will explain in a moment. The program will be called “The Western Expansion,” to make it appealing to your targeted audience, which
is young western men who feel that they have been displaced and mistreated
in their home countries, that feel there is no future for them in their own homeland. The campaign will offer a better life in China for anyone who
wants it, and I can assure you the market for this is growing. Your ghost
cities will be called “Western Colonies,” or something to that effect. You will offer them a free house, no strings attached. You will offer them a
free income to live on for five years to allow them to comfortably
assimilate. During these five years their only job is to learn Chinese. They will be given free (but mandatory) classes to learn Chinese. At the end of the five years there will be free assistance in getting a job, and will be
offered a free service that helps to find them a Chinese wife. The
experience should be very comfortable. They should feel that they are being helped and that they have value. That you are investing in them so that they can participate in the Great Chinese Future.

The native Chinese population will have a favorable outlook on the white
immigrants. They will be seen as an investment to help keep the Chinese
population stable. They will be seen as not only allies of the Chinese who
have abandoned their home countries to help the Chinese secure their future, but as people who are willingly choosing to become Chinese themselves,
willingly assimilating and investing their blood into the Chinese population by having ethnically Chinese children.

The white immigrants will feel like they are collinzing their Chinese wifes on a primal and evolutionary level, while also feeling like they are
investing their blood into the Chinese, which they know has the highest
chance of surviving in the new world.

Within only 20 years you will be able to immigrate between 30 and 50 million white immigrants. Both men and women. However, men will undoubtedly be the majority of the immigration. As the native Chinese population is well over 1 billion, their genetics will be absorbed into the Chinese population
rapidly. They will all have Chinese wifes, and Chinese children. This will
quickly increase your birth rates.

Now to explain the reasons for bringing specifically white immigrants.
Firstly, eventually you may need to bring immigrants no matter what. Simply for the survival of the Chinese economy, you need growth. If you wait too
long you will be forced to rapidly bring third world immigrants into China
like the west has been doing. But if you get ahead of the problem and slowly bring in more desirable European stock, you will be able to avoid the
problem of low IQ Africans. Euopean DNA is far superior than African or
Indian DNA. I want to repeat this because it is very important. By starting this program and securing a healthy growth of Euopean stock in China, you
are making sure that you will not have to bring in hords of brown third
world immigrants in the future just to keep your country afloat. This is
VERY important. The west is dying for this reason.

The second reason to bring white immigrants is simply to help destroy the
west even faster. Right now the west is your only competition and your only obstacle to becoming THE world superpower. By abstracting young white men
from white countries you are removing their population, and removing the
future of their country. You are stealing what’s left of the west and
injecting it into China. I believe there is both redemption and a usefulness left in my people that can help China in its advancement. They shouldn’t
be killed along with their countries. Not all of them. You can help save
what good is left in my people. Not only is our DNA worth saving, but a lot of young men would love a chance to fight for China if that means having a
purpose and living for something bigger than themselves.

Once you have filled up the ghost cities, here is the best way to continue
this program. Start building rows of houses where there are already Chinese towns and communities, and give them to the white immigrants for free, along with their education and government assistance in finding a Chinese wife.
Instead of the white immigrants having their own cities, they should be
living inside a typical Chinese environment so that they are comfortable
living in China, and not their own community. Assimilation is important.

Without young white men the west will have to bring in more third world
immigrants, and soon there will be no more white people at all because they all moved to China. The west will become a third world country as China
becomes even bigger and better. This is how you defeat the west.

It is my hope that you will consider my words. I am sure that you can expand and improve on this concept. I want to see you do the best you can do. It
is time for the world to experience real progress. The west has been playing make believe with our society for the last few generations. It is a
complete joke. The world deserves a more competent world superpower than

Show the world that the future belongs to you.

You deserve it.

Take the mantle.

Promise a better dream than the American dream. Promise not a dream, but a
future. The Great Chinese Future.

Build mega cities and fill them with young westerners eager to be a part of the Great Future. Take the redeemables with you. We are here.

Knock down the west, and lift up the world. Only you can do it.

You need the growth. So do it.


I have seen what disgusting creatures the love for money has turned my
people and
my country into.







【 在 sutton999(sutton) 的大作中提到: 】

: 干货是让中国免费给白青提供住房汉语教育5年和帮助找个中国老婆,


【 在 beijingren5 (吃喝) 的大作中提到: 】
: 发信人: beijingren5 (吃喝), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 4chan 白人给中国人写了一封宣言书
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 15 22:43:59 2019, 美东)
: http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/233307284
: Hello, /pol/. Spending time on here as inspired me to write something very
: important. So I did. I wrote a letter to China, which I will post in parts
: down below. I felt that I needed to write this down. I will be sending it to
: the Chinese government. I know that it will likely make no impact
: whatsoever, but I felt that I needed to put this out there and let China
: know that there are people from American that support them and would love to
: ...................



