LAT记者报道Pete Gay 喷奥巴,回头又 retract!

楼主 (未名空间)

LA Times reporter says he botched Buttigieg ‘failures of Obama era’ quote: ‘I deeply regret the mistake’

The Internet nearly melted down Sunday when the reliably liberal Los Angeles Times reported that 2020 Democratic hopeful Pete Buttigieg seemed to take
an out-of-character jab at President Obama, but it turns out there was a
simple explanation: It was all a mistake.

A story about Buttigieg’s appeal included a line that the mayor of South
Bend, Ind., said he thinks “the failures of the Obama era" help explain how we got Trump. The remark took social media by storm but the reporter
eventually declared he actually misquoted Buttigieg.

“My story about @PeteButtigieg ends with him referring to the ‘failures of the Obama era.’ That’s an inaccurate quote — the result of transcribing a noisy recording at a loud rally. His exact words were ‘failures of the
old normal,’ L.A. Times reporter Evan Halper wrote.

While many political watchdogs praised Halper for coming forward, some were skeptical. Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher even suggested that he wanted to
hear the audio for himself because Buttigieg’s team initial defended the