深喉的律师 2017 年就 号召 “弹劾” “起义” “颠覆” 政府!

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'Coup has started,' whistleblower's attorney said in 2017 posts calling for impeachment

Mark Zaid, one of the attorneys representing the whistleblower at the center of the Democrats' ongoing impeachment inquiry, tweeted conspicuously in
January 2017 that a "coup has started" and that "impeachment will follow

Then, in July 2017, Zaid remarked, "I predict @CNN will play a key role in @realDonaldTrump not finishing out his full term as president."

Amid a slew of impeachment-related posts, Zaid also assured his Twitter
followers that "as one falls, two more will take their place," referring to outgoing Trump administration employees.

The posts, which came shortly after President Trump fired then-acting
Attorney General Sally Yates for failing to defend federal laws in court,
are likely to fuel Republican concerns that the whistleblower's complaint is tainted with partisanship.

“The whistleblower’s lawyer gave away the game," the Trump campaign's
communications director, Tim Murtaugh. told Fox News. "It was always the
Democrats’ plan to stage a coup and impeach President Trump and all they
ever needed was the right scheme. They whiffed on Mueller so now they’ve
settled on the perfectly fine Ukraine phone call. This proves this was
orchestrated from the beginning.”

Trump has repeatedly accused Democrats and partisans in the intelligence
community of effectively plotting a coup against him, through selective
leaks and lengthy investigations.