媒体有点慌,warren 刚说的 52T,怕选民明白啥是MediCare ALL

楼主 (未名空间)

NYT headline "The Warren Way Is the Wrong Way: Her big-government plans
would damage rather than improve our economy." written by former Obama
administration Treasury Secretary Steven Rattner

Rattner wrote, "Senator Elizabeth Warren has unveiled her vision for how to pay for “Medicare for all” — a daunting mountain of new taxes and fees."


The Washington Post's deputy editorial page editor raised concerns over the real costs of Sen. Warren's plan to "remake the U.S. health-care system"
saying it is "festooned with magic asterisks" and "fanciful."


分析:因在 swing state,民主党候选人落后扩大,trump 在选举人票领先扩大,民主党只能搞弹劾了一条路了。。。

Varney: Media 'panic' over Elizabeth Warren's 'major gaffe that cannot be
taken back'

Last week, Sen. Warren, D-Mass., outlined a plan that would cost $52
trillion over the next decade, including $20 trillion in new spending, which would be covered largely by an array of taxes on corporations, the wealthy and employers in general.

"Now she is the darling of the left. But on this one, she is taking a
shellacking," Varney observed by running through some headlines from the
country's largest newspapers on Tuesday.

"But it gets worse," he continued. "The New York Times conducted an
extensive poll of battleground states, those states that will have a big say in deciding next year's winner... And the Times concluded, 'The president's advantage in the Electoral College... remains intact or has even grown.'"

"No wonder the Democrats are now pushing impeachment," concluded Varney. "
There is only a year to go to the election and they're losing on policy,
losing on prosperity and their socialist front-runners are being attacked by their own side."




【 在 renzaimg (michael) 的大作中提到: 】
: 看门狗狂犬病发作了,看来猪党确实有点不上道。