
楼主 (未名空间)

估计好多 民主党 议员心里 很不爽 warren 吧? 但嘴里有不好说啥!


Democrats in 2020 Senate races snubbed by Wall Street donors over Warren's
attacks: report

Elizabeth Warren's war on Wall Street has some 2020 Senate candidates in her own party caught in the crossfire, according to a new report.

According to CNBC, some "finance executives" have told Senate Minority
Leader Chuck Schumer they are -- for the moment -- refusing to fork over big bucks to back candidates running for the Senate next year due to "their
concerns with Warren becoming a front-runner in the race for the party’s
presidential nomination".

The report, which cited "people familiar with the conversations," described the approach as an attempt to pressure Schumer, D-N.Y., and other Senate
Democrats to "distance themselves from Warren’s economic populism."

“They feel, rightly or wrongly, attacked. Not just that there will be
higher taxes, but that she is running her entire campaign as them being
boogeymen,” a political advisor familiar with the conversations said,
according to CNBC.

