很多搞喜剧的,多数是黑人艺人,醒了,喷了cancel culture

楼主 (未名空间)

表达支持 第一修, 黑人 2020 估计要 革民主党的 命!


Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle and more comedians weigh in, bluntly, on '
cancel culture'

Comedians, as a breed, aren't well known for holding back. Now, many are
sounding off, in blunt terms, about so-called "cancel culture."

Cancel culture is a term used to describe holding public figures responsible (usually via social media) for problematic comments and behaviors -- people threaten to "cancel," or boycott people or companies in light of behaviors deemed objectionable.

The custom is often turned toward comedians because many of the most
prominent and successful ones show unabashed disregard for political

Take Dave Chappelle, who recently spoke about cancel culture and its
infringement on the First Amendment.

"Political correctness has its place,” Chappelle, 46, told The Hill just
before accepting the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor on Sunday. “We all want to live in a polite society; we just kind of have to work on the
levels of coming to an agreement of what that actually looks like.”

“I, personally, am not afraid of other people's freedom of expression. I
don't use it as a weapon. It just makes me feel better. And I'm sorry if I
hurt anybody,” he said. “Yada, yada, 'everything I'm supposed to say.”

Eddie Murphy expressed similar sentiments, saying that cancel culture isn't hindering stand-up comedy's growth.

"I think the art form is soaring higher than it's ever soared," Murphy, 58, said to Yahoo Entertainment. "Every now and then somebody might say
something that ruffles somebody's feathers or steps on somebody's toes or
whatever, but for the most part, it's bigger and more global and more
diverse than it's ever been."

Keegan-Michael Key suggested that there's more to cancel culture than being offended.


“Cancel culture is a term used to describe holding public figures
responsible(usually via social media) for problematic comments and behaviors -- peoplethreaten to "cancel," or boycott people or companies in light of
behaviors deemed objectionable.”



行动大于 说话,你不要装糊度。。。

cancel culture 基本是左派发起的,现在左派内部 觉得不妥,纷纷大家站出来,奥巴就刚说,

Harris 就大言不惭要 cancel trump 发推。。。。 被warren 嘲笑。。。。

【 在 ai1901 (笑看众生) 的大作中提到: 】
: “Cancel culture is a term used to describe holding public figures
: responsible(usually via social media) for problematic comments and
: -- peoplethreaten to "cancel," or boycott people or companies in light of
: behaviors deemed objectionable.”
: 好像是说美新版,一会儿不喝星巴克,一会儿不看谁的电影,一会儿又是谁的演技好烂
: 好烂。。。。