McCabe 说 Steele 自己都不信 “黄金尿”!

楼主 (未名空间)

那还用来做证据 搞 FISA !!!

ANDY'S ADMISSION: McCabe Says Steele Told FBI He ‘Could Not Vouch’ for
Dossier Material

Disgraced former FBI boss Andrew McCabe sat down with Carl Bernstein this
week to discuss his role in the Russia probe; admitting Christopher Steele
told the FBI he was unable to “vouch” for all his dossier material.

“We knew that Steele was working a number of different sources, some of
which has sub-sources, and sub-sub-sources, and he would represent that in
the reporting, as any good source should. It didn’t come with his
imprimatur of, ‘this is all gospel.’ It was like, ‘this is what I’m
hearing,’” said McCabe.