
楼主 (未名空间)

在飞行大约两个小时后,坐在28D座位上的一名乘客突然停止了呼吸。 根据其他乘客的说法,他从飞行开始就呼吸困难,机组人员问是否有医生,很多人也试图帮助该乘客。报告表明,这名乘客的妻子最初承认丈夫只是感到呼吸急促,缺乏味觉和气味。后面其妻子承认该男子的冠状病毒检测呈阳性,乘客被抬下飞机后,座位仅仅是被擦干了,飞机继续飞往洛杉矶

COVID-19 positive man dies on United flight
Unfortunately a passenger died on United Airlines flight 591 from Orlando to Los Angeles on Monday:

About two hours into the flight a passenger sitting in seat 28D stopped
breathing; according to other passengers, he was having a hard time
breathing from the beginning of the flight
The crew asked if there were any doctors onboard, and a few people ended up trying to help the passenger; you could apparently hear his bones cracking
during chest compression, and then the man turned blue
Reports suggest that the passenger’s wife initially admitted he was
experiencing shortness of breath and a lack of taste and smell, and when
talking to EMTs in New Orleans, the wife admitted the man had tested
positive for coronavirus
After the passenger was offloaded in New Orleans, his seat was wiped down,
and the plane continued to Los Angele
