U.S. plans January rollout of projects to counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative, official says
The United States plans to invest in five to 10 large infrastructure projects around the world in January as part of a broader G-7 initiative to counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative, a senior U.S. official said on Monday.
Officials are meeting with government and private-sector leaders as they hunt for projects to be funded under the Build Back Better World initiative launched by the G-7 in June.
The G-7 B3W initiative is aimed at narrowing the $40 trillion in infrastructure investment that developing countries will need by 2035 and providing an alternative to problematic lending practices by China, officials have said.
U.S. plans January rollout of projects to counter China’s Belt and Road
Initiative, official says
The United States plans to invest in five to 10 large infrastructure
projects around the world in January as part of a broader G-7 initiative to counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative, a senior U.S. official said on
Officials are meeting with government and private-sector leaders as they
hunt for projects to be funded under the Build Back Better World initiative launched by the G-7 in June.
The G-7 B3W initiative is aimed at narrowing the $40 trillion in
infrastructure investment that developing countries will need by 2035 and
providing an alternative to problematic lending practices by China,
officials have said.