The politics could be tricky, and you may or may not gain with fighting. No matter what, keep your good work, and build up alliance with other managers/directors. Your track record is your credential and you do not want to leave any doubt/stain on it, no matter what.
There are a few possible outcomes 1) keep your head low and replace your boss some time later 2) find another job with a better environment
When I was younger, I just left for another opportunity. But later, I just dealt with the very similar situation until the bad guys all left. You may find similar situations everywhere you go, to different degrees.
【 在 ulam (Dream or reality??) 的大作中提到: 】 : The politics could be tricky, and you may or may not gain with fighting. A : few outcomes depending on what you do. No matter what, keep your good work, : and build up alliance with other managers/directors. Your track record is : your credential and you do not want to leave any doubt/stain on it, no : matter what. : There are a few possible outcomes : 1) keep your head low and replace your boss some time later : 2) find another job with a better environment
【 在 baniony () 的大作中提到: 】
: 不管事情干的多好,都要被挑毛病挑刺,从来不表扬
: 拿各种特例来跟我比较,让我觉得我能力不行,努力不够
: 请假要么干脆不批准,要么签字的时候说我不努力,贪图安逸,不要总请假
: 天天灌输说弃小家,为大家,多做大事,不要管家里鸡毛蒜皮的小事
: 不听话的时候就大骂、大吼、人格侮辱,事后电话过来好言好语,道歉
: 天天强调绝对服从,讲军事管理那一套,说必须绝对服从才能打胜仗
: 有时候做事把人当傀儡,在背后一举一动每一句话都要通过微信、电话操控,然后暗地
: 监视
The politics could be tricky, and you may or may not gain with fighting. No matter what, keep your good work, and build up alliance with other managers/directors. Your track record is your credential and you do not want to leave any doubt/stain on it, no matter what.
There are a few possible outcomes
1) keep your head low and replace your boss some time later
2) find another job with a better environment
【 在 baniony () 的大作中提到: 】
: 不管事情干的多好,都要被挑毛病挑刺,从来不表扬
: 拿各种特例来跟我比较,让我觉得我能力不行,努力不够
: 请假要么干脆不批准,要么签字的时候说我不努力,贪图安逸,不要总请假
: 天天灌输说弃小家,为大家,多做大事,不要管家里鸡毛蒜皮的小事
: 不听话的时候就大骂、大吼、人格侮辱,事后电话过来好言好语,道歉
: 天天强调绝对服从,讲军事管理那一套,说必须绝对服从才能打胜仗
: 有时候做事把人当傀儡,在背后一举一动每一句话都要通过微信、电话操控,然后暗地
: 监视
When I was younger, I just left for another opportunity. But later, I just
dealt with the very similar situation until the bad guys all left. You may
find similar situations everywhere you go, to different degrees.
【 在 ulam (Dream or reality??) 的大作中提到: 】
: The politics could be tricky, and you may or may not gain with fighting. A
: few outcomes depending on what you do. No matter what, keep your good work,
: and build up alliance with other managers/directors. Your track record is : your credential and you do not want to leave any doubt/stain on it, no
: matter what.
: There are a few possible outcomes
: 1) keep your head low and replace your boss some time later
: 2) find another job with a better environment