Data science MS program: Carnegie Mellon vs. Georgia Tech

楼主 (未名空间)

Received offers of data science master degree program from Carnegie mellon
and Georgia Tech. Carnegie is a big name, but much more expensive, and their program is more academic. How do people in industries compare the students graduated from the two schools?

I have three years of experience in IT consulting. Prefer to stay in IT
after graduation, but not in IT consulting.

Not sure which program I should go with. I'd like to get some quick advices from here (need to make decision before next Tuesday). Your replies are
highly appreciated.


Are these two DS offers online or on-campus MS program?
If on-campus, go to Carnegie Mellon.
If online, go to Georgia Tech.

Thanks. They are all on campus programs. Could you get more in detail why
CMU, except for the big name?

【 在 edmca(革命象暴风雨) 的大作中提到: 】
<br>: Are these two DS offers online or on-campus MS program?
<br>: If on-campus, go to Carnegie Mellon.
<br>: If online, go to Georgia Tech.


If you plan to join a Tier 1 company, Carnegie Mellon is preferred.
If you plan to join a Tier 2 or 3 company, Georgia Tech is also good.
Top university diploma has some advantage at the time of one's graduation
from the school.
After all, your real talent & interview skill are the most important in the job market.

Many thanks for the information.

【 在 edmca(革命象暴风雨) 的大作中提到: 】

: If you plan to join a Tier 1 company, Carnegie Mellon is preferred.

: If you plan to join a Tier 2 or 3 company, Georgia Tech is also good.

: Top university diploma has some advantage at the time of one's

: from the school.

: After all, your real talent

曾经见过几个中国小留,虽然 Carnegie Mellon 和 Columbia 大学 CS 硕士毕业,
但是刷 Leetcode 水平或面试技巧不行,也就在三流 IT 公司或咨询公司做个码工。
Google 公司特别偏爱 Carnegie Mellon 大学的毕业生,因为 Google 的核心:“三匹马车”,
就是 Carnegie Mellon 大学的一个研究小组搞出来的。