尼玛上帝选民成小白鼠了,以色列疫苗死亡率比COVID死亡高40倍 (

楼主 (未名空间)

【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren4 (), 信区: Military
标 题: 尼玛上帝选民成小白鼠了,以色列疫苗死亡率比COVID死亡高40倍
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 4 14:45:17 2021, 美东)

辉瑞的疫苗杀死的人数比“在给定时间范围内声称的COVID-19病毒要高出40倍(老年人)”和“ 260倍”。

Experimental vaccine death rate for Israel’s elderly 40 times higher than
COVID-19 deaths: researchers

Pfizer's vaccine killed ‘about 40 times more (elderly) people’ and ‘260
times’ more of the young than ‘what the COVID-19 virus would have claimed in the given time frame.’