Your problem is a learned helplessness. "老美最先裁的就是老中,然后是老印" where is this written? why must it be true? Because you say it? Because you bend over backwards and tremble at the least sign of trouble. When you should be proactively defending your position instead.
"很多公司已经明说不要中国人,说是上面有严格规定,政府也有一些指令性的东西" If this is true, how could the big layoff affect you?
You'd say anything in order to paralyze people and cause them to distrust each other. While I'd say anything to wake people up and unite them.
That's our difference. Please don't say you are Chinese, and I'm not. The Chinese have to see through posts like that.
是要砍烙印。 毕竟IBM烙印比老美都多。
他们估计A OR B:
A) 兴风作浪
B) 狗急跳墙
把老中搅得自乱阵脚。 老中得稳住,别整天叽叽喳喳,
一惊一乍。 反正以不变应万变,就是联合老美,抗击
: 楼主还老中老美联合起来
: 整个一傻逼
: 老美最先裁的就是老中,然后是老印
: 很多公司已经明说不要中国人,说是上面有严格规定,政府也有一些指令性的东西
: 蓝皮进核心组都要再三考虑,否则会被政府刁难
Your problem is a learned helplessness.
where is this written?
why must it be true?
Because you say it?
Because you bend over backwards and tremble at the least sign of trouble.
When you should be proactively defending your position instead.
If this is true, how could the big layoff affect you?
You'd say anything in order to paralyze people and cause them to distrust
each other.
While I'd say anything to wake people up and unite them.
That's our difference. Please don't say you are Chinese, and I'm not.
The Chinese have to see through posts like that.
把老中搅得自乱阵脚。 老中得稳住,别整天叽叽喳喳,
一惊一乍。 反正以不变应万变,就是联合老美,抗击