
楼主 (未名空间)

When deciding projector vs TV, eye health is a major consideration. Screens like TVs produce eye-damaging direct blue light. A projector’s Indirect
light – even its indirect blue light – is much gentler on the eyes. Along with other safety features – which you can learn about below – projectors are the best option based strictly on eye health.

Read more on which display option is best for you and your eyes or go right to some home theater projectors.

Projectors vs. TVs, which should you choose for your next home entertainment setup? There are many important factors to consider such as cost, screen
size, and image quality, but those are features of the product itself. What about consideration to effects of the product on the user, in this case, you and your family, who will be spending hours enjoying TV programs, movies
and streaming content on your new home entertainment system? If selecting a solution that will have the least effect on your health, especially your
eyes, there are some issues you may not have considered before.



不懂 我现在就是整天对着墙啊 现在就可以啊

【 在 sinausa (meizhong) 的大作中提到: 】
: 啥时候有电脑Projector显示屏了,就可以整天对着墙发呆了。