Get up to $200 in combined Airline Incidental and TSA Pre✓®/ Global Entry Statement Credits. Plus, access to world class travel perks: travel and purchase protections, luxury hotel collection and concierge service.
【 在 Card (Four Dimension) 的大作中提到: 】 : $100 is for TSA Pre, no other way to redeem it. : The other $100 can buy AA gift card. tested last month, worked.
boa Premium Rewards card 的200刀航空Statement Credits怎么用掉?可以买航空公
Get up to $200 in combined Airline Incidental and TSA Pre✓®/
Global Entry Statement Credits. Plus, access to world class travel perks:
travel and purchase protections, luxury hotel collection and concierge
$100 is for TSA Pre, no other way to redeem it.
The other $100 can buy AA gift card. tested last month, worked.
【 在 Card (Four Dimension) 的大作中提到: 】
: $100 is for TSA Pre, no other way to redeem it.
: The other $100 can buy AA gift card. tested last month, worked.
这个好,我的还没用,用不上就年底买AA gift card