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Smartwatches, Wristbands Maintain Strong Growth in Q2 2019: IDC Report
By Sam Draper -26. September 2019
Smartwatches maintain growth in QC 2019
Xiaomi maintained top position in QC 2019 thanks to its latest Mi Band 4 (
Image: Xiaomi)
Wrist-worn wearables shipment went up 28.8% in Q2 2019, according to a new
report by International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Wearable Device Tracker. During this period 34.2 million units of these devices,
which include smartwatches, basic watches and wrist bands, were shipped,
said the report. The top 5 companies – Xiaomi, Apple, Huawei, Fitbit, and
Samsung – continued to push forward with new products and promotional
campaigns during the quarter, collectively capturing 65.7% of the market, an almost 12-point gain from last year.

Read more Fitbit Faces A Tough Road Ahead in India’s Growing Wearables

“Health is now at the forefront for these devices since companies have
started providing actionable insights and prescriptive measures for end
users,” said Jitesh Ubrani, research manager for IDC Mobile Device Trackers. “Beyond health, mobile payment is also starting to become a mainstay as
roughly two out of five wrist-worn wearables now include NFC, and many more simply use QR codes to complete transactions.”

Xiaomi, known for its MI Band series, maintained the top position thanks to its latest Mi Band 4. The company, which focuses almost exclusively on wrist bands, lured new customers with its low-cost fitness trackers. While China is its biggest market, Xiaomi is still prioritizing to expand beyond China, the IDC report states.

Apple came in second in terms of units sold, but the company outpaces all
others in terms of dollar value as the average selling price (ASP) for an
Apple Watch was $448 during the quarter. The company’s newly announced
Apple Watch 5 should help it maintain its leadership in the smartwatch
market. IDC anticipates shipments of the Apple Watch to grow by 10.8% by the end of 2019 and capture 38.9% of all smartwatches shipped during the year.

IDC Q2 2019 report
Image: IDC
In the third place was Huawei, a company aimed at capturing the mass market with the Huawei brand and a younger audience with the Honor brand. The new
report shows Huawei focused on the Chinese market during the quarter,
growing its share, rather than prioritizing international expansion as it
had in past quarters.

Wristband market pioneer Fitbit ranked fourth place in the report. Although sale of its smartwatches declined, Fitbit was able to manage overall growth due to the popularity of the newly launched Inspire wristbands.

Read more Rising Popularity of Female Health Tech Will Take A Big Bite Out
of Wearables Market

Samsung rounded out the top 5 and achieved the highest growth rate amongst
the top 5 due to the introduction of its low-cost wrist bands, the Galaxy
Fit and Galaxy Fit e, and the popularity of the Galaxy Watch.

“Glancing at data – like notifications, fitness stats, and even checking
the time – remain the popular use case, but to be able to interact with the device via smart assistants, scroll easily through data with the rotating
bezel like Samsung’s smartwatches, or connecting to smart home applications and devices raises wrist-worn wearables’ utility. Layer on top of this the growing market for applications on smartwatches, and the value of these
device increase further,” said Ramon T. Llamas, research director,



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【 在 Sarharast (LT) 的大作中提到: 】
: 小米股价跌成屎了



【 在 mrmaja (夏日炎炎) 的大作中提到: 】
: 因为华为被制裁,被逼
: 去抢国内市场