NYS WCB Case# G2029240: "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" is again on "S

楼主 (未名空间)

NYS WCB Case# G2029240: "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" is again on "Surgery", not
available for "Hearing"
Dec. 01, 2020, Tuesday
by Limin Wang

It's a sham and shame procedure of the so-called Workers' Compensation in
New York State again. The Workers' Compensation Law Judge Mr. Lucky
Enobakhare is playing "helpless" and "hopeless" and "patient" to the so-
called "Mrs. Best" in "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" office for the non-availability
of "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" AGAIN. The following images were from a file what
the defense's law firm Jones | Jones LLC has claimed, and my short response to the AGAIN non-availability of "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh". Mr. Lucky Enobakhare, "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" is not my doctor, as you frame in such a way. "Dr.
Benjamin S. Uh" is a sham "treating doctor", but a real part of the state-
terrorism to function to laundry the REAL MEDICAL EVIDENCES off in sham and shame "medical reports". Not only on FAKE medical diagnosis and treatments, medical providers in places such as New York Medical & Diagnostic Center
carried out PROFESSIONAL MURDEROUS ACTS in the disguise of "medical
diagnoses" and "medical treatments" from the VERY BEGINNING OF THEIR SO-

Wait for my update on "The Pursuit of Justice". It is not because of "no
evidence"; It is because of too many evidences, including those of the
government agencies such as New York State Workers' Compensation Board. In
Chinese, the evidences are 罄竹难书。
【 在 WangLimin (王利民) 的大作中提到: 】
: NYS WCB Case# G2029240: "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" is again on "Surgery", not
: available for "Hearing"
: Dec. 01, 2020, Tuesday
: by Limin Wang
: It's a sham and shame procedure of the so-called Workers' Compensation in : New York State again. The Workers' Compensation Law Judge Mr. Lucky
: Enobakhare is playing "helpless" and "hopeless" and "patient" to the so-
: called "Mrs. Best" in "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" office for the non-availability
: of "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" AGAIN. The following images were from a file what : the defense's law firm Jones | Jones LLC has claimed, and my short
: ...................