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南非的研究说辉瑞疫苗接种者的血清, 其对抗omicron的效力比对抗先前毒株平均下降了
Omicron likely to weaken COVID vaccine protectionhttps://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03672-3

A study led by virologist Alex Sigal, at the African Health Research
Institute in Durban, South Africa, found that serum – the antibody-
containing portion of blood — from 12 people who received the Pfizer-
BioNtech vaccine was 40 times less potent against Omicron, on average,
compared to an earlier strain of SARS-CoV-2. That was similar to two other
studies: one reported by Pfizer and BioNtech in an 8 December press release,and the other released on Twitter by virologist Sandra Ciesek at Goethe
University in Frankfurt, Germany.