
楼主 (未名空间)


I am looking for motivated individuals to study the emergence of spatial
self-organization, morphogenesis, growth control and stress response in
fission yeast and human cells. My laboratory focuses in particular on the
control of Cdc42 GTPase dynamics in cell polarity, and in the role of mRNA
granule assembly in the regulation of cell growth and chronological lifespan. Further, we have recently started a collaborative project with NASA,
investigating the molecular underpinnings of cell resilience to cosmic
radiation and microgravitational forces.

The postdoctoral fellow will perform experiments in human and fission yeast cells, using a variety of genetic, microscopical, and biochemical approaches. We use also large-scale genetic screening approaches to identify
regulatory networks that affect morphogenesis. Individual hired will need to be able to function independently; to design and perform routine and
complex laboratory experiments. Prior experience in microscopy, genetics and/or molecular biology techniques is desirable, but not required.