M1 8GB设计有问题

楼主 (未名空间)


8GB M1 MacBook and Mac mini have excessive ssd read/write issues that
significantly reduce ssd lifespan. 16gb is a must.

M1 Mac Users Report Excessive SSD Wear

How worried should you be about your M1 Mac's SSD lifespan?

There are two major causes:

1. small ram (8GB) and ARM chipsets' increasing demand for RAM (due to weak RAM management on the legacy Unix/Linux memory/swap system with ARM
instruction sets).
Apple's solution: disproportionately increases the size and usage of the
swap partition;

2. Rosetta 2 translation demands larger RAM than X86, X64 precompiled apps.
Apple's solution: disproportionately increases the size and usage of the
swap partition, again.

So, you would expect a significant reduction in SSD lifespan on an M1 Mac
compared to an Intel mac, not to mention a Windows pc which has a much more robust ram/pagefile management system.


是Rosetta 的问题,