A 老师POST 成绩时,虽然是在GRADEBOOK自动生成ABCDF,但可以手动微调。有一次一个学生发信给我,他只差0.1%到A,能否进到A? 我当然同意。
B 想提高一点儿成绩时,也可以问老师有没有EXTRA CREDIT 机会?我附一下上学期期 末考试之前一个学生的EMAIL:
Good morning! I hope you're doing well. I've recently checked my grade in your class and saw that it wasn't too good. I was wondering if there was anything I could do like extra credit, redo any work, or something that I could do in the future to improve my performance in your class. I will try my best to work toward any goal. If there is nothing I can do, then I understand and I will continue to try my best.
A 标准化考试,来源大家都已经清楚,老师只是监考而已。而且老师会被问及有否家人亲戚参加考试?如果是,监考的工作也免了。
B UNIT 考试 ,年级同一个LEVEL统一,学区有存档。比如两个法文老师同时教FRENCH 1,考题是一样的。如果要换题目,GROUP大家需要一起换。所以常常不是一个老师偷懒不偷懒的问题。试题有变化,需要报备系主任。
C FINAL, 年级同一个LEVEL统一,学区有存档。为了快速出成绩报告,一般出选择题,机器一扫描就可以阅卷。Final一般只占学期成绩的15-20%,所以学习好的学生根本
D QUIZ, 各个老师可以自由出题,没有统一测试标准。
A 试卷分成AB卷,但是一般只是换问题与答案次序。
B 缺席考试的,补考时可以给难度差不多的,不一定是同一份试题。
三 适当地学会与老师沟通:
A 老师POST 成绩时,虽然是在GRADEBOOK自动生成ABCDF,但可以手动微调。有一次一个学生发信给我,他只差0.1%到A,能否进到A? 我当然同意。
B 想提高一点儿成绩时,也可以问老师有没有EXTRA CREDIT 机会?我附一下上学期期
Good morning! I hope you're doing well. I've recently checked my grade in
your class and saw that it wasn't too good. I was wondering if there was
anything I could do like extra credit, redo any work, or something that I
could do in the future to improve my performance in your class. I will try
my best to work toward any goal. If there is nothing I can do, then I
understand and I will continue to try my best.
I hope you understand, take care!