【 在 wuyueliuhuo (wuyueliuhuo) 的大作中提到: 】 : Haha, there are three kinds of losers on this website that exhibit the : symptom of ultra-English-sensitive: : 1) paid trolls. The limited access to Google translator and their limited IQ : means using English is hard for them to do their job. : 2) self-hating yellow dump ass kissers with failed skin bleaching therapy. : 3) dumb dumbs who really couldn't help being marginalized in a country whose : official language is English. : I got a pretty good guess which kind you are.
【 在 wuyueliuhuo (wuyueliuhuo) 的大作中提到: 】 : "最后,德州大学Fisher案的律师应该也很有名气,不过是走种族歧视路线的。不过对 : 于程序正义也是蛮精通的。" : Hehe, so many dumb dumb buy into this. : If this so-called lawyer is really good, he would have go after the Jewish : students instead of the African America ones. : Is that lawyer Jewish? If yes, that would explain a lot.
Are you one of those born again chinese immigration agent or lawyer? And Where you a yellow dump kisser in 2016?
I honestly don't care about Fisher or whatever. But I do care about the possibility that the same Zionist's money might be behind that case and the so-called "harvard" case.
Supposedly, there were two plaintiffs in the Harvard case. One named Jason Fong or Wang, whom I hope is not the son of that chinese loser who wrote a book on how to be a success in child rearing before the child even grew up. If so, poor kid, he would be a failure if he couldn't shake off his stupid and vile father.
The other supposed to be a pacific island kid named M.A. Since the Pacific Islanders have been separately listed from general Asian population in most forms and generally benefit from AA policy. If that M.A kid is not a fraud, I wonder if the US Pacific Islander community is aware that they were being used for this lawsuit.
Hehe, so many dumb dumb buy into this.
If this so-called lawyer is really good, he would have go after the Jewish
students instead of the African America ones.
Is that lawyer Jewish? If yes, that would explain a lot.
【 在 wandererus (小小) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这确实是很现实的问题,会搭进去巨大的精力,也许没有想要的结果,也需要坚持很多
: 年才会有结果。这是楼主的个人选择了。
: 之前看过一个电影,由真事儿改编的。讲发明了汽车雨刷器的科学家被福特霸占了专利
: ,花了几十年和福特打官司,时间太久,经济不支,一直到妻离子散。中间福特几次要
: 和解,他也拒绝了。虽然几十年之后官司赢了,而且拿了上千万的赔偿。。。不知道主
: 人公有没有反思过这个值不值。
: 讲这个故事,不是要打击楼主。只是希望楼主能清楚自己的选择,也建议在自己的内心
: 有个关于closure的预先设定。这案子进行到哪一步,就应该move on了— 自己诉求得
: 到满足,或者认识到诉求不可能得到满足。
: 所以,需要明确的是你想得到的是什么:学校公开道歉,你的学位,金钱赔偿,还是别
: ...................
【 在 wuyueliuhuo (wuyueliuhuo) 的大作中提到: 】
: Haha, there are three kinds of losers on this website that exhibit the
: symptom of ultra-English-sensitive:
: 1) paid trolls. The limited access to Google translator and their limited IQ
: means using English is hard for them to do their job.
: 2) self-hating yellow dump ass kissers with failed skin bleaching therapy.
: 3) dumb dumbs who really couldn't help being marginalized in a country
: official language is English.
: I got a pretty good guess which kind you are.
【 在 wuyueliuhuo (wuyueliuhuo) 的大作中提到: 】
: "最后,德州大学Fisher案的律师应该也很有名气,不过是走种族歧视路线的。不过对
: 于程序正义也是蛮精通的。"
: Hehe, so many dumb dumb buy into this.
: If this so-called lawyer is really good, he would have go after the Jewish
: students instead of the African America ones.
: Is that lawyer Jewish? If yes, that would explain a lot.
The other tell-tell sign of those three group of losers is they tend to have vagina issues.
Now let's see the jump again.
【 在 ToyotaYaris (丰田雅力士) 的大作中提到: 】
: Only sb 打一大片蹩脚英语
: IQ
: whose
Where you a yellow dump kisser in 2016?
I honestly don't care about Fisher or whatever. But I do care about the
possibility that the same Zionist's money might be behind that case and the so-called "harvard" case.
Supposedly, there were two plaintiffs in the Harvard case. One named Jason
Fong or Wang, whom I hope is not the son of that chinese loser who wrote a
book on how to be a success in child rearing before the child even grew up. If so, poor kid, he would be a failure if he couldn't shake off his stupid
and vile father.
The other supposed to be a pacific island kid named M.A. Since the Pacific
Islanders have been separately listed from general Asian population in most forms and generally benefit from AA policy. If that M.A kid is not a fraud, I wonder if the US Pacific Islander community is aware that they were being used for this lawsuit.
【 在 wandererus (小小) 的大作中提到: 】
: 显然你并不了解Fisher案
楼上很多人都分析的很好,把一个学校整体当靶子是比较困难的, 感觉从dean身上找
毛病好像更靠谱一些。还是那句话,如果能从dean的历来文献里挑出脏东西来,并以此作为武器还是很有希望的。 这算是学术版的 metoo 吧,想必也都看到 metoo 的威力